"FALLING BEHIND" BY LAUFEY, ANIMATIC BY SOPHIA MALUBAY INTRODUCTION EXT. CITY LANDSCAPE - DAY City landscape serves as background as the song starts to play. -MOVED OUT TO A NEW CITY- Camera pans down and centers to main character walking on a sidewalk as people walk by. -JUNE IS DAWNING DOWN ON ME- Camera zooms in on main character as she grimaces, wiping the sweat off her forehead from the heat. The character - -AND ALL THAT I CAN FIND- -sits down on a bench. And - CLOSE-UP SHOT OF HER FACE looks up. -A SICKLY ROMANCE IN THE AIR- FROM THE BACK VIEW, CHARACTER IN CENTER The "air" is pink with music notes and hearts. Main Character is parallaxed to the bottom to give emphasis to the environment around her. -LOVERS STROLL WITHOUT A CARE IN SIGHT- Different shots of couples spending time together and being lovey-dovey at the park. -OOH, THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT- MEDIUM CLOSE-UP SHOT Main character cringes and pulls hoodie up to cover her face and leaves the bench she's sitting on. -'CAUSE THE SUN'S ENGAGED TO THE SKY-