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Advertising Copywriting and Design -- Workshop 2

Advertising Copywriting and Design -- Workshop 2

Presenter: Broc Sears


  1. The Design 12 minutes with a newspaper. What does that

    mean for us? Ads need to be easy to find, easy to read, easy to remember.
  2. The Design 500 ads a day back in the 1970s

    to as many as 5,000 a day. — CBS News (2006) By the time I opened a can of Folgers coffee to brew in my Mr. Coffee maker, I’ve gotten around 487 ad exposures and I haven’t even finished breakfast. — Ron Marshall from Red Crow Marketing (2015) Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day... — Forbes (2017)
  3. The Design ... At some point, we start a screening

    process for what we engage with and start ignoring brands and advertising messages, unless it’s something that we have a personal interest in. — Forbes (2017)

    Headline Image Text (Call to action) Logo Contact info Buy my stuff! vvvNat. Ibus modi aut et hiliquam, volorem as pa dempore, simusdaest ant repudi dollibus cus magnimolut et quuntiam sum aliquae nimus volupta- sit, odi quia sequisq uatemporum hi- caborepe pro et adia que ipsa nimpore versped mint quatur sum, to eserro torum etus, eos natem quae placesciunt et et ut moluptaque pernamu sanietur? Ullandit velendia qui volupid quaes- tiae. Is dolorrum nit, ius, optatemqui doluptat. Harum quis eum eumet re qui berior simenda et perro volore, te et perum et idunt. Agnat lacea dolectur? On pellupta el ide veliquam velessunt fugita quidus ulpa ad et, adit id maximus, nonest es di doluta ad eror aceperrumque veri non endem ut lanimodio. Facea core- hendit maximolupti iunt est, sequos re- rciis ma ne voloreium ea voluptatio. Ut uta net vel ipsae. Unt quam vid eos ut int, versped mint quatur sum, to eserro torum etus, eos natem quae placesciunt et et ut moluptaque pernamu sanietur? Ullandit velendia qui volupid quaes- tiae. Is dolorrum nit, ius, optatemqui doluptat. ut eictasim volendundi tet ium ea ut eictasim volendundi tet ium ea
  5. The Design Strategies n Typography Traditional fonts still prove most

    readable: Times Roman, Goudy, Helvetica, Arial and their “clones” rank highest in studies for body copy... serifs in print and sans serifs online. Body copy has the highest scores in readability, comprehension and retention in the 9, 10 and 11 point range with leading of 20 - 30 percent. Alternative fonts, decorative fonts and art fonts work best when used in a limited capacity for accent, short headlines or in wordmarks.
  6. The Design Strategies n Typography GRADES K-12 7 WEEKS JUNE

    13TH - AUGUST 3RD TUESDAYS - THURSDAYS 8 8 1 • Private Schooling auguSt through June gradeS 3-12 • education advocacy gradeS K-12 (eSe/504) •Creative leSSon PlanS with a variety of teaching StrategieS, including Multi-SenSory and handS-on aPProacheS •McK acce THE LEARNING FOUNDATION OF FLORIDA 507 royal PalM Beach Blvd. • royal PalM Beach, fl • 561-795-6886 • www 9267 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, FL 33470 561-784-5619 4330 Summit Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33406 561-964-2800 Summer Golf Cam at Okeeheelee & Park Ridge Golf Course 20 Hours of Instruction conducted by PGA & LPGA professionals Swing Fundamentals * On-Course Training * Fun & Prizes **Camp is open to boys and girls ages 6-17** TUITION Ranges from $40 - $360 Frequent Camper Special: Pay 2 Full Weeks (per individual) and SAVE 25% on each additional Full week of camp. Sibling Special: SAVE 10% for all siblings. *Additional Camps Available* Little Linkers Camp - (Age 4-6) Advanced Players Academy (Tournament & Golf Team Players) Provided by: Donna White’s www.golfp A. June 5-9 B. June 12-16 C. June 19-23 D. June 26-30 E. July 3-7 F. July 10-14 G. July 17-21 H. July 24-28 I. July 31-Aug 4 J. August 7-11 Monday - Friday: 9am - 1pm Extended Camp: 1pm - 4pm 561.966.7044x4 Y Juni Start Smar Littl Le • Leagues • Private Le • Walk-up C • Holiday & • Junior Tou - Age 4-17 561.964.4653x4 appropriate opportunities to explore and discover. The Goddard Sch curriculum incorporates its F.L.EX. Learning Program (fun, learni STEAM learning (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathem one-of-a-kind and fun experiences for your child every day. The camp h Military Trail • West Palm Beach, FL 33415 •mounts.org • 561-233-1757 endors from all over Florida with rtment of rare and exotic plants, dening accessories and more! ormation visit mounts.org call 561-233-1757 d blooming at Mounts! ssion: $10 Members Free 1011 North State Road 7 • Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 (561) 790-9225 • www.allpawsanimal.com We feature an In-House Lab and Digital Radiography to assure fast and accurate diagnosis during your visit. Cold Laser Therapy is a painless application of healing light that is fast, effective and available here! We carry Hills Prescription Diet. Our pet care rewards membership offers you savings while earning rewards and supporting the Veterinary Care Foundation with each visit! e in Motion I N T R O D U C I N G iscover Florida’s New City COMING SOON! Welcome to a community with a rhythm all its own. Where walkable neighborhoods and paved pathways lead to endless adventures. Where resort-style amenities, spirited Town Center and a lively calendar of community events make every day a celebration. And innovative new Minto homes are designed for every budget and every stage of life. If home is where the heart is, Westlake is the new hometown that beats with everything your heart desires.
  7. The Design Strategies n Readers still notice art... then headlines...

