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Phil "RzR" Coval
November 12, 2018


Phil "RzR" Coval

November 12, 2018


  1. 1 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Build "Privacy by

    design" Webthings With IoT.js on TizenRT and more #MozFest, Privacy and Security track Ravensbourne University, London UK <2018-10-27> Philippe Coval <[email protected]> Samsung Open Source Group / SRUK
  2. 2 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Hello world, $who

    am I ? • Philippe Coval – Samsung Software engineer • belongs to OpenSource Group • member of SRUK team – based in Rennes, France • Interests: – Libre Soft/Hard/ware communities – Embedded, IoT, Web, DIY… • Need help? Find me online: – https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/User:Pcoval
  3. 3 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Agenda • Context:

    – IoT status, Privacy matters ! – Motivations for Web of Thing • Mozilla Webthings framework • Constrainted IoT devices – With Javascript ! – using webthing-iotjs ! • Demos & Hands on session • To be continued: – @ MozIoT booth – Privacy+Security space • Level 9 – Online: • irc://irc.mozilla.org/#iot
  4. 4 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 IoT status •

    The Internet of Things is a system of physical objects – that can be discovered, monitored, controlled, – or interacted with by electronic devices – that communicate over various networking interfaces • and eventually can be connected to the wider Internet. • Addresses many domains: – Health, Agriculture, Transport, Cities, Industry • Critical in many cases: Need to Secure & Privacy Proof
  5. 5 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Privacy is about

    Trust and Control • Ownership of personal data – Shared, Transferred, Revoked, Logged, Retrieved and DELETED • depend on time and context • Services operators should comply regulations: – EU: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2018) • Risk to privacy in the IoT is HIGH!!! • “Privacy by design” opportunities – Prevent data collection in first place→Keep data local if possible • Limit usage of cloud, apps or “captive models” – New security challenges (Decentralize, reduce surface of attacks)
  6. 6 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Motivations for Open

    Web Of Things • Open web platform promises: – Security (isolation in browser) – Enhanced privacy (DNT) • Security is not same as Privacy ! • Think decentralized ! – may be harder to secure • But more resilient – Edge: Computation on nodes • Web of Things (WoT) – An application layer for IoT – with interoperability – Specification work by W3C – And FLOSS implementations
  7. 8 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Mozilla’s IoT Project

    Things Overview • Framework of software/services – for connecting "things" to the web • Things Model: Semantic to describe properties • WebThings: provide Http(s) REST API • Gateway to connect WebThings – Rule engine and nice Web UI (PWA) • Cloud: Remote access facilities
  8. 9 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 W3C WebThing model

    & Thing Description • Models complies to W3C schemas served on HTTP – using Javascript, C/C++, Rust, Python, uPython etc… • Actuator example: RGB Lamp (webthing-ardiuno/example) curl http://esp8266.local [{"name":"Dimmable Color Light", "type":"dimmableColorLight", "href":"/things/dimmable-color-light", "properties":{"on":{"type":"boolean", "href": "/things/dimmable-color-light/properties/on"}, "level":{"type":"number", "href": "/things/dimmable-color-light/properties/level"}, "color":{"type":"string", "href": "/things/dimmable-color-light/properties/color"}} }] Names = endpoints
  9. 10 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Mozilla IoT gateway

    • Purpose: – Connect all webthings in a LOCAL network – Provides GUI: Progressive web app • to monitor and control things – Create Users and Access control using JWT – Optional remote control using mozilla’s proxy • GNU/Linux Support: – Download Reference RaspberryPi image (2, 3) – Port to ARTIK5 or ARTIK7 (ARMv7) use node-10 or docker container – https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki/Gateway
  10. 11 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Sharing flow between

    owner and user • Owner setup gateway (connect lamp): – create and allow user(s) to control thing • User login to GW using OAuth (JWT issued) gateway="https://sosg.mozilla-iot.org" or "gateway.local" thing="things/http---esp8266.local-things-dimmable-color-lamp" property="properties/color" curl "$gateway/$thing/$property" \ -H "$auth" \ -H 'Accept: application/json' {"color":"#ffff6f"} ← Or use alternative app: webthings-webapp: Tizen or Android/SamsungInternet (PWA)
  11. 12 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Gateway is extensible

    using add-ons • Support other protocols: ZigBee... • Start with virtual things adapter – Usage: “Burger menu” / Settings / Addons / “Virtual Things” Add • Contrib: Generic sensors – Abstractions of I2C drivers/modules: • Temperature, AmbientLight … – plugged on gateway’s device • Today we’ll use “Thing URL” Adapter – to connect webthings using HTTP URL
  12. 13 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Every project has

    challenges, and every project has its rewards. ~Stephen Schwartz
  13. 14 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 IoT Problems and

