# Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) # Copyright (C) 2009 Fabio Akita <fabio.akita@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2008 David Chelimsky <dchelimsky@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2008 David A. Cuadrado <krawek@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2008 Tim Dysinger <tim@dysinger.net> # Copyright (C) 2008 David Aguilar <davvid@gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2008 Tor Arne Vestbø <tavestbo@trolltech.com> # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Johan Sørensen <johan@johansorensen.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #++ require "gitorious" require "gitorious/messaging" class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base include Gitorious::Messaging::Publisher include Watchable include Gitorious::Authorization include Gitorious::Protectable KIND_PROJECT_REPO = 0 KIND_WIKI = 1 KIND_TEAM_REPO = 2 KIND_USER_REPO = 3 KIND_TRACKING_REPO = 4 KINDS_INTERNAL_REPO = [KIND_WIKI, KIND_TRACKING_REPO] belongs_to :user belongs_to :project belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true has_many :repository_memberships, :as => :content has_many :content_memberships, :as => :content belongs_to :parent, :class_name => "Repository" has_many :clones, :class_name => "Repository", :foreign_key => "parent_id", :dependent => :nullify has_many :comments, :as => :target, :dependent => :destroy has_many :merge_requests, :foreign_key => "target_repository_id", :order => "status, id desc", :dependent => :destroy has_many :proposed_merge_requests, :foreign_key => "source_repository_id", :class_name => "MergeRequest", :order => "id desc", :dependent => :destroy has_many :cloners, :dependent => :destroy has_many :events, :as => :target, :dependent => :destroy has_many :services, :dependent => :destroy has_many :_committerships, :dependent => :destroy def committerships RepositoryCommitterships.new(self) end after_destroy :post_repo_deletion_message scope :by_users, :conditions => { :kind => KIND_USER_REPO } do def fresh(limit = 10) order("last_pushed_at DESC").limit(limit) end end scope :by_groups, :conditions => { :kind => KIND_TEAM_REPO } do def fresh(limit=10) order("last_pushed_at DESC").limit(limit) end end scope :clones, :conditions => ["kind in (?) and parent_id is not null", [KIND_TEAM_REPO, KIND_USER_REPO]] scope :mainlines, :conditions => { :kind => KIND_PROJECT_REPO } scope :regular, :conditions => ["kind in (?)", [KIND_TEAM_REPO, KIND_USER_REPO, KIND_PROJECT_REPO]] def open_merge_requests # merge_requests.open doesn't quite work, presumably related to the # issue of 'open': Object#open, "open" state and "open" scope. Overload! # TODO: Refactor MergeRequest merge_requests.where({}).open end def destroy merge_requests.each &:destroy reload super end def self.human_name I18n.t("activerecord.models.repository") end def self.find_by_name_in_project!(name, containing_project = nil) if containing_project find_by_name_and_project_id!(name, containing_project.id) else find_by_name!(name) end end def self.find_by_path(path) base_path = path.gsub(/^#{Regexp.escape(RepositoryRoot.default_base_path)}/, "") path_components = base_path.split("/").reject{|p| p.blank? } repo_name, owner_name = [path_components.pop, path_components.shift] project_name = path_components.pop repo_name.sub!(/\.git/, "") raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless owner_name owner = case owner_name[0].chr when "+" Group.find_by_name!(owner_name.sub(/^\+/, "")) when "~" User.find_by_login!(owner_name.sub(/^~/, "")) else Project.find_by_slug!(owner_name) end if owner.is_a?(Project) owner_conditions = { :project_id => owner.id } else owner_conditions = { :owner_type => owner.class.name, :owner_id => owner.id } end if project_name if project = Project.find_by_slug(project_name) owner_conditions.merge!(:project_id => project.id) end end Repository.where({ :name => repo_name }.merge(owner_conditions)).first end def self.delete_git_repository(path) git_backend.delete!(RepositoryRoot.expand(path).to_s) end def self.most_active_clones_in_projects(projects, limit = 5) key = "repository:most_active_clones_in_projects:#{projects.map(&:id).join('-')}:#{limit}" clone_ids = projects.map do |project| project.repositories.clones.map{|r| r.id } end.flatten select("distinct repositories.