comprehensive shared automation that prioritizes security, ensure automation is always up to date across the organization, and empower developers with an unparalleled level of e ff i ciency.
and can instead focus on building features. Platform and security teams can centrally build and maintain security automation and ensure it is current on all relevant repositories. Your software, processes, and infrastructure are expressed in code and shared. Your organization builds understanding, easing onboarding, contributions, and improving incident response. BetterSoftware BetterSecurity BetterUnderstanding B u i ldBet t er with
useful and valuable” Migration off Jenkins & Circle CI | 400K repositories Building a software factory based on GitHub Introduction early September Introduced to the DevOps leadership via GitHub account rep “We are happy to make customer introductions” Migration off Circle CI | 200K repositories Introduction end of September Compliance review mid September Looking to offer SkyLounge to Customers
Leverage our relationships in GSA to achieve FedRamp certi fi cation and onboard government customers. Establish a shared hosted instance to capture small and mid-size company subscriptions. 1 2 3
technologies & organizational e ff i ciency Steve Greenberg, Founder Center for Innovation (incubator) American University Elisabeth Hendrickson, Advisor experienced technology executive with a proven track record for growing leadership teams Ken Ewing MS Applied Math & InfoSec 28 years in private law practice in Antitrust and M&A Consulting Partner 33 Teams experience executive responsible for bringing countless products to market Drew McManus, Advisor