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Continuous Delivery for Android

April 28, 2017

Continuous Delivery for Android

Continuous Delivery for Android
Droid Knights, Seoul, 2017
Sangkyoon Nam


April 28, 2017

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  1. 01 03 02 04 COMMIT গ೒ܻா੉࣌ী ؀ೠ ࣻ੿ਸ ৮ܐೠ റ

    ࣗझ௏٘ܳ ੷੢ࣗী ழ޿ೠ׮. BUILD ࣻ੿ػ ղਊਸ ੷੢ࣗীࢲ ୓௼ইਓೞৈ पઁ प೯ оמೞب۾ ࠽٘ೠ׮. TESTS ࣻ੿ࢎ೦਷ ׮নೠ пبীࢲ పझ౟ غয ز੘੉ ੉ ࢚੉ হҊ ӝઓ ز੘ী ৔ೱਸ ઱૑ ঋ਺ਸ ഛੋೠ ׮. DEPLOY ࠽٘о ৮ܐػ അ੤ ߡ੹ਵ۽ ೐۽؋࣌ী ߓನػ׮. ࣗ೐౟ਝয ѐߊ ౵੉೐ۄੋ
  2. Continuous Integration ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ా೤਷ ѐߊ੗о ୓௼ੋ ೡ ٸ ݃׮ ࢜۽਍

    ࠽٘৬ ױਤ పझ౟ܳ ࣻ೯ೠ׮. ౱ীѱ ਃҳࢎ೦ী ؀਽ೞҊ नࣘೞѱ ޙઁܳ ೧Ѿೡ ࣻ ੓ח ࡅܲ ೖ٘ߔ ઁҕೠ׮.
  3. Continuous Delivery ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ੋبח ࣗ೐౟ਝযо ঱ઁٚ૑ ܾܻૉ ؼ ࣻ ੓ب۾

    ળ࠺ೠ׮. ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ా೤, ੗زച పझ౟ ߂ ߓನ ӝמਵ۽ উ੿੸੉Ҋ ࡅܰѱ ѐߊೞҊ ୭ࣗೠ੄ ࣻز য়ߡ೻٘۽ ઁಿਸ ੹׳ೠ׮.
  4. Continuous Deployment ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ߓನח ௏٘ ߸҃द ੹୓ ౵੉೐ۄੋਸ ా೧ ઁಿ੉

    ੗زਵ۽ ࢎਊ੗ীѱ ߓನػ׮. ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ੋبח ࣗ೐౟ਝযо ೦࢚ ܾܻૉܳ ળ࠺ೞ૑݅ ࠺ૉפझ Ѿ੿੉ ೙ਃೞৈ ݃૑݄ ߓನױ҅ח ࣻز੉૑݅ ૑ࣘ੸ੋ ߓನח সؘ੉౟ ੘স ߡ੹੉ ੗زਵ۽ ಹदػ׮.
  5. ইې ࣽࢲ۽ Google Play ѐߊ੗ ௑ࣛীࢲ ઁಿ ୹दҙܻ੗ ࢲ࠺झ ҅੿ਸ

    ١۾ (PPHMF1MBZ௑ࣛࢎ੉౟ܳয়೑ೠ׮ ࢸ੿చ੄"1*ঘࣁझచਸࢶఖೠ׮ ࢜೐۽ં౟ٜ݅ӝߡౡਸ௿ܼೞݶաয়ח׮੉঴۽Ӓীࢲ(PPHMF"1*௑݂ࣛ௼ܳ௿ܼೞৈ੉زೠ׮ ೧׼௑ࣛীࢲsࢲ࠺झ҅੿ٜ݅ӝsܳ௿ܼೞݶ׮੉঴۽Ӓоৌܽ׮ ࢲ࠺झ҅੿੄੉ܴਸੑ۱ೠ׮ ৉ഝࢶఖীࢲ೐۽ં౟ࢲ࠺झ҅੿೯ਤ੗ܳࢶఖೠ׮ ࢜࠺ҕѐఃઁҕ୓௼߅झࢶఖೠ׮ Ӓ۞ݶೞױীࢤӝחఃਬഋী+40/ਸࢶఖೠ׮ ٜ݅ӝׂܳܰݶ׮੉঴۽Ӓоײ൦׮ ஹೊఠী+40/౵ੌ੉׮਍۽٘غҊӒ౵ੌਸӝর೧֬ח׮ (PPHMF1MBZѐߊ੗௑ࣛ۽׮द੉زೠ׮ ࢜۽ࢤࢿػࢲ࠺झ҅੿੄ঘࣁझӂೠࠗৈߡౡਸ௿ܼೠ׮ ঘࣁझӂೠࠗৈ׮੉঴۽Ӓীࢲ৉ഝࢶఖীࢲઁಿ୹दҙܻ੗۽ࢶఖ ೞױ੄ࢎਊ੗୶оߡౡਸׂ۞ࢲ੸ਊೠ׮
  6. 1. п ࠽٘о ة݀੸ਵ۽ ز੘ - ੄ઓࢿ ੓ח ௏ٜ٘ ࢸ஖

