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What is Nostr Other Stuff?

September 22, 2024

What is Nostr Other Stuff?

Nostrasia 2024(2024/09/23), LT


September 22, 2024


  1. Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays NOSTRASIA 2024 WHA

    t is other stuff? Define posts on social media and related events as "Note". Events other than those are defined as "Other Stuff", including applications and services using Nostr, outside of social media applications.
  2. APPS Formstr A decentralized forms application which lets you custody

    your own data made possible through the power of the nostr protocol. NOSTRASIA 2024 https://formstr.app/
  3. Strengths DID For Developers For Users NOSTRASIA 2024 a The

    same key can be used to log in to other Nostr servicesG a Can reference events such as profiles and posts within the app. a Low implementation cost for user authentication.˜ a By using protocols like NIP-07, it is not necessary to handle key management on the client side, enhancing security.
  4. Strengths Accessible Decentralized Protocol NOSTRASIA 2024 For Developers For Users

    b No need to pay with cryptocurrencr b No need to provide computer resources b Can start a service without running serverx b No need to integrate cryptocurrency into the service 
 (BUT can seamlessly receive payments from users using Lightning)
  5. VISION Reinventing Application NOSTRASIA 2024 By reinventing existing client-server applications

    using Nostr protocol, we can promote decentralization without compromising user experience. This will lead to more user-centric and open applications. If a killer application leveraging Nostr's unique capabilities emerges, the protocol will see significant growth.