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Robust, Large-scale Concurrent and Distributed ...

Philipp Haller
August 17, 2018

Robust, Large-scale Concurrent and Distributed Programming

Philipp Haller

August 17, 2018


  1. Philipp Haller Philipp Haller 1 Docent Lecture Robust, Large-scale Concurrent

    and Distributed Programming KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden August 17th, 2018
  2. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] – Twitter has about 330 million monthly active users [3] • Reacting at the speed of the environment (guaranteed timely responses) – Example: autonomous driving • High availability • Fault tolerance 2
  3. Philipp Haller 3 Steam delivers 16.9 PB per week to

    users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2]
  4. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] 4 February 2018
  5. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] – Twitter has about 330 million monthly active users [3] 4 February 2018 Q4, 2017
  6. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] – Twitter has about 330 million monthly active users [3] • Reacting at the speed of the environment (guaranteed timely responses) 4 February 2018 Q4, 2017
  7. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] – Twitter has about 330 million monthly active users [3] • Reacting at the speed of the environment (guaranteed timely responses) – Example: autonomous driving 4 February 2018 Q4, 2017
  8. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] – Twitter has about 330 million monthly active users [3] • Reacting at the speed of the environment (guaranteed timely responses) – Example: autonomous driving • High availability 4 February 2018 Q4, 2017
  9. Philipp Haller Motivation Demands of new and emerging software applications:

    • Rapidly increasing scale of workloads: – CERN amassed about 200 PB of data from over 800 trillion collisions searching for the Higgs boson. [1] – Steam, a digital content distribution service, delivers 16.9 PB per week to users in Germany (USA: 46.9 PB) [2] – Twitter has about 330 million monthly active users [3] • Reacting at the speed of the environment (guaranteed timely responses) – Example: autonomous driving • High availability • Fault tolerance 4 February 2018 Q4, 2017
  10. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Solution • Enables construcing systems

    that are: – physically distributed, e.g. Internet of Things 5
  11. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Solution • Enables construcing systems

    that are: – physically distributed, e.g. Internet of Things – fault-tolerant 5
  12. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Solution • Enables construcing systems

    that are: – physically distributed, e.g. Internet of Things – fault-tolerant – highly available 5
  13. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Solution • Enables construcing systems

    that are: – physically distributed, e.g. Internet of Things – fault-tolerant – highly available – elastic (subsumes scalable) 5
  14. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Challenge • Programmers must master

    the complex interplay of: – concurrency of computations 6
  15. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Challenge • Programmers must master

    the complex interplay of: – concurrency of computations – asynchronicity of events 6
  16. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Challenge • Programmers must master

    the complex interplay of: – concurrency of computations – asynchronicity of events – failure of communication and/or systems 6
  17. Philipp Haller Distributed Programming: A Challenge • Programmers must master

    the complex interplay of: – concurrency of computations – asynchronicity of events – failure of communication and/or systems • An extreme challenge even for expert programmers 6
  18. Philipp Haller Overview • Motivation • Part 1: Type systems

    for data-race safe concurrency • Part 2: Practical deterministic concurrency • Part 3: Lineage-based distributed programming • Ongoing and future work • Conclusion 7
  19. Philipp Haller Overview • Motivation • Part 1: Type systems

    for data-race safe concurrency • Part 2: Practical deterministic concurrency • Part 3: Lineage-based distributed programming • Ongoing and future work • Conclusion 8
  20. Philipp Haller Data Races: A Concurrency Hazard • What is

    a data race? • A data race occurs 9
  21. Philipp Haller Data Races: A Concurrency Hazard • What is

    a data race? • A data race occurs – when two tasks (threads, processes, actors) concurrently access the same shared variable (or object field) and 9
  22. Philipp Haller Data Races: A Concurrency Hazard • What is

    a data race? • A data race occurs – when two tasks (threads, processes, actors) concurrently access the same shared variable (or object field) and – at least one of the accesses is a write (an assignment) 9
  23. Philipp Haller Data Races: A Concurrency Hazard • What is

    a data race? • A data race occurs – when two tasks (threads, processes, actors) concurrently access the same shared variable (or object field) and – at least one of the accesses is a write (an assignment) • In practice, data races are difficult to find and fix 9
  24. Philipp Haller Data Races: A Concurrency Hazard • What is

    a data race? • A data race occurs – when two tasks (threads, processes, actors) concurrently access the same shared variable (or object field) and – at least one of the accesses is a write (an assignment) • In practice, data races are difficult to find and fix • They can have dramatic consequences… 9
  25. Philipp Haller 10 The Northeast blackout of 2003: a widespread

    power outage throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern US and the Canadian province of Ontario on August 14, 2003 Primary cause: a data-race bug in the alarm system at the control room of FirstEnergy Corporation
  26. Philipp Haller Problem Most widely-used pogramming languages cannot ensure data-race

    safety for their provided or enabled concurrency abstractions 11
  27. Philipp Haller Problem Most widely-used pogramming languages cannot ensure data-race

    safety for their provided or enabled concurrency abstractions 11 IEEE Spectrum ranking "Top Programming Languages 2018" ("Trending" preset) https://spectrum.ieee.org/static/interactive-the-top-programming-languages-2018
  28. Philipp Haller Goal Static prevention of data races • using

    a lightweight type system • that minimizes the effort to reuse existing code 12
  29. Philipp Haller Goal Static prevention of data races • using

    a lightweight type system • that minimizes the effort to reuse existing code Focus: 12
  30. Philipp Haller Goal Static prevention of data races • using

    a lightweight type system • that minimizes the effort to reuse existing code Focus: • Existing, full-featured languages like Scala 12
  31. Philipp Haller Goal Static prevention of data races • using

    a lightweight type system • that minimizes the effort to reuse existing code Focus: • Existing, full-featured languages like Scala 12 In contrast to new language designs like Rust
  32. Philipp Haller State of the Art • A lot of

    progress in type systems for safe concurrency (linear and affine types, static capabilities, uniqueness types, ownership types, region inference, etc.) 13
  33. Philipp Haller State of the Art • A lot of

    progress in type systems for safe concurrency (linear and affine types, static capabilities, uniqueness types, ownership types, region inference, etc.) • Challenges: 13
  34. Philipp Haller State of the Art • A lot of

    progress in type systems for safe concurrency (linear and affine types, static capabilities, uniqueness types, ownership types, region inference, etc.) • Challenges: – Sound integration with advanced type system features 13
  35. Philipp Haller State of the Art • A lot of

    progress in type systems for safe concurrency (linear and affine types, static capabilities, uniqueness types, ownership types, region inference, etc.) • Challenges: – Sound integration with advanced type system features 13 Example: local type inference
  36. Philipp Haller State of the Art • A lot of

    progress in type systems for safe concurrency (linear and affine types, static capabilities, uniqueness types, ownership types, region inference, etc.) • Challenges: – Sound integration with advanced type system features – Adoption on large scale 13 Example: local type inference
  37. Philipp Haller State of the Art • A lot of

    progress in type systems for safe concurrency (linear and affine types, static capabilities, uniqueness types, ownership types, region inference, etc.) • Challenges: – Sound integration with advanced type system features – Adoption on large scale • Key: reuse of existing code 13 Example: local type inference
  38. Philipp Haller Example Image data apply filter Image processing pipeline:

    filter 1 filter 2 14 Pipeline stages run concurrently
  39. Philipp Haller Example: Implementation • Assumptions: – Main memory expensive

    – Image data large • Approach for high performance: – Each pipeline stage is a concurrent actor – In-place update of image buffers – Pass mutable buffers by reference between actors 15
  40. Philipp Haller Example: Problem Easy to produce data races: 1.

    Stage 1 sends a reference to a buffer to stage 2 2. Following the send, both stages have a reference to the same buffer 3. Stages can concurrently access the buffer 16
  41. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities 17
  42. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities – Affine types: 17
  43. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities – Affine types: • Variables of affine type may be "used" at most once 17
  44. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities – Affine types: • Variables of affine type may be "used" at most once • "Used" = consumed 17
  45. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities – Affine types: • Variables of affine type may be "used" at most once • "Used" = consumed • A consumed variable cannot be accessed any more 17
  46. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities – Affine types: • Variables of affine type may be "used" at most once • "Used" = consumed • A consumed variable cannot be accessed any more – Values of affine type are called permissions in our system 17
  47. Philipp Haller Preventing Data Races Approach: – Extend type system

    with affine types and object capabilities – Affine types: • Variables of affine type may be "used" at most once • "Used" = consumed • A consumed variable cannot be accessed any more – Values of affine type are called permissions in our system – Permissions control access to transferable objects 17
  48. Philipp Haller Guarantee of the Type System 18 Exchanging transferable

    objects between actors preserves actor isolation
  49. Philipp Haller LaCasa: An Extension of Scala with Affine Types

    and Object Capabilities Transferable objects: instances of a new generic type Box[T] 19
  50. Philipp Haller LaCasa: An Extension of Scala with Affine Types

    and Object Capabilities Transferable objects: instances of a new generic type Box[T] 19 def receive(box: Box[Message]): Unit = { box open { msg => msg.buffer = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) } ... } class Message { var buffer: Array[Byte] = _ }
  51. Philipp Haller LaCasa: An Extension of Scala with Affine Types

    and Object Capabilities Transferable objects: instances of a new generic type Box[T] 19 def receive(box: Box[Message]): Unit = { box open { msg => msg.buffer = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) } ... } class Message { var buffer: Array[Byte] = _ } Accessing an encapsulated object requires the use of open
  52. Philipp Haller LaCasa: An Extension of Scala with Affine Types