    Solutions • Constrained IoT devices: – Cloud connected • Privacy issues – Easy to prototype: • Arduino – Harder to deploy at scale • Limited on resources • Native development – on many RTOS • Few experts developers • Technical strategies: – Edge computing • Data stay on nodes or in LAN – Abstraction with high level API • Port runtimes not apps code – Portability and standards • Script languages for MCU – JavaScript, Python, LUA… • Target existing developers base
  14. 15 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 JavaScript: Language of

    the Web for IoT ? • JavaScript is everywhere! – Many web developers → Many application developers – Easy leaning curve, Faster and Lower cost of development: • Standardized and established communities: – is the leading JavaScript runtime (based on V8 engine) – NPM repo over 500K modules • JS Interpreter can fit even into constrained devices – Few embedded devs to focus more on platforms than apps – Can run on even low end devices using JerryScript • (RAM:64K+ROM:200K) Integrated in IoT.js, Zephyr.js, Tizen:RT "Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript" ~Jeff Atwood
  15. 16 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Tizen:RT extends Tizen

    ecosystem • Tizen – Is based on Linux Kernel – Shipped into • High end consumer electronics – Mobile, TV, Wearables etc – Open to developers • Native, C/C++ (EFL) • HTML5 • DotNet • TizenRT – Is based on NuttX Kernel • for constrained devices: – Ie: Cortex M3 (RAM=30KB Flash=512KB) – For low end IoT devices: • Open APIs (C, JavaScript) • Connectivity • Reliability • Security – Support: • Qemu, ARTIK05x
  16. 17 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 WebThing-IoT.js to power

    WebThings on IoT.js • IoT.js runtime is powered by JerryScript – Features: GPIO, I2C, https and more – Prototype on GNU/Linux Debian derived OS – Deploy to constrained device: 05x on RT • Webthing-iotjs is a fork of webthing-node for IoT.js – Continuously rebasing to align – Limitations: ES5.1, and some parts removed: • mDNS, Websockets (actions, events)… – https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki
  17. 18 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 050X board as

    WebThing • Running: – TizenRT – IoT.js – Webthing-iotjs • Actuators – LEDs (GPIO) • Sensors – Button (GPIO) – Analog (ADC)
  18. 19 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 “Any sufficiently advanced

    technology is indistinguishable from magic.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke
  19. 22 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Mission’s plan •

    Create a webthing – it will be an Actuator • That post to notification through social network – ActivityPub: adding social features without scarifying privacy – using IoT.js (or node) • Connect to some gateway • Establish a rule to trigger an action
  20. 23 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Installing IoT.js runtime

    for webthings https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki/IotJs • Install for Raspberry Pi 0+ – download snapshot .deb package – https://dl.bintray.com/rzr/ • Rebuild for OS/Hardware: – https://github.com/Samsung/iotjs/ • Write hello world & run it: Hello IoT.js { "env": { //... "IOTJS_ENV": "", "IOTJS_EXTRA_MODULE_PATH":"" }, "builtin_modules": { //... "platform": "linux", (...) } "iotjs": { "board": "" }, "argv": [ "iotjs", "demo.js" ], // (...) } • cat demo.js console.log(“Hello IoT.js”) console.log(process) • iotjs demo.js
  21. 24 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Try webthing-iotjs’s simplest

    actuator: https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki • Download, simulate On/Off actuator example: – git clone https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs – iotjs example/simplest-thing.js [port] • Test it using HTTP client in other terminal → – Root endpoint is thing description • Lists all resources' properties – REST API to Get or Set property • curl \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ http://localhost:8888 • curl \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ http://localhost:8888/properties/on {"on":false} • curl -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"on":true}' \ http://localhost:8888/properties/on {"on":true}
  22. 25 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 From IoT to

    Social Web using ActivityPub https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki/Social • ActivityPub is an open, decentralized social networking protocol – Heritage from GNUSocial/StatusNet, Diaspora, Ostatus to Standard (2018) • Join Mastodon network – 1st create a user account if you don’t use it yet: • https://mastodon.social (or any decentralized instance) – Test it by sending a “toot” from web: “ping @TizenHelper about #WebThingIotJs” – Create app: https://mastodon.social/settings/applications • New Application/ name=”webthing-iotjs” / Submit • Then click on page and note “Your access token”
  23. 26 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 git clone https://github.com/rzr/mastodon-lite

    make -C mastodon-lite run error: TODO: edit configuration file ~/.mastodon-lite.json "access_token": "[TODO: Update with app token …]" ... Example: Using IoT.js’ HTTP module • Download and configure credentials in client: • Post message manually: cd mastodon-lite && iotjs example/index.js \ "Hi @TizenHelper from #Iotjs" • Run a webthing server to post on property update: – make -C example/webthing run – curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X PUT --data \ '{"message": \ "#WebThingIotJs is working @TizenHelper" }' \ http://localhost:8888/properties/message
  24. 27 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Minimal code using

    highlevel APIs var thing = new Thing('MastodonActuator',['String']); thing.addProperty( new Property(thing, 'message', new Value('#WebThingIotJs Hello', function(value {mastodon.post(String(value));}), {label: 'Message', type: 'string'} ); var server = new WebThingServer(new SingleThing(thing)); server.start(); Name Type
  25. 28 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Setting up Mozilla

    IoT gateway https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki/Gateway • Instructions: – https://iot.mozilla.org/gateway/ • Short cut: – git clone https://github.com/mozilla-iot/gateway – cat README.md – npm install && npm start – Browse http://localhost:8080 • ARTIK710 port using node10 or docker (WIP)
  26. 29 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Connecting things to

    gateway https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki • Setup gateway – skip optional steps • Log in, explore burger menu • Settings/ Add-ons / +: – Install some add-ons: • Virtual Things (to simulate) • Web Thing (to add by URL) • Go back “Things” page – (first entry in the menu): • Start adding “things” – press the bottom + button – Virtual On/Off Switch, ... • Save, Done (bottom)
  27. 30 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Rule engine for

    Things' behavior https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki • Connect your webthing example – +, Add by URL: http://localhost:8888 • (Or your IP:PORT) • Submit, (Rename), Save, Done • Add rule (+) – Place: • Sensor(s) • Actuator(s) – Link properties: • Example rule: – If • Virtual On/Off Switch – is on, – set • MastodonActuator's – message to • “#WebThingsIotJs rule triggered ! ping @TizenHelper” Sensor
  28. 31 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Summary: Open Web

    matters for IoT ! • Open Web of Things: to link WWW to physical world • Mozilla Things framework to connect devices in LAN • Privacy Is about user's data control of flows • Javascript aims to reduce integration complexity • Try webthing-iotjs on GNU/Linux or TizenRT ! • Support & comply to W3C standards, contribute to FLOSS
  29. 32 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Resources • Entry

    points: – https://github.com/MozillaFestival/mozfest-program-2018/issues/690 – https://www.w3.org/WoT/ – https://iot.mozilla.org/ • More: – https://youtu.be/0AAhghY2fpM?t=2448 – https://webofthings.org/ – https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ • Keep in touch online: – https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr – https://s-opensource.org/author/philcovalsamsungcom/ – https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Meeting – https://www.slideshare.net/samsungosg Resources: flaticons CC Bonus tip: for demo convenience I am drafting demo recipes (WIP) git clone https://github.com/rzr/TizenRT
  30. 33 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Questions or Extras

    ? https://wiki.tizen.org/User:Pcoval (Ask now or later online)
  31. 34 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Physical world and

    Input/Output https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki/Sensor • Analog: Measured phenomena – Physics, Chemicals, Probabilities • Digital→Several bits (On/Off) • Analog↔Digital conversion – Quantification • Time matters – Periodic (frequencies) • Sensors and actuators • I/O Pins – GPIO: General Input (or) Output • Numeric: 3.3v = 1 , 0v = 0 • Used for input: buttons, switch – or output: relay, LED, lights – PWM: Pulse width modulation • Pulse signal (frequency) • Used for buzzer, motors, dimmed LED – UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter • Serial line: Send (TX) / Receive (RX) data • Speed in baud (bit per second) • Used for console, modems, peripheral MCU – I2C & SPI buses • Used for chips (ADC/DAC, sensors, memory)
  32. 35 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 Generic Sensors addon

    adapter (I2C) https://youtu.be/4haKrPetGmg#mozilla-iot-gateway-sensors-20180406rzr • mozilla-iot-gateway-sensors-20180406rzr • https://youtu.be/4haKrPetGmg
  33. 36 https://social.samsunginter.net/@rzr Samsung Open Source Group 2018 WebThings Web App

    (Tizen & PWA) https://youtu.be/vzoUJ-v5h38#webthing-esp8266-webapp-20180602rzr https://youtu.be/vzoUJ-v5h 38#webthing-esp8266-webapp -20180602rzr