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Build a Strong Data Science Portfolio

Emily Robinson
June 24, 2019

Build a Strong Data Science Portfolio

Emily Robinson

June 24, 2019


  1. About Me ➔ Background in the social sciences ➔ R

    programmer ➔ Formerly at Etsy ➔ Data Scientist at DataCamp ➔ Writing a book on data science careers with Jacqueline Nolis
  2. Making progress Inspired by bit.ly/drob-rstudio-2019 Less valuable More valuable Idea

    Getting data Cleaning Exploratory Final result Modeling Less valuable More valuable Work only on your computer Work online (GitHub, Blog, Kaggle) How I used to think about analyses How I think about analyses now
  3. Where? ➔ Easy & quick to set up ➔ Organic

    traffic (medium) ➔ Less customizability/control
  4. Where? ➔ Complete control ➔ Always free ➔ Little longer

    to set-up ➔ May get stuck debugging issues
  5. CFPs (Call for Proposals) ➔ Look for conferences offering first-

    time speaker help ➔ Be succinct ➔ Focus on the outcome for attendees ➔ Make it topical ➔ R-Ladies abstract review
  6. Documentation is a great place to start There are many

    ways to contribute to scikit-learn … Improving the documentation is no less important than improving the library itself. - From scikit-learn contributing guide (emphasis mine) https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
  7. If you’ve copied and pasted code three times, write a

    function If you’ve used the same function across three analyses, write a package Making your own package/library
  8. Isn’t making a package for “advanced programmers”? From Susan Johnston,

    as used in Jim Hester’s RStudio 2018 conference talk https://resources.rstudio.com/rstudio-conf-2018/you-can-make-a-package-in-20-minutes-jim-hester qCan you open and run R / Python? qCan you install a package? qCan you write code? qCan you write a function? qCan you learn to write a function? Excellent, you can write a package!
  9. Additional resources ➔ Making Peace with Personal Branding by Rachel

    Thomas ➔ Overcoming Social Anxiety by Steph Locke ➔ Keeping up with blogdown by Mara Averick ➔ Advice to Aspiring Data Scientists: Start a Blog by David Robinson ➔ Speaking at conference by Cassie Kozyrkov ➔ List of speaking resources ➔ R packages book by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan