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Architecture Transformation Challenges

Architecture Transformation Challenges

In general, everybody just wants good things to happen, yet it it’s extremely hard to affect meaningful change, especially in large organizations. This is a lesson many conference attendees learn the hard way: They get “back home” to the mothership after attending a fantastic conference, and find themselves running into brick walls when they suggest the company adopts some of the cool new ideas they learned. In this talk we’ll take a the typical problems, and try to find some patterns on how to overcome them. Spoiler alert: It’s way more related to people and their interests instead of technology.

Stefan Tilkov

May 09, 2019

More Decks by Stefan Tilkov

Other Decks in Technology


  1. You return to work from a nice conference.
 Your ideas

    are met with resistance.
 There are three paths.
 They are labeled leave, give up, work.
  2. Ingredients
 (appropriate) new technology (as desired)
 2 tablespoons of

 1 cup of economics
 2 cups of politics

  3. Pattern: Organic transformation Description Approach Consequences Changes are introduced in

    small increments within existing limits, aiming for long-term transformation • Introduce new ideas (tech, method, process) into existing projects and development efforts in a bottom-up fashion • Avoid anything too disruptive • “Innovation coin” to limit number of changes • Slow, but possibly lasting change • Incorporates existing staff • Minimizes risk related to disruption • Risk of little effect in terms of architecture transformation
  4. Pattern: Architecture playground Description Approach Consequences New architecture approach are

    tried out in isolation to gain experience and create convincing stories • Decouple technical innovation from existing projects • Apply new tech and architecture approaches to smaller sample projects • “Design thinking“ and similar methods • Minimize risk to existing efforts • Possibly little effect
  5. Pattern: Know-how leapfrog Description Approach Consequences Architecture used to transformed

    “legacy engineers” to “ninjas”1 • Existing Staff is trained, coached and allowed to work on projects to acquire state-of-the-art know-how • Intermediate steps are left out (e.g. from mainframe to cloud) • Staff may be extremely motivated or highly frustrated • High likelihood of employee churn (possibly desired) (1)please don’t ever use this unironically
  6. Pattern: Benchmark exploit Description Approach Consequences Successful competitors/ disruptors are

    used as role models to drive transformation • Follow architectural approaches that are used by (more) successful companies • Hire new staff with experience in tech (possibly former employees) • Possibly very convincing to business people • Risk of cargo-culting, i.e. mistaking correlation for causation
  7. Pattern: Outsourced disruption Description Approach Consequences New business models are

    created using new architecture approaches in a completely separated organization • Create “innovation lab” or similar to drive business and tech innovation • Explicitly avoid any ties to existing rules and regulations • Risk of “lipstick on a pig” products • Risk of problems integrating new and old business models • Frustration for existing, “old- fashioned” staff
  8. Pattern: Business value piggyback Description Approach Consequences Architectural innovation is

    introduced as part of a business-driven project that has its own, non- tech related justification • Cost of architectural transformation as necessary part of development effort • Justification due to business-tech drivers (e.g. Cloud/SaaS, mobile) • Do the right thing and don’t talk about it • Chance (and challenge) to prove architecture benefits • Risk of hiding or playing down actual costs
  9. Pattern: Cool employee attractor Description Approach Consequences Modern architecture is

    used as a means to be an attractive employer • Pick “hot” technologies, i.e. those that interesting potential employees are interested in • Positive influence of new employees in terms of know-how, experience • Challenge of judging competence • Risk of frustrated developers
  10. Pattern: Conway-maneuvering Description Approach Consequences Exploit that organization and process

    changes are driver for architecture and vice versa • Create organization and process with intended architecture in mind • Enforce architecture that leads to desired organization and process • Chance of most impactful transformation • High risk of frustration on all levels
  11. “Thank God we can invest in cool new technology and

    a sound architecture!” – No business stakeholder, ever
  12. www.innoq.com innoQ Deutschland GmbH Krischerstr. 100 40789 Monheim am Rhein

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 Thank you! Stefan Tilkov stefan.tilkov@innoq.com @stilkov +49 170 471 2625
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  14. Photo credit • JD Hancock, http://photos.jdhancock.com • Zabou, http://www.zabou.me •

    Pexels, https://www.pexels.com • Pxhere, https://pxhere.com/en/photo/3482 • UnSplash, https://unsplash.com/ • https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bright- sun.jpg (by user Anuragrana18)