    and Object Capabilities Transferable objects: instances of a new generic type Box[T] 19 def receive(box: Box[Message]): Unit = { box open { msg => msg.buffer = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) } ... } class Message { var buffer: Array[Byte] = _ } msg is the encapsulated object Accessing an encapsulated object requires the use of open
  53. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context 20
  54. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context • Invoking open on box requires a permission with the following type: 20
  55. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context • Invoking open on box requires a permission with the following type: 20 CanAccess { type C = box.C }
  56. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context • Invoking open on box requires a permission with the following type: 20 CanAccess { type C = box.C } Dependent type
  57. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context • Invoking open on box requires a permission with the following type: • Type member C links the permission type to a specific box 20 CanAccess { type C = box.C } Dependent type
  58. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context • Invoking open on box requires a permission with the following type: • Type member C links the permission type to a specific box • A permission type CanAccess { type C = låda.C } would only be compatible with box iff 20 CanAccess { type C = box.C } Dependent type
  59. Philipp Haller Permissions • The above code is still incomplete:

    opening a box requires a
 corresponding permission provided by the context • Invoking open on box requires a permission with the following type: • Type member C links the permission type to a specific box • A permission type CanAccess { type C = låda.C } would only be compatible with box iff – box and låda are aliases (statically-known) 20 CanAccess { type C = box.C } Dependent type
  60. Philipp Haller Permissions (2) Making permissions available in the context

    via implicit parameters: 21 def receive(box: Box[Message]) (implicit p: CanAccess { type C = box.C }): Unit = { box open { msg => msg.buffer = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) } ... }
  61. Philipp Haller Consuming Permissions Transfering a box from one actor

    to another consumes its access permission: 22
  62. Philipp Haller Consuming Permissions Transfering a box from one actor

    to another consumes its access permission: 22 def receive(box: Box[Message]) (implicit p: CanAccess { type C = box.C }): Unit = { box open { msg => msg.buffer = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) } ... someActor.send(box) { // `p` unavailable here! ... } }
  63. Philipp Haller Encapsulation Problem: not all types safe to transfer!

    23 class Message { var buffer: Array[Int] = _ def leak(): Unit = { SomeObject.fld = buffer } } object SomeObject { var fld: Array[Int] = _ }
  64. Philipp Haller Encapsulation • Ensuring absence of data races requires

    restricting types put into boxes 24 * simplified
  65. Philipp Haller Encapsulation • Ensuring absence of data races requires

    restricting types put into boxes • Requirements for “safe” classes:* – Methods only access parameters and this – Method parameter types are “safe” – Methods only instantiate “safe” classes – Types of fields are “safe” 24 * simplified
  66. Philipp Haller Encapsulation • Ensuring absence of data races requires

    restricting types put into boxes • Requirements for “safe” classes:* – Methods only access parameters and this – Method parameter types are “safe” – Methods only instantiate “safe” classes – Types of fields are “safe” 24 “Safe” = conforms to object capability model [4] * simplified [4] Mark S. Miller. Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control. PhD thesis, 2006
  67. Philipp Haller Object Capabilities in Scala • How common is

    object-capability safe code in Scala? 25
  68. Philipp Haller Object Capabilities in Scala • How common is

    object-capability safe code in Scala? • Empirical study of over 75,000 SLOC of open-source Scala code: 25
  69. Philipp Haller Object Capabilities in Scala • How common is

    object-capability safe code in Scala? • Empirical study of over 75,000 SLOC of open-source Scala code: 25 Project Version SLOC GitHub stats Scala stdlib 2.11.7 33,107 ✭5,795 257 Signal/Collect 8.0.6 10,159 ✭123 11 GeoTrellis 0.10.0-RC2 35,351 ✭400 38 -engine 3,868 -raster 22,291 -spark 9,192
  70. Philipp Haller Object Capabilities in Scala Results of empirical study:

    26 Project #classes/traits #ocap (%) #dir. insec. (%) Scala stdlib 1,505 644 (43%) 212/861 (25%) Signal/ Collect 236 159 (67%) 60/77 (78%) GeoTrellis -engine 190 40 (21%) 124/150 (83%) -raster 670 233 (35%) 325/437 (74%) -spark 326 101 (31%) 167/225 (74%) Total 2,927 1,177 (40%) 888/1,750 (51%)
  71. Philipp Haller Object Capabilities in Scala Results of empirical study:

    26 Project #classes/traits #ocap (%) #dir. insec. (%) Scala stdlib 1,505 644 (43%) 212/861 (25%) Signal/ Collect 236 159 (67%) 60/77 (78%) GeoTrellis -engine 190 40 (21%) 124/150 (83%) -raster 670 233 (35%) 325/437 (74%) -spark 326 101 (31%) 167/225 (74%) Total 2,927 1,177 (40%) 888/1,750 (51%)
  72. Philipp Haller Object Capabilities in Scala Results of empirical study:

    26 Project #classes/traits #ocap (%) #dir. insec. (%) Scala stdlib 1,505 644 (43%) 212/861 (25%) Signal/ Collect 236 159 (67%) 60/77 (78%) GeoTrellis -engine 190 40 (21%) 124/150 (83%) -raster 670 233 (35%) 325/437 (74%) -spark 326 101 (31%) 167/225 (74%) Total 2,927 1,177 (40%) 888/1,750 (51%) Immutability inference increases these percentages!
  73. Philipp Haller Further Results • Object-oriented core languages – Formalization

    of object capabilities (type-based), uniqueness, separation, concurrency 27
  74. Philipp Haller Further Results • Object-oriented core languages – Formalization

    of object capabilities (type-based), uniqueness, separation, concurrency • Meta theory 27
  75. Philipp Haller Further Results • Object-oriented core languages – Formalization

    of object capabilities (type-based), uniqueness, separation, concurrency • Meta theory – Type soundness 27
  76. Philipp Haller Further Results • Object-oriented core languages – Formalization

    of object capabilities (type-based), uniqueness, separation, concurrency • Meta theory – Type soundness – Isolation theorem for processes with shared heap 27
  77. Philipp Haller Further Results • Object-oriented core languages – Formalization

    of object capabilities (type-based), uniqueness, separation, concurrency • Meta theory – Type soundness – Isolation theorem for processes with shared heap • Paper: 27 [5] Haller and Loiko. LaCasa: Lightweight affinity and object capabilities in Scala. OOPSLA 2016
  78. Philipp Haller Ongoing Work • Flow-sensitive type checking 28 [6]

    Erik Reimers. Lightweight Software Isolation via Flow-Sensitive Capabilities in Scala. Master's thesis, KTH, 2017 (supervisor Philipp Haller)
  79. Philipp Haller Ongoing Work • Flow-sensitive type checking • Empirical

    studies 28 [6] Erik Reimers. Lightweight Software Isolation via Flow-Sensitive Capabilities in Scala. Master's thesis, KTH, 2017 (supervisor Philipp Haller)
  80. Philipp Haller Ongoing Work • Flow-sensitive type checking • Empirical

    studies – How much effort to change existing code? 28 [6] Erik Reimers. Lightweight Software Isolation via Flow-Sensitive Capabilities in Scala. Master's thesis, KTH, 2017 (supervisor Philipp Haller)
  81. Philipp Haller Ongoing Work • Flow-sensitive type checking • Empirical

    studies – How much effort to change existing code? 28 [6] Erik Reimers. Lightweight Software Isolation via Flow-Sensitive Capabilities in Scala. Master's thesis, KTH, 2017 (supervisor Philipp Haller) [7] Haller, Sommar. Towards an Empirical Study of Affine Types for Isolated Actors in Scala. PLACES@ETAPS 2017
  82. Philipp Haller Ongoing Work • Flow-sensitive type checking • Empirical

    studies – How much effort to change existing code? • Complete mechanization of meta-theory 28 [6] Erik Reimers. Lightweight Software Isolation via Flow-Sensitive Capabilities in Scala. Master's thesis, KTH, 2017 (supervisor Philipp Haller) [7] Haller, Sommar. Towards an Empirical Study of Affine Types for Isolated Actors in Scala. PLACES@ETAPS 2017
  83. Philipp Haller LaCasa: Conclusion • Preserving actor isolation is possible

    when transfering objects conforming to the object capability discipline 29
  84. Philipp Haller LaCasa: Conclusion • Preserving actor isolation is possible

    when transfering objects conforming to the object capability discipline – Binary check whether a class is reusable unchanged 29
  85. Philipp Haller LaCasa: Conclusion • Preserving actor isolation is possible

    when transfering objects conforming to the object capability discipline – Binary check whether a class is reusable unchanged • Integration with the full Scala language 29
  86. Philipp Haller LaCasa: Conclusion • Preserving actor isolation is possible

    when transfering objects conforming to the object capability discipline – Binary check whether a class is reusable unchanged • Integration with the full Scala language • In medium to large open-source Scala projects, 21-67% of all classes conform to the object capability discipline 29
  87. Philipp Haller Overview • Motivation • Part 1: Type systems

    for data-race safe concurrency • Part 2: Practical deterministic concurrency • Part 3: Lineage-based distributed programming • Ongoing and future work • Conclusion 30
  88. Philipp Haller From Data-Race Freedom to Determinism • LaCasa: prevent

    data races via type system • However, due to non-determinism concurrent programs difficult to reason about even when they are data-race free 31
  89. Philipp Haller Non-Determinism: Example Example 1: 32 @volatile var x

    = 0 def m(): Unit = { Future { x = 1 } Future { x = 2 } .. // does not access x }
  90. Philipp Haller Non-Determinism: Example Example 1: 32 @volatile var x

