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Rundfunk MITBESTIMMEN @ Nerd Nite Berlin #17, 2...

Rundfunk MITBESTIMMEN @ Nerd Nite Berlin #17, 2017-06-13

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BmdDEuW-ZA&feature=youtu.be
Event: https://berlin.nerdnite.com/updates/
Website: https://rundfunk-mitbestimmen.de/

Robert Schäfer: Why do I have to pay and don’t get a say? – Democratize public broadcasting

Public broadcasting in Germany receives a massive eight billion euros annually, yet it is subject to little or no public feedback, ranking, or even debate on what constitutes value or quality. We will introduce non-profit tech start-up “Rundfunk MITBESTIMMEN”, an open-source web application where people can say which broadcasts should benefit from their fees. It strives for a digital democracy and competition in public broadcasting as compensation for a tax-like compulsory fee.

Robert is an EmberJS and Ruby on Rails developer from Potsdam. He helps beginners to learn programming and journalists to develop prototypes for innovative formats. At the moment he writes his master thesis at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut.

Robert Schäfer

June 16, 2017

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