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Ember and Rails

Steve Kinney
December 17, 2014

Ember and Rails

Steve Kinney

December 17, 2014


  1. Ember and Rails both take MVC pretty seriously. (That said,

    they both have a very different take on it.)
  2. Let's say you visit /notes/1 and then you visit /notes/2.

    It's the same controller, but the route has switched out the model.
  3. // models/post.js export default DS.Model.extend({ title: DS.attr('string'), body: DS.attr('text'), comments:

    DS.hasMany('comments') }); // models/comment.js export default DS.Model.extend({ comment: DS.attr('string'), post: DS.belongsTo('post') });
  4. GET /comments?ids[]=56&ids[]=58 { "comments": [ { "id": "56", "message": "Whatever",

    "post": "12" }, { "id": "58", "message": "Something", "post": "12" } ] }
  5. What just happened? Ember Data sent off two AJAX requests

    to Rails in order to build the relation in the browser.