An hour long overview of the Corona mobile development SDK I gave at 360|iDev mobile developers conference in 2010 to an audience of 50 mobile designers, developers, and other mobile professionals in San Jose, CA.
speci cs, nuts & bolts EVAN KIRCHHOFF (Ansca Mobile) Game Dev & the new Corona Physics Engine Q & A The part almost everyone likes ... Friday, April 16, 2010
years Mobile & Devices Dev Mobile & Device Platforms iPhone/iPad, Android, Symbian, Maemo, & many more I like the a lot of the ideas behind Corona Friday, April 16, 2010
a time it took to get up to speed developing mobile apps with Corona. It’s one of the better emerging mobile development kits I’ve used recently ... pretty cool stuff.” - Scott Janousek Friday, April 16, 2010
use Lua is a simple language to learn Multiple target devices API keeps expanding Physics and other Frameworks TBD The closeknit support Friday, April 16, 2010