portable version of Sun Microsystems' Java. Because Java was a competitor of C++ and aimed at professional programmers, Netscape also wanted a lightweight interpreted language that would complement Java by appealing to nonprofessional programmers, like Microsoft's Visual Basic. “WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE ON JAVASCRIPT:
TypeS.. Kaff.. Less Sass Stylus HAML Slim Jade Coffee TypeS.. Dart Ender jQuery Moo Ender jQuery Moo Bootstrap Foundation Skeleton Preprocessors Frameworks Bootstrap Foundation Skeleton And people will build them.
of Rack and ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord is an abstraction of SQL. Rack is an abstraction of HTTP. Angular.js is an abstraction of JS AJAX + DOM. TypeScript is an abstraction of JavaScript. Flask is an abstraction of Python WSCGI. Django is an abstraction of SQL and Python WSCGI. Bootstrap is an abstraction of CSS and JS behaviours. jQuery is an abstraction of the JavaScript DOM. RubyMotion is an abstraction of the Cocoa API. Phantom is an abstraction of Webkit. Express is an abstraction of Node.js HTTP. Socket.io is an abstraction of web sockets. CoffeeScript is an abstraction of JavaScript syntax. Heroku is an abstraction of AWS. … e.g.:
is an abstraction of HTML internals. JavaScript is an abstraction of the browser. The browser is an abstraction of OS API calls. OS’s are an abstraction of your machine instructions. Machine instructions are an abstraction of electric signals. … e.g.: