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Deliver Python Apps with Docker

Deliver Python Apps with Docker

Slides was made by Anton Egorov for Pycon Russia 2016

Anton Egorov

July 04, 2016

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  1. Who am I? • Software Engineer, 10 years in web

    development • Scripting mostly with Python • 2 years using Docker, dockerized about 50 apps, 80% of them were Python apps • Ex Lead Developer at ostrovok.ru • CTO and Founder at sabaka.io
  2. Plan • Quick introduction to Docker • App dockerization example

    • Production deployment notes • Treasure Goblin lives on special slides
  3. What is Docker? • It’s an open-source project that automates

    application deployment using containers • Initial release was in March 2013 • Written in Go • Works on Linux, OS X, Windows
  4. Why Docker? • The best tool for software packaging •

    Easy to build, just follow best practices • Fast at runtime, overhead is close to nothing • You have identical installation at any environment (dev, stage, prod) • Predictable, easy to test, makes QA happy
  5. Image • An image is a container basis • It’s

    a filesystem and a set of parameters to use at runtime (libs, bins, your software) • It doesn’t have a state and never changes • Dockerfile contains instructions to build the image
  6. Container • A container is a running instance of the

    image • It consists of • Docker image • Execution environment • Set of instructions
  7. Data Volume • Directory within one or more containers that

    bypasses the Union File System • Designed to persist data, independent of the container’s life cycle
  8. Notes • Treat containers as read-only instances • Use data

    volumes to take care of persistent data
  9. Images are layered • Docker store images in a layered

    file system • Each instruction from Dockerfile is a distinct read only layer • When you create a new container, you add a new, thin, writable layer
  10. Application • We have a demo Django app written in

    Python 3 • We are going to serve static along with the app • We don't care about HTTPS inside the container • Logging and monitoring is out of the scope of this talk
  11. ls -la • Dockerfile — build instructions • .dockerignore —

    excludes files from the build context • demo — app source code • etc — runtime configuration files
  12. Dockerfile: libs, bins FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ &&

    apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y \ && apt-get install -y nginx-light \ python3 python3-pip python3-psycopg2 \ && BUILD_DEPS='build-essential python3-dev' \ && apt-get install -y ${BUILD_DEPS} \ && pip3 install --no-cache-dir circus==0.13.0 gunicorn==19.5.0 \ && apt-get autoremove -y ${BUILD_DEPS} \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
  13. Dockerfile best practices • Join commands sequence into one RUN

    instruction to reduce the number of layers • Clean build dependencies • Plan your layers to take advantage of the Docker build cache
  14. Dockerfile: pip install • Container is an isolated environment, so

    you don't have to use python-virtualenv • We do python packages installation in a separate step to achieve caching COPY requirements.txt /opt/demo/app/
 RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir \ -r /opt/demo/app/requirements.txt
  15. Dockerfile: prepare the app • Copy the app source code

    and configuration files • Fix files permissions • Run validations (e.g. nginx -t) • Execute management scripts to prepare the app
  16. Dockerfile: prepare the app COPY etc/ /etc/ COPY demo/ /opt/demo/app/

    WORKDIR /opt/demo/app ENV STATIC_ROOT=/opt/demo/static RUN nginx -t \ && ./manage.py collectstatic \ --settings=demo.settings --no-input -v0 CMD ["circusd", "/etc/circus/web.ini"]
  17. etc

  18. etc/circus/web.ini [watcher:web]
 cmd=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn \ demo.wsgi:application -c /etc/gunicorn.py
 working_dir = /opt/demo/app

    copy_env = True
 user = www-data [watcher:nginx]
 cmd = /usr/sbin/nginx
 stop_signal = QUIT
 user = root
  19. etc/nginx/sites-available/default server {
 listen 80;
 location / {
 include proxy_params;

 location /static/ {
 root /opt/demo/;
 access_log off;
  20. /etc/gunicorn.py import multiprocessing
 import os
 bind = ''

    = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1
 workers = os.environ.get( 'WEB_CONCURRENCY', default_workers)
 worker_class = 'sync'
 max_requests = 300 max_requests_jitter = 300
 errorlog = '-'
  21. demo/settings.py The best way to configure your app is environment

    (e.g. database connection) DATABASES = {
 'default': dj_database_url.config(
  22. docker-compose.yml web: build: . container_name: web environment: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: demo.settings_prod DATABASE_URL:

    postgres://postgres:secret@db/demo ALLOWED_HOSTS: "*" ports: - "80:80" db: image: postgres:9.5 environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "secret" POSTGRES_DB: "demo" volumes: - /var/lib/postgresql/data
  23. Build and run We can build an image using docker-compose

    docker-compose build Run containers docker-compose up -d Run database migrations docker exec -it web \
 /opt/demo/app/manage.py migrate
  24. Docker Registry • You can use any SaaS solution (e.g.

    Docker Hub, Quay, Amazon ECR, Google Container Registry) • Or deploy and configure your own Registry, it's easy and fully automated
  25. Orchestration • Docker Compose is a good choice for small

    projects • You should automate your deployment with tools like Ansible or have a look at Docker Swarm if you want to manage a medium-sized cluster • Kubernetes and Mesosphere are complex tools with advanced features • Alternatively you can use SaaS solutions like Docker Cloud, Amazon ECS, Google Container Engine
  26. Links • Demo https://github.com/satyrius/paid • Docs https://docs.docker.com/ • Best practices

    https://docs.docker.com/engine/ userguide/eng-image/dockerfile_best-practices/ • Circus https://circus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/for-ops/ configuration/ • Gunicorn http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/ settings.html
  27. Jobs • ostrovok.ru is looking for Python/Golang/iOS/ Android developers and

    much more
 https://jobs.lever.co/ostrovok.ru • sabaka.io is looking for DevOps/SysOps engineers and Python/Golang talents