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Comment booster l'onboarding dans vos équipes d...

Comment booster l'onboarding dans vos équipes de développement ?

Le secteur de l'IT connaît un des turnovers les plus forts du marché. Les départs et arrivées de développeurs et développeuses dans les équipes sont donc monnaie courante dans les entreprises.

Lorsqu'une nouvelle personne rejoint une équipe, il faut se familiariser avec:

les autres personnes de l'équipe et les parties prenantes de notre projet
l'organisation sur les développements
les pratiques en place dans l'équipe (revue de code, pair programming, ...)
la base de code existante
les standards et bonnes pratiques de développement sur le projet
Certaines études ont montré qu'un onboarding complet pouvait prendre jusqu'à 7 mois.

Comment gagner en efficacité lorsqu'on accueille une nouvelle développeuse ou un nouveau développeur ?

Nous présentons ici des éléments d'état de l'art sur le sujet, ainsi que des conseils pour faciliter l'intégration de ces nouvelles personnes dans nos équipes Tech.

Nous présentons comment la solution Promyze permet de se familiariser avec les bonnes pratiques de développement d'une équipe, notamment grâce à sa nouvelle fonctionnalité, les Ateliers Découverte.


May 19, 2022

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  1. How to boost onboarding of software developers ? Connect Developers

    knowledge https://dev.to/promyze Weʼre on Slack ! Check out promyze.com @ProMyze_QL Promyze
  2. 3 (1) https://www.linkedin.com/business/talent/blog/talent-strategy/industries-with-the-highest-turnover-rates (2) https://devskiller.com/true-cost-of-recruiting-a-developer-infographic/ The software industry has one

    of the highest turnover rates in the world, 10-15% on average in past years (1) It can take about 7 months for a new programmer to reach optimum productivity (2) Onboarding canʼt be ignored
  3. 4 💘 A great onboarding favors retention (1) Source: Digitate

    (2) Source: Allied New employees who go through a structured onboarding program are 58% more likely to be with the organization after three years(1) Organizations with poorly-handled onboarding are twice as likely to cause new hires to seek new opportunities in the near future(2)
  4. 5 But still…. (1) Source: UrbanBound (2) Source: Harvard Business

    Review 35 % of companies spend 0$ on onboarding(1) 22% of companies have no onboarding process(2)
  5. 6 ✨ We look for efficiency during onboarding We need

    a process that includes both … human interactions (developers need to feel integrated) … tools to automate tasks (when possible) And which can be repeated (every month or every week in some scale-ups)
  6. 7 What a developer needs to learn during the onboarding

    The company • The business, customers, history, … • Its cultural values , structure and organization The project / team • The goal, core business, … • People and responsibilities • Development workflow • Next key milestones • Business vocabulary (our ubiquitous language)
  7. 8 What should be ready for day 1 ? 📄

    Paper stuff that should be signed 💻Laptop should be ready Access to all tools youʼre using should be created 👭👬 People available to spend time with the new hired 📒 Procedures on how to get started should be up to date
  8. 9 ⌨ Discover the technical culture of a team During

    the onboarding process, a developer should get familiar with: • the codebase and its architecture (DDD, CQRS ?) • how to set up a dev environment, build and run the app • the development workflow (TDD ?) • how tasks are managed (agile framework ?) • how to get sensitive data (credentials, …) • the CI/CD process (the “DevOps Big Pic”) • the test strategy (if there is one) • the coding standards and best practices
  9. 10 💬 Learn best coding practices from other developers Engineering

    practices • Pair/Mob programming • Code review • Mentoring Having social interactions is great to get more familiar with colleagues and feel integrated in the team May require huge effort in time, need to find a trade-off to avoid business impacts
  10. 11 💡 Tips during the onboarding process Reading code with

    no intent to update the code is boring Donʼt show the code base for 1 week Up-to-date tests in the codebase adds an extra layer of confidence that a new team member can have when modifying intricate parts of the code Keep your expectations low at the beginning: Give developers small projects they can be successful on to create early successes
  11. 12 📔Learn best coding practices from documentation Technical documentation (Wiki)

    Requires energy to be kept up-to-date Static content (no interaction or practice from the developer) Not integrated in the developer ecosystem Developer can be overwhelmed by the quantity of information
  12. 13 💬 🛠 Share best practices with Promyze • Include

    developers in regular meetings dedicated to best practices definition in the team • Set developerʼs environment to get automatic feedback when best practices are not followed • Run interactive challenges to learn and discover the best practices repository of the team Here comes