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Error 1 | Part 1 | ADHD Energy Recharge

Motherhood in ADHD
October 11, 2023

Error 1 | Part 1 | ADHD Energy Recharge

Motherhood in ADHD

October 11, 2023


  1. ADHD Energy Recharge Part 1 - Error 1 Wed, Oct

    11, 2023 10:12AM 3:59 SUMMARY KEYWORDS follicular phase, pm, kids, cycle, couch, day, works, robot, unrealistic expectation, luteal, lean, fit, apm, bodies, morning routine, cmu, netflix, holding, adhd, adm SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:02 So why why is this layered? Why is this a struggle? The first thing that I often see with not I mean with myself, but when I am working with women who have ADHD is out, first of all, we'd seem to think that we're supposed to be some kind of robot, that we have to be consistent. And if we're not consistent, we're never going to get anywhere and that, like that is the main goal is that we should just be the same every day. And you know, get so much stuff done every day productivity, perfection, and that is an unrealistic expectation that either we are holding on to ourselves, or somebody else told us that we should be able to uphold and that is not a fact, you are not a robot. You are meant to be changing, you are going to change all day. Eating game at CMU is not a PMU what a pm you wants to do is not what am you wants to do and vice versa. Just like in the morning, you have all these grand plans that you're going to get stuff done. That doesn't happen. You're like, definitely going to do it tonight after the kids go to bed. And then you're like, I don't have any energy left for anything after the kids go to bed and then you just sit on the couch and scroll Netflix and your phone at the same time. Because Abraham you had really great ideas and a pm he was tired. And the same thing a pm he was like, Okay, well, I'm gonna get up early tomorrow, I'm gonna start that morning routine. And I'm going to do yoga, and then I'm going to read, you know, some quiet time and some, you know, then I'm going to do some exercises and then I'm going to call my friend. No APM you think so that sounds like a really good idea. And ATM, you did not want to get up at 5am. It AMU is just trying to get your kids to eat breakfast. So you are not meant to be the same all day long. The same thing with your cycle. luteal phase you is not the same as follicular phase you. So when you look at your cycle, if you are someone who still has one and even if you have an erotic cycle, or you are already into perimenopause, menopause, all that your hormones are affecting everything in our bodies, as much as we wish we could just, you know, just king, can we just get rid of this and not feel like a mess for half the month. That'd be lovely. But that's not how biology works. So we want to lean into if we are built, not just as women, as people in general, we are not built to be the same all day. How do we lean into these differences and these seasons, if you will, so that we're setting up our day, in a way that makes sense. We really want to embrace like, what you need, what the who you are in these setting up these days to fit what you need. So that ADM you can do the things that aw is really great at in a pm you can do the things that a PMU is really great at and not worry about the stuff for 8am you because 8pm You is not in charge of what 8am You is in charge of just like when you were in your luteal phase, you're not going to
  2. be doing the same things that you would do in

    your follicular phase, on the times where you're feeling really social, and creative. And you want to go talk to everybody. Let's do that. And on the times where your cycle is about to start. And all you want to do is hide under a blanket on your couch and not talk to anyone. Let's do that. Yes, I know there are caveats to all that and sometimes we have to put on our happy faces moms because we got to deal with the things and the kids and all that. But as much as we can modify our lives to fit what our bodies need in that moment. Let's do that.