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May 13, 2015



May 13, 2015


  1. CO-CREATING INNOVATION SOLUTIONS We help organizations solve systems-level grand challenges,

    governments more effectively utilize their resources and connect with citizens, and corporations leverage their strengths and break silos to solve complex problems. Our work manifests itself in the collective activation of organizations and the development of innovation strategies, technologies and sustainable solutions that we design and execute in partnership with our clients.
  2. Collaboration is at the heart of our activities. We specialize

    in using collaboration to solve complex problems that societies and organizations are facing today. We believe in working closely with our clients to design strategies, form the right partnerships and execute real, sustainable solutions. A COLLABORATIVE ADVANTAGE
  3. We provide the foundation for systemic change… SYSTEMIC APPROACH Developing

    a sustainable fishery system in the Gulf of California with the Walton Family Foundation. Addressing the systemic issues that lead to environmentally induced diseases such as cancer with the Garfield Foundation. Increasing resilience to disaster risk and natural hazards in Turkey with the World Bank. Mapping the 2020 systems innovation vision of the apparel industry through the Sustainable Apparel Coalition. Leading the apparel industry towards use of green chemistry in the entirety of the supply chain. Improving the capacity to raise Kindergarten- ready kids focusing on early childhood education with the Walton Family Foundation.
  4. We deliver cutting-edge solutions that have lasting impact… INNOVATIVE PROJECTS

    Envisioning a strategy and method for breakthrough innovation at NASA. Developing a research and open innovation strategy for AlJazeera to advance the production, curation and distribution of news globally. Advancing collaborative models of problem solving at Intel. Increasing coherence and communication across marketing related functions at Nestlé. Developing a global transparency strategy to drive sustainability at Nike. Working with Rio Tinto to create positive impact on the development of Mongolia by improving education.
  5. ... and facilitate powerful collaborations that change the world UNPRECEDENTED

    PARTNERSHIPS 11,000 civic hackers, 123 events, 22 government agency partners, 75 datasets released. 10,000 participants, 136 events, 44 countries and 474 partners improving life on Earth and life on Space. Responding to challenges facing humanity by developing practical, open source technology. Convening an industry-wide group of over 100 leading apparel organizations to reduce environmental and social impacts. Breakthrough technologies brought to scale, $40+ million of direct investment. Addressing challenges in open governance in Russia and America.
  6. Understand The co-development of a shared understanding of a common

    problem creates a common ground to begin to understand each other. Design From a framework of shared understanding, initiatives are co-designed, which results in not only having greater buy-in from the participating stakeholders, but the process itself builds relationships between the participants. Doing When these initiatives are implemented together the shared experience builds trust and lasting relationships. INNOVATION THROUGH CO-CREATION Our collaborative process enables our clients to solve the toughest challenges
  7. With a team based in North America, Europe, Central America

    and Australia we support 400 clients and partners including Fortune 500 companies, governments, multilateral organizations and nonprofits. SecondMuse has become known for delivering cutting-edge innovations, partnerships and solutions. Our work has been highlighted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, won the World Bank 2011 Sustainable Development project of the year, and was recently highlighted at the G-8 Summit in Northern Ireland as the leading U.S. public private partnership.
  8. CASE STUDIES INNOVATIVE PROJECTS New York’s Next Top Makers Internet

    Freedom RioTinto Creating Shared Value NASA Grand Challenges Al Jazeera Canvas Early Childhood Development Understanding Risk in Disaster Management USAID Maize TED Ideas into Action Sustainable Apparel Coalition William Penn UNPRECEDENTED PARTNERSHIPS LAUNCH International Space Apps Challenge National Day of Civic Hacking Random Hacks of Kindness World Bank Hackathon Against Domestic Violence Code for Country Water Hackathon
  9. INNOVATIVE PROJECTS Engagement of a diverse but focused set of

    participants and stakeholders in collective action towards a specific outcome. A structured approach to building a coalition for the collaboration process, with an open engagement format.
  10. New York’s Next Top Makers Next Top Makers is designed

    with SecondMuse in coordination with the design, business, and manufacturing community of New York City to support NYC-based hardware entrepreneurs to grow their businesses in the city. SecondMuse is a thought partner with NYCEDC and is building an ecosystem to support manufacturing and design-driven entrepreneurship in NYC by bringing together more than six strong partners. The program includes a year-long community-sourced incubation program for six NYC-based hardware companies via a competitive process, which leverages the resources in New York City to build and establish product companies in New York City. A five-borough Next Top Maker Pop Up Tour gives the community an opportunity to connect and celebrate each other and an online platform including the creation of a Maker Map with more than 90 organizations and Makers represented. www.nexttopmakers.com
  11. Internet Freedom SecondMuse focuses on the critical issue of Internet

    freedom from the perspective of users around the world such as human rights activists, political organizers, marginalized communities, and more. SecondMuse developed a methodology for applying human centered design and Needfinding to user communities and published cutting edge reports on user needs in the Tibetan Exile Community, a Vietnamese activist community, and shared an open and freely available framework for replicating our process. SecondMuse is also the home for the Open Technology Fund’s Localization Lab, a growing community of thousands of volunteer translators, developers, and intermediary organizations committed to localizing open source Internet freedom technology.
  12. Creating Shared Value Rio Tinto (RT) is the controlling shareholder

    in the Oyu Tolgoi (OT) copper mine in Mongolia. This mine has made Mongolia the world’s fastest growing economy, and provides one third of the country’s GDP. SecondMuse was engaged to co-design OT’s Positive Impact strategy to identify ways in which OT can create Shared Value in Mongolia. The approach was to consider those areas/domains where there is an overlap between the needs of Mongolia and OT to co-create positive impact. In addition, SecondMuse helped co-design and co-implement the VETC Collective Impact initiative within the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Sector, the sector that trains construction workers and miners. VETC mission is to catalyze collaboration across the Private and Public sectors.
  13. Ideation Around Grand Challenges The NASA Agency Grand Challenges are

    developed as part of President Obama’s Strategy for American Innovation. The White House has set a course for initiating Grand Challenges which are ambitious goals on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. SecondMuse facilitates the NASA Agency Grand Challenges “Big Think” sessions, orchestrating the intra- agency challenge ideation sessions. This multidisciplinary collaboration is an opportunity for NASA to articulate a national target and establish public private partnerships that harness and advance technology, science and innovation.
  14. Al Jazeera Canvas Media In Context Hackathon In 2014, Al

    Jazeera’s Innovation and Research group launched Canvas, an innovation community bringing together a diverse set of experts at the intersection of media and technology. Al Jazeera engaged SecondMuse to help design and execute the vision of Canvas. The initiative was launched with its first ever media innovation hackathon centered around the theme “Media in Context”. The hackathon brought 86 participants from around the world to Doha to form teams and build solutions to 19 challenges. SecondMuse planned, coordinated, and delivered the Media in Context hackathon. For more information, please visit Canvas blog posts here and here. www.canvas.aljazeera.com
  15. Early Childhood Development SecondMuse worked with the Walton Family Foundation,

    the Packard Foundation and others on various issues related to early childhood education, including creating a systems map of the ECD ecosystem by collaborating with many different stakeholders with insights into this system. By visualizing the causal relationships underlying a complex and often uncoordinated web of services and actors, the map was intended for serve as a tool to aid collective action to improve early childhood development outcomes. The system mapping process allowed for a shared vision and identified leverage points. It laid the groundwork for a design and build process for an electronic version of the map to be a reference tool for those in the field. SecondMuse organized a workshop for the Foundation to explore these ideas.
  16. Understanding Risk in Disaster Management The World Bank seeks SecondMuse

    to reframe the global discourse on disaster risk management and position the Bank as a hub for knowledge exchange of innovation. SecondMuse uses social media and online community forums to develop a global dialogue among more than 2,000 experts and practitioners in the field of disaster risk management, to share information and strategies about the use of innovative technologies in assessing disaster risk.
  17. USAID Maize In order to better understand how to facilitate

    the adoption of climate resilient maize in order to improve the livelihoods of farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and promote food security, USAID asked SecondMuse to create an initial systems map and co-facilitate a one day convening to form a shared vision and begin to identify areas for collective action. SecondMuse brought its systems innovation and mapping expertise to the project with a detailed systems map that became the cornerstone of the systems innovation process for USAID in this area.
  18. Transforming Ideas into Solutions TED is known for showcasing ideas

    worth sharing. Intel is known for delivering world changing technology innovations. Through a partnership with Intel and TED, SecondMuse developed the ‘Ideas to action’ mobile app focusing on placing the ideas worth spreading within the TEDx community in action. The mobile app for both android and iOS enables the user to capture the central ideas in a TEDx talk and suggest simple actions for the ‘crowd’ to take to place that idea into action. By articulating these important ideas into simple actions we can all take, the app helps to increase the positive impact of the TEDx community in the world.
  19. Sustainable Apparel Coalition The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is an

    industry-wide group of nearly 100 leading apparel and footwear brands, retailers, suppliers, academics, and NGOs working to reduce the environmental and social impacts of apparel and footwear products around the world. They are most known for their work in creating the Higg Index which is an indicator based tool that measures the environmental and social performance of apparel and footwear products, brands, and factories. SecondMuse was asked to help further define the organization’s purpose and create an organizing framework to help them better tell their story to current and potentially new members. SecondMuse has also been working on designing the SAC's strategy to move from tools providing aggregated data to quantified impact to system transformation. www.apparelcoalition.org/
  20. Guided Local Collaboration The William Penn Foundation hired SecondMuse to

    strategize and plan a program to increase the utilization of trails in the City of Philadelphia, and generate project ideas to serve these goals: bring people from high-use sections of the trail to low-use sections; engage communities with the trails that do not traditionally use them; and foster a stronger connection between users and the value of the trails as an asset to the city. SecondMuse became the convening platform around which the partners could collaborate and add value. The project vision is to be a model for innovatively engaging technology, the arts, makers, and the educators in increasing the value of public assets.
  21. UNPRECEDENTED PARTNERSHIPS We scale and apply our collaborative approach en

    masse, facilitating and mobilizing initiatives involving a broad group of diverse organizations from public and private sector and aligned individuals to learn, strategize, design and coordinate action to tackle wicked problems.
  22. Creating Impact and Sustainability Nike, NASA, USAID and the US

