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Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

Slides was made by Anton Egorov for Moscow Python Meetup

Anton Egorov

April 20, 2017

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  1. Who am I? • Software Engineer with 10 years of

    experience • Working on Web and Mobile project • Scripting mostly with Python and JavaScript • CTO and Founder at sabaka.io
  2. Cookie-based Auth POST /auth?user=…&pass=… Set-Cookie: session=… GET /api; Cookie: session=…

    HTTP OK new session find session Client app.example.com Server app.example.com
  3. Whats wrong with Cookies? • Cookies could be stolen and

    used for authentication until they expire some day • Its hard to invalidate sessions • You have to manage and scale session storage for your web servers • You have to configure CORS for your API requests if they are on a different domain
  4. Self-managed API keys • You can issue an manage some

    sort of API keys for your clients manually • You have to do everything from scratch: issuing, authorization, expiration, invalidation • You key will be just an authentication token
  5. JSON Web Token • Three parts separated by dots: Header,

    Payload, Signature • Header typically has a token type and an algorithm being used (HMAC SHA256 or RSA) • Payload contains claims, reserved (iat, exp, nbf, iss, aud) and custom (e.g. name, email) • Signature is a concatenation of an encoded header and a payload plus a secret signed by an algorithm specified in the header
  6. Payload { "exp": "1492714800000", "name": "Anton Egorov", "uid": "c2F0eXJpdXMK" }

    eyJuYW1lIjoiQW50b24gRWdvcm92Iiwi ZXhwIjoxNDkyNzE0ODAwMDAwLCJhZG1p biI6dHJ1ZX0 base64 encode
  7. PyJWT import jwt payload = { 'exp': 1492714800000, 'name': 'Anton

    Egorov', 'uid': 'c2F0eXJpdXMK', } key = 'my_secret' jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm='HS256')
  8. JWT-based Auth POST /auth?user=…&pass=… {"token": "eyJhbGciOi…"} GET /api; Authentication: eyJhbGciOi…

    HTTP OK new token validate token Client app.example.com Server api.example.com
  9. What’s the difference? • No Cookies means you don’t need

    to care about CORS and CSRF • Stateless, no session storage management • Mobile ready
  10. More advantages • Self-contained. The payload contains all the required

    information about the user. • Compact. Because of their smaller size, JWTs can be sent through a URL, POST parameter, or inside a HTTP header. • Secure. Information can be verified and trusted because it is cryptographically signed.
  11. Steps to implement • Endpoint to get a new JWT

    • Auth framework should accept Authentication header with JWT (e.g. create a middleware) • Take care of invalidation for long-live tokens
  12. How to Secure JWT • Always verify the signature and

    claims (e.g exp) before you trust any information in the JWT. PyJWT does it for you by default. • Secure the secret signing key used for creating and verifying the signature • Do not put any sensitive data in a JWT • Use asymmetric encryption (RSA / ECDSA)
  13. Refresh token • Access tokens carry the necessary information to

    access a resource directly (short-lived) • Refresh tokens carry the information necessary to get a new access token (long-lived) • Refresh tokens improve security and allow for reduced latency