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CELES 2019 石川大会 川村拓也

CELES 2019 石川大会 川村拓也

Takuya Kawamura

June 23, 2019

Other Decks in Research


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    ཧ࿦తߟ࡯ͷෆ଍ ݴޠֶతจ๏ͱ จ๏ࢦಋͷ࣮ફ Λͭͳ͙໾ׂ ӳจ๏ڭҭͷ಺༰ͱํ๏Λڭࢣ͕ࣗओతʹ૑ग़͍ͯ͘͠ (খࢁ಺, 1981)
  2. ୯७ݱࡏ੍࣌ͷಛघͳҙຯ She comes back to Japan on September 15th. (ະདྷ)

    The ten o’clock news says that it’s going to be cold. (աڈ) If it snows in Tokyo, there will be chaos around the city. (࣌ɾ৚݅) May and opposition leader agree to TV debate over Brexit. (৽ฉͷݟग़͠) Messi bursts into the box. (εϙʔπͷ࣮گ) Horatio, Barnardo and Marcellus find Hamlet alone and tell him about the Ghost. He agrees to watch with them that night. (ܶͷ୆ຊ)
  3. ࣮ફͷ֓ཁ ର৅: ੩Ԭେֶڭҭֶ෦ӳޠՊ9໊ 
 ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ(1೥ੜ1໊, 2೥ੜ7໊, 5೥ੜ1໊) तۀ࣌ؒ: 60෼ ໨ඪ:

    ୯७ݱࡏ੍࣌ͷੑ࣭ʹؔ͢Δೝ஌จ๏ͷߟ͑ํ Λɼର࿩తʹԾઆΛੜ੒ɾ֦ு͠ͳ͕Β॥؀తʹཧղ ͢Δɻ ಛ௃: तۀऀɾֶशऀͷؒͰͷසൟͳ΍ΓͱΓ