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Scaling Product Hunt from 1 to millions of users

Scaling Product Hunt from 1 to millions of users

How the Product Hunt team was able to scale our systems from 1 user to millions of users. The Talk is focused on our process and technology choices.

Radoslav Stankov

September 04, 2020

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  1. “Process is automatic decisions for trivial questions and framework for

    making decisions for all other questions.” - Rado What is process?
  2. Our process had changed and continues to evolve, and the

    followings are the constants in our process over the years &
  3. ' single player mode ( automation ) code review *

    constant delivery + maintenance
  4. Project , - . % Testing 2 weeks fixed sprints

    t / 0 1 Project Project Project Project Project
  5. Automation t 2 3 linters - Brakeman, Rubocop, ESLint, Prettier

    ) unit & e2e tests - Ruby, JavaScript + type safety - TypeScript, GraphQL * deployment - CircleCI 4 infrastructure - Terraform 5 monitor & alert
  6. t 7 Happy Friday 8 fix exceptions 9 database performance

    : upgrade dependancies ; pay technical depth & code migrations < bug fixes
  7. We are a startup, we experiment, iterate, and remove what

    doesn't work. Our code needs to be decoupled, so it is easy to add and remove features.
  8. = have good defaults > have good code organization ?

    make common operations easy @ isolate dependencies A extensibility and reusability