    Department of State hire SecondMuse to conceive, manage and execute LAUNCH, a global initiative to identify and support innovation poised to contribute to a sustainable future. LAUNCH then accelerates those solutions to meet urgent challenges facing society. Since 2010, SecondMuse has cultivated a collaborative process, to deeply understand systems and work closely with domain experts to source and accelerate pioneering new technologies and programs. The LAUNCH process has seen over $40 million of direct investment with $500 million of indirect investment. LAUNCH was also showcased at the recent G8 meeting by the United States as a leading government innovation. www.launch.org
  23. Improving Life on Earth and In Space 12,500 participants, 58

    countries, 135 cities, 949 solutions Co-developing and carrying out a strategic vision for open innovation at NASA, the International Space Apps Challenge gathers key space agencies around the world, scientists and concerned citizens to use publicly-released data (e.g. Earth science and planetary observations) to create solutions for global challenges such as climate change, weather impacts on the global economy, and depletion of ocean resources. The Space App Competition is the largest global mass collaboration hackathon. The International Space Apps Challenge is a mass collaboration, with over 500 organizations internationally contributing with data, challenges, in-kind and financial resources. www.spaceappschallenge.org
  24. Catalyzing Civic Engagement and Action 10,000 participants, 123 events, 103

    cities, 13 countries, 22 government partners, 100 datasets, 700 innovations An unprecedented Public-Private-People Partnership, The National Day of Civic Hacking is a national event that took place 2013 and 2014. The event brought together over 10,000 citizens, software developers, and entrepreneurs from all over the nation to collaboratively build and invent new solutions using publicly-released data, code and technology to solve challenges relevant to our neighborhoods, our cities, our states and country. SecondMuse is a core partner of the initiative acting as operational lead, from strategy and design to implementation. Following the event, SecondMuse ran the Data Services Accelerator, Intel’s first-ever accelerator that moved forward six incredible civic-minded startups coming out of the National Day. www.hackforchange.org www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/research/intel-labs-data-services- accelerator.html
  25. Starting a Global Movement Random Hacks of Kindness represents a

    novel approach to identifying and solving challenges for social impact. This process begins with defining local and global problems, prototyping solutions at internationally coordinated hackathons, and sustaining development of high-potential projects through to maturity and deployment. RHoK brings together people from diverse backgrounds and organizations, leveraging their creative potential for software-based solutions the world urgently needs. RHoK is backed by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, HP, NASA and The World Bank as its Core Partners and a host of over 225 local partners around the world from the corporate, government, civil society and academic sectors. SecondMuse has acted since RHoK's inception as the initiatives' operational lead, becoming a key player in the strategy, design and implementation of the project on a daily basis. www.rhok.org
  26. World Bank Hackathon Against Domestic Violence 350 participants, 6 countries,

    41 prototypes built SecondMuse implemented the Hackathon against Domestic Violence with The World Bank in 6 countries in Central America and Washington DC, an initiative to develop a community of technologists and experts to co-create technology solutions against domestic violence. An internal World Bank incubator was set up to source the highest potential projects that came out of this initiative and scale them into technology products and services that can be used in the Central America region. A number of partnerships were arranged with both local and international institutions in order to ensure the sustainability of the projects being implemented. www.vdhackathon.org
  27. Co-Creating Open Governance The US Department of State and Skolkovo

    contracted SecondMuse to design and facilitate Code4Country, an international event convened under the Bilateral Presidential Commission between the US and Russia. Code4Country offers an opportunity for citizens from Russia and the United States to work together on addressing challenges in open governance and brings together Russian and American software developers to produce concrete technological solutions to challenges in both countries. SecondMuse was responsible for event design, internal and external communications, subject matter expert and diplomat engagement, and facilitating collaboration with the technology community. www.codeforcountry.org
  28. Tapping Innovation in Water www.sanitationhackathon.org 500 participants, 10 cities, 60

    prototypes built Winning the 2012 World Bank sustainability project of the year award, the WaterHackathon redefined 21st century international development. The Sanitation Hackathon was born of a global partnership among The World Bank, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Random Hacks of Kindness, Eirene, Nokia, Open Cities, and Civic Commons. SecondMuse worked directly with water experts in 10 countries to build impact focused challenge statements and detailed use cases for proposed innovations that would address real-world sanitation problems.