    = 0 def m(): Unit = { Future { x = 1 } Future { x = 2 } .. // does not access x } What’s the value of x when an invocation of m returns?
  91. Philipp Haller Reordering not always a problem Example 2: 33

    val set = Set.empty[Int] Future { set.put(1) } set.put(2)
  92. Philipp Haller Reordering not always a problem Example 2: 33

    val set = Set.empty[Int] Future { set.put(1) } set.put(2) Assume: concurrent set
  93. Philipp Haller Reordering not always a problem Example 2: 33

    val set = Set.empty[Int] Future { set.put(1) } set.put(2) Eventually, set contains both 1 and 2, always Assume: concurrent set
  94. Philipp Haller Reordering not always a problem Example 2: 33

    val set = Set.empty[Int] Future { set.put(1) } set.put(2) Eventually, set contains both 1 and 2, always Bottom line: it depends on the datatype Assume: concurrent set
  95. Philipp Haller Non-Commutative Operations Example 3: 34 val set =

    Set.empty[Int] Future { set.put(1) } Future { if (set.contains(1)) { .. } } set.put(2)
  96. Philipp Haller Non-Commutative Operations Example 3: 34 val set =

    Set.empty[Int] Future { set.put(1) } Future { if (set.contains(1)) { .. } } set.put(2) Result depends on schedule!
  97. Philipp Haller Goal • Programming model providing static determinism guarantees

    • More precisely: 35 "All non-failing executions compute the same result."
  98. Philipp Haller Goal • Programming model providing static determinism guarantees

    • More precisely: 35 "All non-failing executions compute the same result." "Quasi-determinism" [8] [8] Kuper et al. Freeze after writing: quasi-deterministic parallel programming with LVars. POPL 2014
  99. Philipp Haller Important Concerns • Starting from imperative, object-oriented language

    – global state – pervasive aliasing 36 Potential application to widely- used languages
  100. Philipp Haller Important Concerns • Starting from imperative, object-oriented language

    – global state – pervasive aliasing • Important concerns: expressivity and performance 36 Potential application to widely- used languages
  101. Philipp Haller Reactive Async: Approach • New programming model building

    on: – event-driven concurrency (similar to futures and promises) 37
  102. Philipp Haller Reactive Async: Approach • New programming model building

    on: – event-driven concurrency (similar to futures and promises) – lattice-based data types 37
  103. Philipp Haller Reactive Async: Approach • New programming model building

    on: – event-driven concurrency (similar to futures and promises) – lattice-based data types – reactive programming 37
  104. Philipp Haller Reactive Async: Approach • New programming model building

    on: – event-driven concurrency (similar to futures and promises) – lattice-based data types – reactive programming • Build on LaCasa's type system to provide quasi-determinism guarantee at compile time 37
  105. Philipp Haller Application: Static Program Analysis Example: return type analysis

    38 class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) }
  106. Philipp Haller Application: Static Program Analysis Example: return type analysis

    38 Class type hierarchy: D E F G class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) }
  107. Philipp Haller Application: Static Program Analysis Example: return type analysis

    38 Which types does method f possibly return? Class type hierarchy: D E F G class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) }
  108. Philipp Haller Return Type Analysis (cont'd) 39 class C {

    def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) }
  109. Philipp Haller Return Type Analysis (cont'd) • Method f calls

    methods g and h; method h calls method f 39 class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) }
  110. Philipp Haller Return Type Analysis (cont'd) • Method f calls

    methods g and h; method h calls method f • Programming model let's us express the resulting dependencies, forming a directed graph: 39 class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) }
  111. Philipp Haller Return Type Analysis (cont'd) • Method f calls

    methods g and h; method h calls method f • Programming model let's us express the resulting dependencies, forming a directed graph: 39 class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) } f g h
  112. Philipp Haller Return Type Analysis (cont'd) • Method f calls

    methods g and h; method h calls method f • Programming model let's us express the resulting dependencies, forming a directed graph: 39 class C { def f(x: Int): D = if (x <= 0) g(x) else h(x-1) def g(y: Int): E = new E(y) def h(z: Int): D = if (z == 0) new F else f(z) } f g h "calls"
  113. Philipp Haller Evaluation • Static analysis of JVM bytecode using

    the OPAL framework (OPen extensible Analysis Library) 40
  114. Philipp Haller Evaluation • Static analysis of JVM bytecode using

    the OPAL framework (OPen extensible Analysis Library) – Concurrent design 40
  115. Philipp Haller Evaluation • Static analysis of JVM bytecode using

    the OPAL framework (OPen extensible Analysis Library) – Concurrent design • Rewrote purity analysis and immutability analysis 40
  116. Philipp Haller Evaluation • Static analysis of JVM bytecode using

    the OPAL framework (OPen extensible Analysis Library) – Concurrent design • Rewrote purity analysis and immutability analysis 40 http://www.opal-project.de
  117. Philipp Haller Evaluation • Static analysis of JVM bytecode using