    - ೐۽ં౟ܳ ࠽٘ - ੿੸ ࠙ࢳ بҳ प೯ (lint, findbugs, pmd, checkstyle), - పझ౟ प೯ - ই౭ಂ౟ ই஠੉ࡂ 2. ݽ؍ೠ UI 3. ݫੌ, ठۑ ١ ׮নೠ ࢲ٘౵੉৬ োز ૑ਗ 4. ੸੺ೠ оѺ: 1׳ী $50 (2 parallels) 5. circle.yml੉ۄח ࢸ੿ ౵ੌਸ ࣻ੿ೞח Ѫ݅ਵ۽ рಞೞѱ ੸ਊ оמ 6. Githubҗ ਬӝ੸ੋ োز Circle CI੄ ੢੼
  7. machine: environment: PATH: $ANDROID_NDK:$PATH GRADLE_OPTS: '-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryEr java: version: oraclejdk8

    dependencies: pre: # if necessary SDK / build tools / support library folders do not exist, u - if [ ! -d "/usr/local/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-24" ]; then ec - if [ ! -d "/usr/local/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/24.0.2" ]; then echo - if [ ! -d "/usr/local/android_sdk/extras/android/m2repository/com/androi test: override: - ./gradlew test assembleDebug -PdisablePreDex circle.yml
  8. # use curl to download a keystore from $KEYSTORE_URI, if

    set, # to the path/filename set in $KEYSTORE. if [[ $KEYSTORE && ${KEYSTORE} && $KEYSTORE_URI && ${KEYSTORE_URI} ]] then echo "Keystore detected - downloading..." # we're using curl instead of wget because it will not # expose the sensitive uri in the build logs: curl -L -o ${KEYSTORE} ${KEYSTORE_URI} else echo "Keystore uri not set. .APK artifact will not be signed." fi misc/download_keystore.sh
  9. machine: environment: PATH: $ANDROID_NDK:$PATH GRADLE_OPTS: '-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryEr KEYSTORE: ${HOME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/signing.keystore java:

    version: oraclejdk8 dependencies: pre: # if necessary SDK / build tools / support library folders do not exist, u - if [ ! -d "/usr/local/android-sdk-linux/platforms/android-24" ]; then ec - if [ ! -d "/usr/local/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/24.0.2" ]; then echo - if [ ! -d “/usr/local/android_sdk/extras/android/m2repository/com/androi - bash ./misc/download_keystore.sh test: override: - ./gradlew test assembleDebug -PdisablePreDex circle.yml
  10. 1. KVM ীޯۨ੉ఠܳ ૑ਗೞ૑ ঋ਺ Genymotionҗ э਷ بҳ۽ పझ౟ X

    2. CI ௏٘о ௿ۄ਋٘ী ੓যࢲ ࣻ੿ द ੉۱੉ ೣԋ ߸҃ؽ 3. ੌ߈੸ੋ ജ҃ী ੸೤ೞৈ উ٘۽੉٘ա iOS੄ ҃਋ ৘৻੸ੋ ࢚ടী ؀ೠ ୊ܻо ೙ਃ Circle CI੄ ױ੼
  11. workflows: primary: steps: - [email protected]: run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne

    ""}}' - [email protected]: {} - [email protected]: inputs: - source: "$BITRISEIO_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_URL" - destination: "$HOME/keystores/release.keystore" - [email protected]: {} - [email protected]: inputs: - gradle_task: "$GRADLE_TASK" - [email protected]: {} bitrise.yml
  12. app: envs: - opts: is_expand: false GRADLE_BUILD_FILE_PATH: build.gradle - opts:

    is_expand: false GRADLE_TASK: assembleDebug crashlyticsUploadDistributionDevelopmentDebug - opts: is_expand: false GRADLEW_PATH: "./gradlew" bitrise.yml
  13. Bitrise ੢੼ 1. ӝઓ੄ circle ci੄ ੢੼਷ ؀ࠗ࠙ ࣻਊ 2.

    ਕ௼೒۽਋ܳ UI۽ ઑ੿ೡ ࣻ ੓਺ 3. fastlaneਸ ੗زച ో۽ ૑ਗ 4. о੢ ݆Ҋ рױೠ ࢲ٘౵੉৬ োز ૑ਗ 5. preset੉ ੜ ૑੿غয ੓য ӓױ੸ਵ۽ ࡅܰѱ ੸ਊ оמ 6. docker ӝ߈ਵ۽ circle ciࠁ׮ ডр ࡅܲ ו՝