*, count(events.id) as event_count"). where("repositories.id in (?) and events.created_at > ? and kind in (?)", clone_ids, 7.days.ago, [KIND_USER_REPO, KIND_TEAM_REPO]). order("count(events.id) desc"). joins(:events). includes(:project). group("repositories.id"). limit(limit) end def self.most_active_clones(limit = 10) select("distinct repositories.id, repositories.*, count(events.id) as event_count"). where("events.created_at > ? and kind in (?)", 7.days.ago, [KIND_USER_REPO, KIND_TEAM_REPO]). order("count(events.id) desc"). group("repositories.id"). joins(:events). includes(:project). limit(limit) end # Finds all repositories that might be due for a gc, starting with # the ones who've been pushed to recently def self.all_due_for_gc(batch_size = 25) where("push_count_since_gc > 0"). order("push_count_since_gc desc"). limit(batch_size) end def gitdir "#{url_path}.git" end # The project/repo path segment is useful for more things than URLs def path_segment File.join(project.to_param_with_prefix, name) end def url_path path_segment end def real_gitdir "#{self.full_hashed_path}.git" end def browse_url Gitorious.url(url_path) end def default_clone_protocol return "git" if git_cloning? return "http" if http_cloning? "ssh" end def default_clone_url send(:"#{default_clone_protocol}_clone_url") end def clone_url if http_cloning? http_clone_url elsif ssh_cloning? ssh_clone_url else raise "cloning disabled" end end def ssh_clone_url Gitorious.ssh_daemon.url(gitdir) end def git_clone_url Gitorious.git_daemon.url(gitdir) end def http_clone_url Gitorious.git_http.url(gitdir) end def http_cloning? !Gitorious.git_http.nil? end def git_cloning? return !Gitorious.git_daemon.nil? && public? end def ssh_cloning? return !Gitorious.ssh_daemon.nil? end def push_url if ssh_cloning? ssh_clone_url elsif http_cloning? http_clone_url else raise "pushing disabled" end end def display_ssh_url?(user) return true if !http_cloning? && !git_cloning? && ssh_cloning? can_push?(user, self) end def full_repository_path RepositoryRoot.expand(real_gitdir).to_s end def git Grit::Repo.new(full_repository_path) end def has_commits? return false if new_record? || !ready? !git.heads.empty? end def self.git_backend Rails.env.test? ? MockGitBackend : GitBackend end def git_backend Rails.env.test? ? MockGitBackend : GitBackend end def to_param name end def to_xml(opts = {}) info_proc = Proc.new do |options| builder = options[:builder] builder.owner(owner.to_param, :kind => (owned_by_group? ? "Team" : "User")) builder.kind(["mainline", "wiki", "team", "user"][self.kind]) builder.project(project.to_param) end super({ :procs => [info_proc], :only => [:name, :created_at, :ready, :description, :last_pushed_at], :methods => [:clone_url, :push_url, :parent] }.merge(opts)) end def head_candidate return nil unless has_commits? @head_candidate ||= head || git.heads.first end def head_candidate_name return head.name if head = head_candidate "master" end def head git && git.head end def head=(head_name) if new_head = git.heads.find{|h| h.name == head_name } unless git.head == new_head git.update_head(new_head) end end end def last_commit(ref = nil) if has_commits? @last_commit ||= Array(git.commits(ref || head_candidate.name, 1)).first end @last_commit end def commit_for_tree_path(ref, commit_id, path) Rails.cache.fetch("treecommit:#{commit_id}:#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(ref+path)}") do git.log(ref, path, {:max_count => 1}).first end end # changes the owner to +another_owner+, removes the old owner as committer # and adds +another_owner+ as committer def change_owner_to!(another_owner) return if owned_by_group? transaction do committerships.destroy_for_owner self.owner = another_owner if self.kind != KIND_PROJECT_REPO # project_repo? case another_owner when Group self.kind = KIND_TEAM_REPO when User self.kind = KIND_USER_REPO end end committerships.update_owner(another_owner) save! reload end end def post_repo_deletion_message payload = { :target_class => self.class.name, :command => "delete_git_repository", :arguments => [real_gitdir] } publish("/queue/GitoriousRepositoryDeletion", payload) end def total_commit_count events.count(:conditions => {:action => Action::COMMIT}) end def git_derived_total_commit_count(ref) begin total = git.commit_count(ref) rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout total = 2046 end end def paginated_commits(ref, page, per_page = 30) page = (page || 1).to_i total = git_derived_total_commit_count(ref) offset = (page - 1) * per_page commits = WillPaginate::Collection.new(page, per_page, total) commits.replace git.commits(ref, per_page, offset) end def cached_paginated_commits(ref, page, per_page = 30) page = (page || 1).to_i last_commit_id = last_commit(ref) ? last_commit(ref).id : nil total = Rails.cache.fetch("paglogtotal:#{self.id}:#{last_commit_id}:#{ref}") do begin git.commit_count(ref) rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout 2046 end end Rails.cache.fetch("paglog:#{page}:#{self.id}:#{last_commit_id}:#{ref}") do offset = (page - 1) * per_page commits = WillPaginate::Collection.new(page, per_page, total) commits.replace git.commits(ref, per_page, offset) end end def count_commits_from_last_week_by_user(user) return 0 unless has_commits? commits_by_email = git.commits_since("master", "last week").collect do |commit| commit.committer.email == user.email end commits_by_email.size end # TODO: cache def commit_graph_data(head = "master") commits = git.commits_since(head, "24 weeks ago") commits_by_week = commits.group_by{|c| c.committed_date.strftime("%W") } # build an initial empty set of 24 week commit data weeks = [1.day.from_now-1.week] 23.times{|w| weeks << weeks.last-1.week } week_numbers = weeks.map{|d| d.strftime("%W") } commits = (0...24).to_a.map{|i| 0 } commits_by_week.each do |week, commits_in_week| if week_pos = week_numbers.index(week) commits[week_pos+1] = commits_in_week.size end end commits = [] if commits.max == 0 [week_numbers.reverse, commits.reverse] end # TODO: caching def commit_graph_data_by_author(head = "master") h = {} emails = {} data = self.git.git.shortlog({:e => true, :s => true }, head) data.each_line do |line| count, actor = line.split("\t") actor = Grit::Actor.from_string(actor) h[actor.name] ||= 0 h[actor.name] += count.to_i emails[actor.email] = actor.name end User.where("email in (?)", emails.keys).each do |user| author_name = emails[user.email] if h[author_name] # in the event that a user with the same name has used two different emails, he'd be gone by now h[user.login] = h.delete(author_name) end end h end # Returns a Hash {email => user}, where email is selected from the +commits+ def self.users_by_commits(commits) emails = commits.map { |commit| commit.author.email }.uniq users = User.where("email in (?)", emails) users_by_email = users.inject({}){|hash, user| hash[user.email] = user; hash } users_by_email end def cloned_from(ip, country_code = "--", country_name = nil, protocol = "git") cloners.create(:ip => ip, :date => Time.now.utc, :country_code => country_code, :country => country_name, :protocol => protocol) end def wiki? kind == KIND_WIKI end def project_repo? kind == KIND_PROJECT_REPO end def mainline? project_repo? end def team_repo? kind == KIND_TEAM_REPO end def user_repo? kind == KIND_USER_REPO end def tracking_repo? kind == KIND_TRACKING_REPO end def owned_by_group? owner.is_a?(Group) || owner.is_a?(LdapGroup) end def internal? wiki? || tracking_repo? end def title name end def owner_title mainline? ? project.title : owner.title end # returns the project if it's a KIND_PROJECT_REPO, otherwise the owner def project_or_owner project_repo? ? project : owner end # Returns a list of users being either the owner (if User) or each admin member (if Group) def owners result = if owned_by_group? owner.members.select do |member| if owner.respond_to?(:admin) admin?(member, owner) else admin?(member, owner) end end else [owner] end return result end def full_hashed_path self.hashed_path || set_repository_path end def set_repository_path if RepositoryRoot.shard_dirs? set_repository_hash else set_repository_plain_path end end def set_repository_plain_path self.hashed_path ||= repository_plain_path end def repository_plain_path if project "#{self.project.slug}/#{self.name}" else "#{self.name}" end end alias_method :slug, :repository_plain_path def set_repository_hash self.hashed_path ||= begin raw_hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(owner.to_param + self.to_param + Time.now.to_f.to_s + SecureRandom.hex) sharded_hash = sharded_hashed_path(raw_hash) sharded_hash end end # Creates a block within which we generate events for each attribute changed # as long as it's changed to a legal value def log_changes_with_user(a_user) @updated_fields = [] yield log_updates(a_user) end # Replaces a value within a log_changes_with_user block def replace_value(field, value, allow_blank = false) old_value = read_attribute(field) return if !allow_blank && value.blank? || old_value == value self.send("#{field}=", value) validation = RepositoryValidator.call(self) if validation.errors[field].length == 0 @updated_fields << field end end # Logs events that occured within a log_changes_with_user block def log_updates(a_user) @updated_fields.each do |field_name| events.build(:action => Action::UPDATE_REPOSITORY, :user => a_user, :project => project, :body => "Changed the repository #{field_name.to_s}") end end def requires_signoff_on_merge_requests? mainline? && project.merge_requests_need_signoff? end def tracking_repository self.class.where(:parent_id => self, :kind => KIND_TRACKING_REPO).first end def has_tracking_repository? !tracking_repository.nil? end def next_merge_request_sequence_number last_merge_request_sequence_number + 1 end # Runs git-gc on this repository, and updates the last_gc_at attribute def gc! Grit::Git.with_timeout(nil) do if self.git.git.gc self.last_gc_at = Time.now self.push_count_since_gc = 0 return save end end end def register_push self.last_pushed_at = Time.now.utc self.push_count_since_gc = push_count_since_gc.to_i + 1 update_disk_usage end def update_disk_usage self.disk_usage = calculate_disk_usage end def calculate_disk_usage @calculated_disk_usage ||= `du -sb #{full_repository_path} 2>/dev/null`.chomp.to_i end def matches_regexp?(term) return user.login =~ term || name =~ term || (owned_by_group? ? owner.name =~ term : false) || description =~ term end def search_clones(term) self.class.title_search(term, "parent_id", id) end # Searches for term in # - title # - description # - owner name/login # # Scoped to column +key+ having +value+ # # Example: # title_search("foo", "parent_id", 1) # will find clones of Repo with id 1 # matching 'foo' # # title_search("foo", "project_id", 1) # will find repositories in Project#1 # matching 'foo' def self.title_search(term, key, value) sql = "SELECT repositories.* FROM repositories INNER JOIN users on repositories.user_id=users.id INNER JOIN groups on repositories.owner_id=groups.id WHERE repositories.#{key}=:id AND (repositories.name LIKE :q OR repositories.description LIKE :q OR groups.name LIKE :q) AND repositories.owner_type='Group' AND kind in (:kinds) UNION ALL SELECT repositories.* from repositories INNER JOIN users on repositories.user_id=users.id INNER JOIN users owners on repositories.owner_id=owners.id WHERE repositories.#{key}=:id AND (repositories.name LIKE :q OR repositories.description LIKE :q OR owners.login LIKE :q) AND repositories.owner_type='User' AND kind in (:kinds)" self.find_by_sql([sql, {:q => "%#{term}%", :id => value, :kinds => [KIND_TEAM_REPO, KIND_USER_REPO, KIND_PROJECT_REPO]}]) end alias :repo_public? :public? def public? repo_public? && project.public? end def self.private_on_create?(params = {}) return false if !Gitorious.private_repositories? params.fetch(:private, Gitorious.repositories_default_private?) end def uniq_name? repository = Repository.where("lower(name) = ? and project_id = ?", name, project_id).first repository.nil? || repository == self end def uniq_hashed_path? repository = Repository.where("lower(hashed_path) = ?", hashed_path).first repository.nil? || repository == self end def name=(name) self[:name] = name.respond_to?(:downcase) ? name.downcase : name end def kind=(kind) if kind == :project self[:kind] = Repository::KIND_PROJECT_REPO elsif kind == :tracking self[:kind] = Repository::KIND_TRACKING_REPO elsif kind == :wiki self[:kind] = Repository::KIND_WIKI elsif kind == :user self[:kind] = Repository::KIND_USER_REPO elsif kind == :team self[:kind] = Repository::KIND_TEAM_REPO else self[:kind] = kind end end def commit_comments(id) comments.where(:sha1 => id).includes(:user) end protected def sharded_hashed_path(h) first = h[0,3] second = h[3,3] last = h[-34, 34] "#{first}/#{second}/#{last}" end def self.reserved_names @reserved_names ||= [] end def self.reserve_names(names) @reserved_names ||= [] @reserved_names.concat(names) end end