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2016 - Andrew Godwin - Django, Channels and Distributed Systems

August 21, 2016

2016 - Andrew Godwin - Django, Channels and Distributed Systems

​Description: Learn about the Django Channels project, how it makes WebSockets easy, how it's not just limited to Django, and the difficulty of building WebSocket and other stateful protocol handling at scale.

Abstract: Django Channels' headline feature is bringing WebSocket support to Django, but what it provides is far more useful than that. Underlying it is a robust, generic cross-process communication mechanism, built to support and scale with stateful protocols like WebSockets.

This talk will look at the design of this mechanism - codenamed ASGI - and the difficulties of building an entire system to support WebSockets and broadcast systems across a large number of servers, and how Django encapsulates this to provide you a simple but powerful interface with good performance characteristics.

We'll also take a brief look at how parts of Channels are useable outside of Django with other web frameworks or pure Python code, and how it lets us build better systems overall.

Bio: Andrew is a Python programmer, Django core developer and Senior Engineer at Eventbrite. He's behind Django's migration and channels systems, and in his spare time enjoys mountains, archery, and cheese.



August 21, 2016

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  1. ???

  2. At most once / At least once Ordered / Unordered

    FIFO / FILO Expiry / Persistence
  3. Server Server Django Script ASGI "Send to channel X" "Receive

    from channel X" "Send to group Y" "Add channel X to group Y" "Remove channel X from group Y"
  4. What does Channels provide? Routing Consumers Sessions Auth Helpers By

    channel, URL, etc. Standardised message handling Cross-network persistence on sockets Including HTTP cookies on WebSocket runserver, runworker, debugging info
  5. Routing from channels import route routing = [ route("websocket.connect", on_connect),

    route("websocket.receive", on_receive), route("websocket.disconnect", on_disconnect) ]
  6. Class-based from channels import route_class routing = [ route_class(ChatConsumer), ]

    from channels.generic.websockets class ChatConsumer(WebsocketConsumer): def connection_groups(self): return ["chat"] def receive(self, text): self.group_send("chat", text=text) Routing
  7. Example: SOA Services receive()-block waiting for tasks Clients use send()

    with a reply-channel to call an endpoint Servers process and send() the reply
  8. 1995 You are a desktop app 2005 You are a

    website 2015 You are a rich web/mobile app 2025 ?