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FP Furtum - Europol

FP Furtum - Europol


  1. FP Furtum Cristina CHECCHINATO FP Furtum PM O2, Serious Organised

    Crime Business Area (SOCBA) Operations Department
  2. Europol is: • support centre for Law Enforcement operations (e.g.

    analysis, coordination meetings, on-the-spot support) • criminal information hub (e.g. Siena, Europol Information System, AWFs, ELOs etc) • centre for Law Enforcement expertise (e.g. European Platform for Experts/EPE, training etc)
  3. Organisation Europol Director Governance Department Capabilities Department Operations Department Corporate

    Affairs Corporate Services Security Administration ICT CT O 4 EC3 O 3 SOC O 2 Info Hub O 1
  4. MOCG & FURTUM (some) areas of interest CRIME AREAS •Crime

    Against the Elderly (CATE) •Motor vehicle crimes (car/plant equipment thefts & intl trafficking) •Metal thefts •Cargo thefts •OCG exploiting minors in committing crimes (e.g. pick pocketing) •Armed robberies, serious burglaries, home jacking and gang-type offences against private houses and commercial premises •High value jewellery robberies (e.g. Pink Panthers Project) NATIONAL MOCGs •Romanians •Moldovan •Bulgarians •South American •Polish •Former Yugoslavian
  5. 7 FP FURTUM: Operational/strategic products & expertise support • Cross-match

    reports • Operational (Intelligence) Analysis Reports • Strategic Reports (e.g. Situation Report on MOCG, Alert Report on specific modus operandi) • Mobile Office (operational support and analysis on-the- spot) • Financial analysis & assets recovery • Target groups & Joint Investigation Teams (JIT) • Forensic analysis (e.g. DNA, fingerprints)
  6. Added value Europol 1. Quick and safe information exchange 2.

    Centralisation of information 3. Add weight to petty cases 4. Awareness raising
  7. 9 FP FURTUM: Domestic Burglaries • Part of Organised Crime

    • Very often committed by Mobile Organised Crime Groups (MOCG) • Origins of these groups are often from South-East Europe • Structure of those groups mainly:  From one nationality or ethnic group  Soldiers are committing the offences abroad  Receiving only a small part of the loot  Are often active in more than one crime area
  8. 11 FP FURTUM: Domestic Burglaries Figures for 2013 are not

    available yet. But: Germany: ca. 150.000 offences; +3.7 % (to 2012)
  9. 12 FP FURTUM: Domestic Burglaries: ISEC Project • between Netherlands,

    Belgium, and the German Federal State of Northrhine-Westphalia • Recognition of transnational cases • Figure out Best Practices • Acting together • Driver: Netherlands • Budget: 300.000 EUR Problem: the cases are not easy to find
  10. 13 FP FURTUM: Domestic Burglaries: EMPACT Priority • 2015: Operational

    Action Plan on Domestic Burglary • Regional approach: 1. region: Romania • Why: very good knowledge in Romania about:  Behaviour and  Movements of the perpetrators Objectives: • figure out High Value Targets (HVT) • Recognise operational transnational cases Initiate co-operation between MS (Joint Actions, JIT etc.) Sponsoring
  11. 14 FP FURTUM: Domestic Burglaries: Security program of the Danube-

    River-States • Danube strategy • Police Munich, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia • Focus on perpetrators from former Yugoslavia • Objectives: synchronise Law Enforcement Actions, avoid double work,,
  12. 15 FP FURTUM: Domestic Burglaries: other measures • Follow-up of

    Operation Archimedes in 2015 • Contributions from the MS about cases of domestic burglaries • On-going monitoring of domestic burglaries at Europol