Molar mass = 18 gm Molar volume = 18 mL N = 1023 L 107˚ A L N 1 3 N = 1 L 1˚ A !! Are other scalings possible ? How does length grow with size for a polymer ? Throughout, (!!) indicate exercises/derivations/points to ponder.
(x x)2 2D⇥ ⇥ Brownian motion : Einstein (1905) D = kBT 6⇥ a temperature size Stokes-Einstein-Sutherland Relation Q. Why does a smaller particle have a higher diffusion coefficient ? A. The ‘root N’ effect! The central limit theorem helps us understand this. !! Is it (central limit) theorem or central (limit theorem) ?
x1 x2 } P(x1, x2 ) RV y = x1 + x2 “Coarse-grained” sum P(y) P(y) = dx1dx2 (y x1 x2 )P(x1, x2 ) What is the distribution ? contains less information about the system than P(y) P(x1, x2 ) Adequate if we are only interested in the sum variable.
+ B 4 4 + K 2 (⇥ )2 P(⇥) ⇥ exp[ (A 2 ⇥2 + B 4 ⇥4)] P(s) ⇥ a+ (s 1) + a (s + 1) -J +J local part non-local part K( )2 All equal-time equilibrium properties are determined by this functional. !! Why is this called a “free energy” ? Is it a thermodynamic free energy ?
a Why is this independent of particle mass ? ⇥d = m Inertial time scale. Time the velocity ‘remembers’ its initial condition. d ˙ x = v ˙ x = ⇥(t) Overdamped equations of motion. Valid when d m˙ v + v = ⇤(t) = 6⌅⇥a
Temporal integration ⇤t⇥ = D⇤2 x ⇥ + ⇥x = (x + h) (x) h ⇤t⇥(i) = DL2 ij ⇥(j) + (i) ⇥(i, t + t) ⇥(i, t) = t+ t DL2 ij ⇥(j) + (i) !! Obtain the explicit form of the L matrix for a central difference Laplacian
between the molecular and continuum scales. • The continuum description must be supplemented by fluctuation terms. At the mesoscale, the number of particles is not so large that fluctuations can be neglected. • Lengths and times must be coarse-grained. Intelligent coarse-graining improves computational efficiency, often by orders of magnitude, compared to direct MD. • Mesoscale methods can be particle-based, for instance dissipative particle dynamics and Brownian dynamics, or field-based like time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory and fluctuating hydrodynamics. • TDGL equations can be solved very efficiently on computers using matrix formulations.
van Kampen • Handbook of stochastic processes : Gardiner • Principles of Condensed Matter Physics : Chaikin and Lubensky • Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena : Ma • Reviews of Modern Physics article : Halperin and Hohenberg • Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations : Kloeden and Platen.