    the OPAL framework (OPen extensible Analysis Library) – Concurrent design • Rewrote purity analysis and immutability analysis • Ran analysis on JDK 8 update 45 40 http://www.opal-project.de
  118. Philipp Haller Evaluation • Static analysis of JVM bytecode using

    the OPAL framework (OPen extensible Analysis Library) – Concurrent design • Rewrote purity analysis and immutability analysis • Ran analysis on JDK 8 update 45 – 18’591 class files, 163’268 methods, 77’128 fields 40 http://www.opal-project.de
  119. Philipp Haller Results: Immutability Analysis • RA about 10x faster

    than FPCF (OPAL's fixed point computation framework) • RA = 294 LOC, FPCF = 424 LOC (1.44x) 41 FPCF (secs.) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Reactive-Async (secs.) 0.1 0.2 0.3 1 Thread 2 Threads 4 Threads 8 Threads 16 Threads 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 0.290 0.295 0.300 0.105 0.110 0.115
  120. Philipp Haller Results: Immutability Analysis • RA about 10x faster

    than FPCF (OPAL's fixed point computation framework) • RA = 294 LOC, FPCF = 424 LOC (1.44x) 41 FPCF (secs.) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Reactive-Async (secs.) 0.1 0.2 0.3 1 Thread 2 Threads 4 Threads 8 Threads 16 Threads 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 0.290 0.295 0.300 0.105 0.110 0.115 box plot: whiskers = min/max
 top/bottom of box = 
 1st and 3rd quartile band in box: median
  121. Philipp Haller Reactive Async: Conclusion • Deterministic concurrent programming model

    – Extension of imperative, object-oriented base language – Resolution of cyclic dependencies – Type system for object capabilities for safety • Experimental evaluation using large-scale, concurrent static analysis • Prototype implementation: https://github.com/phaller/reactive-async 42
  122. Philipp Haller Reactive Async: Conclusion • Deterministic concurrent programming model

    – Extension of imperative, object-oriented base language – Resolution of cyclic dependencies – Type system for object capabilities for safety • Experimental evaluation using large-scale, concurrent static analysis • Prototype implementation: https://github.com/phaller/reactive-async 42 [9] Haller, Geries, Eichberg, and Salvaneschi.
 Reactive Async: Expressive deterministic concurrency. Scala Symposium 2016
  123. Philipp Haller Overview • Motivation • Part 1: Type systems

    for data-race safe concurrency • Part 2: Practical deterministic concurrency • Part 3: Lineage-based distributed programming • Ongoing and future work • Conclusion 43
  124. Philipp Haller Lineage Which resources are required for producing a

    particular expected result? Lineage may record information about: Data sets read/transformed for producing result data set 44 Etc. Services used for producing response
  125. Philipp Haller Distributed programming with functional lineages a.k.a. function passing

    New data-centric programming model for functional processing of distributed data. 45
  126. Philipp Haller Distributed programming with functional lineages a.k.a. function passing

    New data-centric programming model for functional processing of distributed data. Key ideas: 45
  127. Philipp Haller Distributed programming with functional lineages a.k.a. function passing

    New data-centric programming model for functional processing of distributed data. Key ideas: 45 Utilize lineages for fault recovery
  128. Philipp Haller Distributed programming with functional lineages a.k.a. function passing

    New data-centric programming model for functional processing of distributed data. Key ideas: 45 Provide lineages by programming abstractions Utilize lineages for fault recovery
  129. Philipp Haller Distributed programming with functional lineages a.k.a. function passing

    New data-centric programming model for functional processing of distributed data. Key ideas: 45 Provide lineages by programming abstractions Keep data stationary (if possible), send functions Utilize lineages for fault recovery
  130. Philipp Haller The function passing model Introducing Consists of 3

    parts: Silos: stationary, typed, immutable data containers SiloRefs: references to local or remote Silos. Spores [10]: safe, serializable functions. 46
  131. Philipp Haller The function passing model Introducing Consists of 3

    parts: Silos: stationary, typed, immutable data containers SiloRefs: references to local or remote Silos. Spores [10]: safe, serializable functions. 46 [10] Miller, Haller, and Odersky. Spores: a type-based foundation for closures in the age of concurrency and distribution. ECOOP 2014
  132. Philipp Haller Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Two

    parts. def apply def send def persist def unpersist SiloRef. Handle to a Silo. Silo. Typed, stationary data container. User interacts with SiloRef. SiloRefs come with 4 primitive operations. 48
  133. Philipp Haller Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Primitive:

    apply Takes a function that is to be applied to the data in the silo associated with the SiloRef. Creates new silo to contain the data that the user- defined function returns; evaluation is deferred def apply[S](fun: T => SiloRef[S]): SiloRef[S] Enables interesting computation DAGs Deferred def apply def send def persist def unpersist 49
  134. Philipp Haller Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Primitive:

    send Forces the built-up computation DAG to be sent to the associated node and applied. Future is completed with the result of the computation. def send(): Future[T] EAGER def apply def send def persist def unpersist 50
  135. Philipp Haller Silos Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Silo factories: Creates silo

    on given host populated with given value/text file/… object SiloRef { def populate[T](host: Host, value: T): SiloRef[T] def fromTextFile(host: Host, file: File): SiloRef[List[String]] ... } def apply def send def persist def unpersist Deferred What are they? 51
  136. Philipp Haller ) Basic idea: apply/send Silo[T] Machine 1 Machine

