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Rusty VMs and Emulation

Rusty VMs and Emulation

Writing a Chip-8 Emulator in Rust

Ryan Levick

May 18, 2016

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  1. … an emulation of a particular computer system … [that]

    operate[s] based on the computer architecture & functions of a real or hypothetical computer
  2. Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast,

    prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.
  3. 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00100000 00110010 00110010

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  4. 73 a2 6b 0c 6c 3f 6d 0c a2 ea

    da b6 dc d6 6e 00 22 d4 66 03 68 02 60 60 f0 15 f0 07 30 00 12 1a c7 17 77 08 69 ff a2 f0 d6 71 a2 ea da b6 dc d6 60 01 e0 a1 7b fe 60 04 e0 a1 7b 02 60 1f 8b 02 da b6 60 0c e0 a1 7d fe 60 0d e0 a1 7d 02 60 1f 8d 02 dc d6 a2 f0 d6 71 86 84 87 94 60 3f 86 02 61 1f 87 12 46 00 12 78 46 3f 12 82 47 1f 69 ff 47 00 69 01 d6 71 12 2a 68 02 63 01 80 70 80 b5 12 8a 68 fe 63 0a 80 70 80 d5 3f 01 12 a2 61 02 80 15 3f 01 12 ba 80 15 3f 01 12 c8 80 15 3f 01 12 c2 60 20 f0 18 22 d4 8e 34 22 d4 66 3e 33 01 66 03 68 fe 33 01 68 02 12 16 79 ff 49 fe 69 ff 12 c8 79 01 49 02 69 01 60 04 f0 18 76 01 46 40 76 fe 12 6c a2 f2 fe 33 f2 65 f1 29 64 14 65 00 d4 55 74 15 f2 29 d4 55 00 ee 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 00 6b 20 6c 00 a2 ea db c1 7c 01 3c 20 12 fc 6a 00 00 ee
  5. 73 a2 6b 0c 6c 3f 6d 0c a2 ea

    da b6 dc d6 6e 00 22 d4 66 03 68 02 60 60 f0 15 f0 07 30 00 12 1a c7 17 77 08 69 ff a2 f0 d6 71 a2 ea da b6 dc d6 60 01 e0 a1 7b fe 60 04 e0 a1 7b 02 60 1f 8b 02 da b6 60 0c e0 a1 7d fe 60 0d e0 a1 7d 02 60 1f 8d 02 dc d6 a2 f0 d6 71 86 84 87 94 60 3f 86 02 61 1f 87 12 46 00 12 78 46 3f 12 82 47 1f 69 ff 47 00 69 01 d6 71 12 2a 68 02 63 01 80 70 80 b5 12 8a 68 fe 63 0a 80 70 80 d5 3f 01 12 a2 61 02 80 15 3f 01 12 ba 80 15 3f 01 12 c8 80 15 3f 01 12 c2 60 20 f0 18 22 d4 8e 34 22 d4 66 3e 33 01 66 03 68 fe 33 01 68 02 12 16 79 ff 49 fe 69 ff 12 c8 79 01 49 02 69 01 60 04 f0 18 76 01 46 40 76 fe 12 6c a2 f2 fe 33 f2 65 f1 29 64 14 65 00 d4 55 74 15 f2 29 d4 55 00 ee 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 00 6b 20 6c 00 a2 ea db c1 7c 01 3c 20 12 fc 6a 00 00 ee
  6. Add

  7. pub struct Chip8 { regs: [u8; NUM_GENERAL_PURPOSE_REGS], i_reg: u16, delay_timer_reg:

    u8, sound_timer_reg: u8, stack_pointer_reg: u8, program_counter_reg: u16, memory: [u8; MEMORY_SIZE], stack: [u16; NUM_STACK_FRAMES], key_to_wait_for: Option<u8>, keyboard: [bool; NUM_KEYS], pub display: Box<Display>, }
  8. let mut computer = Chip8::new(program); loop { // Actual code

    throttles this loop to the // specified 60 instructions per second computer.cycle(); }
  9. impl Chip8 { // ... pub fn cycle(&mut self) {

    let instruction = self.instruction(); self.program_counter_reg = self.run_instruction(&instruction); } // ... }
  10. impl Chip8 { // ... fn instruction(&self) -> Instruction {

    let pc = self.program_counter_reg; let higher_order = self.memory[pc as usize] as u16; let lower_order = self.memory[(pc + 1) as usize] as u16; RawInstruction::new( (higher_order << 8) + lower_order ).to_instruction() } // ... }
  11. pub enum Instruction { ClearDisplay, Return, Jump(Address), Call(Address), SkipIfEqualsByte(Register, u8),

    SkipIfNotEqualsByte(Register, u8), SkipIfEqual(Register, Register), LoadByte(Register, u8), AddByte(Register, u8), Move(Register, Register), // ... }
  12. impl RawInstruction { // ... pub fn to_instruction(&self) -> Option<Instruction>

    { match self.xooo() { 0x0 => { match self.ooxx() { 0xE0 => Some(Instruction::ClearDisplay), 0xEE => Some(Instruction::Return), _ => None, } } 0x1 => Some(Instruction::Jump(self.oxxx())), 0x2 => Some(Instruction::Call(self.oxxx())), 0x3 => Some(Instruction::SkipIfEqualsByte(self.oxoo(), self.ooxx())), 0x4 => Some(Instruction::SkipIfNotEqualsByte(self.oxoo(), self.ooxx())), // ... } } // ... }
  13. impl Chip8 { // ... fn run_instruction(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction)

    -> u16 { match *instruction { Instruction::ClearDisplay => { self.display.clear(); self.program_counter_reg + 2 } Instruction::Return => { let addr = self.stack[(self.stack_pointer_reg - 1) as usize]; self.stack_pointer_reg -= 1; addr + 2 } Instruction::Jump(addr) => addr, Instruction::Call(addr) => { self.stack_pointer_reg += 1; self.stack[(self.stack_pointer_reg - 1) as usize] = self.program_counter_reg; addr } //... } } // ... }
  14. impl Chip8 { // ... fn run_instruction(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction)

    -> u16 { match *instruction { //... Instruction::AddByte(reg_number, value) => { let reg_value = self.read_reg(reg_number); self.load_reg( reg_number, value.wrapping_add(reg_value) ); self.program_counter_reg + 2 } //... } } // ... }
  15. for e in window { if let Some(_) = e.render_args()

    { let buffer = &computer.display.get_buffer(); draw_screen(buffer, &e); } if let Some(u) = e.update_args() { computer.cycle(u.dt); } }
  16. fn draw_screen(display_buffer: &display::Buffer, window: &PistonWindow) { window.draw_2d(|context, graphics| { piston_window::clear(color::BLACK,

    graphics); for (y, row) in display_buffer.iter().enumerate() { for (x, &val) in row.iter().enumerate() { if val { let dimensions = [(x * ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR) as f64, (y * ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR) as f64, ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR as f64, ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR as f64]; Rectangle::new(color::WHITE) .draw( dimensions, &context.draw_state, context.transform, graphics ); } } } }) }