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F#’s Type Providers: The future of meta-program...

F#’s Type Providers: The future of meta-programming in .NET

Robert Pickering

May 16, 2014

More Decks by Robert Pickering

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  1. type User = { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "user_name")] Username: string [JsonProperty(PropertyName

    = "first_name")] FirstName: string [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "last_name")] LastName: string }
  2. type ITypeProvider = inherit IDisposable abstract GetStaticParameters: Type -> ParameterInfo

    [] abstract ApplyStaticArguments: Type * string * obj [] -> Type abstract GetNamespaces: unit -> IProvidedNamespace [] abstract GetInvokerExpression: MethodBase * ParameterExpression [] -> Expression abstract GetGeneratedAssemblyContents: System.Reflection.Assembly -> byte[] abstract Invalidate: IEvent<EventHandler,EventArgs>