    2 SiloRef[T] λ T SiloRef[S] S Silo[S] ) 52
  137. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... 53
  138. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) adults 54
  139. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(spore { val localVehicles = vehicles // spore header ps => localVehicles.apply(spore { val localps = ps // spore header vs => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, localps.flatMap(p => // list of (p, v) for a single person p vs.flatMap { v => if (v.owner.name == p.name) List((p, v)) else Nil } ) adults owners vehicles val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) 55
  140. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) 56
  141. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) sorted labels val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) 57
  142. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles sorted labels so far we just staged computation, we haven’t yet “kicked it off”. val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) 58
  143. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles sorted labels val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) labels.send() 59
  144. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles sorted labels λ List[Person]㱺List[String] val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) labels.send() 59
  145. Philipp Haller More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s

    make an interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles sorted labels Silo[List[String]] val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) labels.send() 59
  146. Philipp Haller A functional design for fault-tolerance A SiloRef is

    a lineage, a persistent (in the sense of functional programming) data structure. The lineage is the DAG of operations used to derive the data of a silo. Since the lineage is composed of spores, it is serializable. This means it can be persisted or transferred to other machines. Putting lineages to work 60
  147. Philipp Haller Next: we formalize lineages, a concept from the

    database + systems communities, in the context of PL. Natural fit in context of functional programming! A functional design for fault-tolerance Putting lineages to work Formalization: typed, distributed core language with spores, silos, and futures. 61
  148. Philipp Haller Properties of function passing model Formalization Subject reduction

    theorem guarantees preservation of types under reduction, as well as preservation of lineage mobility. 66
  149. Philipp Haller Properties of function passing model Formalization Subject reduction

    theorem guarantees preservation of types under reduction, as well as preservation of lineage mobility. Progress theorem guarantees the finite materialization of remote, lineage-based data. 66
  150. Philipp Haller Properties of function passing model Formalization Subject reduction

    theorem guarantees preservation of types under reduction, as well as preservation of lineage mobility. Progress theorem guarantees the finite materialization of remote, lineage-based data. 66 First correctness results for a programming model for lineage-based distributed computation.
  151. Philipp Haller Paper Details, proofs, etc. 68 [11] Haller, Miller,

    and Müller. A programming model and foundation for lineage- based distributed computation. Journal of Functional Programming 28 (2018): e7
  152. Philipp Haller Summary • LaCasa: provably safe software isolation, code

    reuse via object capabilities • Reactive Async: practical deterministic concurrency 69
  153. Philipp Haller Summary • LaCasa: provably safe software isolation, code

    reuse via object capabilities • Reactive Async: practical deterministic concurrency – For an imperative, object-oriented language 69
  154. Philipp Haller Summary • LaCasa: provably safe software isolation, code

    reuse via object capabilities • Reactive Async: practical deterministic concurrency – For an imperative, object-oriented language – Type system guarantees quasi-determinism at compile time 69
  155. Philipp Haller Summary • LaCasa: provably safe software isolation, code

    reuse via object capabilities • Reactive Async: practical deterministic concurrency – For an imperative, object-oriented language – Type system guarantees quasi-determinism at compile time • Lineage-based distributed programming 69
  156. Philipp Haller Summary • LaCasa: provably safe software isolation, code

    reuse via object capabilities • Reactive Async: practical deterministic concurrency – For an imperative, object-oriented language – Type system guarantees quasi-determinism at compile time • Lineage-based distributed programming – First correctness results for a lineage-based distributed programming model 69
  157. Philipp Haller Summary • LaCasa: provably safe software isolation, code

    reuse via object capabilities • Reactive Async: practical deterministic concurrency – For an imperative, object-oriented language – Type system guarantees quasi-determinism at compile time • Lineage-based distributed programming – First correctness results for a lineage-based distributed programming model • Finite materialization of distributed, lineage-based data 69
  158. Philipp Haller Ongoing and Future Work 70 Consistency, availability, partition

    tolerance Determinism Distributed Shared State [12] Zhao, Haller. Observable atomic consistency for CvRDTs. CoRR abs/1802.09462 (2018)
  159. Philipp Haller Ongoing and Future Work 70 Consistency, availability, partition

    tolerance Determinism Distributed Shared State Security & Privacy Privacy-aware distribution Information- flow security [12] Zhao, Haller. Observable atomic consistency for CvRDTs. CoRR abs/1802.09462 (2018)
  160. Philipp Haller Ongoing and Future Work 70 Consistency, availability, partition

    tolerance Determinism Distributed Shared State Security & Privacy Privacy-aware distribution Information- flow security [13] Salvaneschi, Köhler, Haller, Erdweg, and Mezini. Language-Integrated Privacy-Aware Distributed Queries. 2018, draft [12] Zhao, Haller. Observable atomic consistency for CvRDTs. CoRR abs/1802.09462 (2018)
  161. Philipp Haller Ongoing and Future Work 70 Consistency, availability, partition

    tolerance Determinism Distributed Shared State Security & Privacy Privacy-aware distribution Information- flow security [13] Salvaneschi, Köhler, Haller, Erdweg, and Mezini. Language-Integrated Privacy-Aware Distributed Queries. 2018, draft [12] Zhao, Haller. Observable atomic consistency for CvRDTs. CoRR abs/1802.09462 (2018) Chaos Engineering Testing hypotheses about resilience in production systems
  162. Philipp Haller Ongoing and Future Work 70 Consistency, availability, partition

    tolerance Determinism Distributed Shared State Security & Privacy Privacy-aware distribution Information- flow security [13] Salvaneschi, Köhler, Haller, Erdweg, and Mezini. Language-Integrated Privacy-Aware Distributed Queries. 2018, draft [12] Zhao, Haller. Observable atomic consistency for CvRDTs. CoRR abs/1802.09462 (2018) Chaos Engineering Testing hypotheses about resilience in production systems [14] Zhang, Morin, Haller, Baudry, Monperrus. A Chaos Engineering System for Live Analysis and Falsification of Exception-handling in the JVM. CoRR abs/1805.05246 (2018)
  163. Philipp Haller Organization of Scientific Meetings • NII Shonan Meeting:

    Haller, Salvaneschi, Watanabe, Agha.
 "Programming Languages for Distributed Systems", May 27–30, 2019 • Dagstuhl Seminar:
 Haller, Lopes, Markl, Salvaneschi.
 "Programming Languages for Distributed Systems and Distributed Data Management" (65-0618), October 28–31, 2019 71
  164. Philipp Haller References • [1]: http://store.steampowered.com/stats/content/ • [2]: https://www.itbusinessedge.com/cm/blogs/lawson/the-big-data-software-problem-behind-cerns-higgs-boson-hunt/?cs=50736 •

    [3]: https://www.statista.com/statistics/282087/number-of-monthly-active-twitter-users/ • [4] Mark S. Miller. Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control. PhD thesis, 2006 • [5] Haller and Loiko. LaCasa: Lightweight affinity and object capabilities in Scala. OOPSLA 2016 • [6] Erik Reimers. Lightweight Software Isolation via Flow-Sensitive Capabilities in Scala. Master's thesis, KTH, 2017 (supervisor Philipp Haller) • [7] Haller, Sommar. Towards an Empirical Study of Affine Types for Isolated Actors in Scala. PLACES@ETAPS 2017 • [8] Kuper et al. Freeze after writing: quasi-deterministic parallel programming with LVars. POPL 2014 • [9] Haller, Geries, Eichberg, and Salvaneschi. Reactive Async: Expressive Deterministic Concurrency. Scala Symposium 2016 • [10] Miller, Haller, and Odersky. Spores: a type-based foundation for closures in the age of concurrency and distribution. ECOOP 2014 • [11] Haller, Miller, and Müller. A programming model and foundation for lineage-based distributed computation. Journal of Functional Programming 28 (2018): e7 • [12] Zhao, Haller. Observable atomic consistency for CvRDTs. CoRR abs/1802.09462 (2018) • [13] Salvaneschi, Köhler, Haller, Erdweg, and Mezini. Language-Integrated Privacy-Aware Distributed Queries. 2018, draft • [14] Zhang, Morin, Haller, Baudry, Monperrus. A Chaos Engineering System for Live Analysis and Falsification of Exception-handling in the JVM. CoRR abs/1805.05246 (2018) 72
  165. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance 73
  166. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance 73 Sound foundations and provable guarantees!
  167. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance • Methods: 73 Sound foundations and provable guarantees!
  168. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance • Methods: – Type systems: theory & practice 73 Sound foundations and provable guarantees!
  169. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance • Methods: – Type systems: theory & practice – Design and implementation of programming systems 73 Sound foundations and provable guarantees!
  170. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance • Methods: – Type systems: theory & practice – Design and implementation of programming systems – Empirical studies 73 Sound foundations and provable guarantees!
  171. Philipp Haller Conclusion • Goal:
 Robust construction of large-scale concurrent

    and distributed systems providing high availability, high scalability, and fault tolerance • Methods: – Type systems: theory & practice – Design and implementation of programming systems – Empirical studies 73 Sound foundations and provable guarantees! Thank You!