    then text. And visuals are nearly twice as likely to be seen and considered as text.
  8. The Design Strategies n Readers still notice art... then headlines...

    then text. And visuals are nearly twice as likely to be seen and considered as text.
  9. The Design Strategies n Readers still notice art... then headlines...

    then text. And visuals are nearly twice as likely to be seen and considered as text
  10. The Design Strategies n Communicate the key message in three

    to five seconds. (20 words) Supporting points must be grasped in the next 10 seconds. (40 words) After 15 seconds, your reader has moved on. (60 words)
  11. The Design Strategies n Communicate the key message in three

    to five seconds. (20 words) Supporting points must be grasped in the next 10 seconds. (40 words) After 15 seconds, your reader has moved on. (60 words) New spring plants are in! Onion sets. Four inch. Six inch. Eight inch containers and more. (18 words) Strong and healthy seasonal plants are what every home gardener needs to kick off the 2018 growing season and Jensen has them. (38 words) Come in today while we have a great selection of flowers, ground cover and vegetables. (50 words)
  12. The Design Strategies n Deliver one message only The Town-Crier

    dent of United States. dvisors, Inc. NRA/SIPC. your ime to lington Tuesday 10% OFF FOR SENIORS DOGS ARE BEGGING TO GET INTO THE SHAGGY DOG! All Breed Grooming Experts We also do CATS, FERRETS & RABBITS We Use Natural Shampoo & Conditioner Specializing in Scissor Cuts WE ACCEPT BIT COIN $500 OFF NEW CLIENTS ONLY Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. Expires 06/30/18 At the SHAGGY DOG your pampered friend will be treated to: Massage Bath Ear Plucking Nail Trim or Dremel Blow Dry Custom Haircut AND LOTS OF TLC for a happy experience. CALL today for an appointment 561-432-8004 www.myshaggydog.com SHOPPES OF LAKE WORTH 6685A Lake Worth Rd. (Just west of Jog Rd. Behind the Fifth Third Bank) Follow us at FACEBOOK www.Facebook/MyShaggyDog through CityPlace. “Our Walk for the Animals has grown tremendously over the years, and we were thrilled that CityPlace hosted this year’s Walk,” Anderson said. “As a non- profit that receives no city, state or federal government funding, the league relies on community sup- port to help us provide services to more than 45,000 dogs, cats, pup- pies and kittens every year. We are extremely grateful to all of those e To ge rts college of 2,050, mic curric- bachelor’s majors and ams. isit www. The City of Greenacres recently became a U.S. Department of State Passport Acceptance Facility in the City Clerk’s Office. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily at City Hall. More information is available at www.greenacresfl.gov. Shown above are Passport Services Supervisor and Assistant City Clerk Melody Larson, Passport Services Manager and City Clerk/PIO Joanna Cunningham and Passport Acceptance Agent Natalie King. shelter to lost, homeless and un- wanted animals; to provide spay and neuter and other medical services for companion animals; to care for, protect and find quality homes for homeless and neglected companion animals; and to advo- cate animal welfare, community involvement and education to further the bond between people and animals. For more information, visit www.peggyadams.org. State Attorney Dave Aronberg has been selected to participate in the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC), hosted by the Secretary of Defense. The JCOC program is the oldest and most prestigious public liaison program within the Department of Defense. As a JCOC participant, Aron- berg will spend several intense days from June 10 to 16 at military installations, engaging with senior military officials and U.S. Service members. In addition to participat- ing in tactical training exercises, he will gain a better understanding of the roles and mission of the U.S. Armed Forces: their skills, capa- bilities and equipment employed in defense of our country. “I am honored and excited to be selected to participate in the JCOC program, as it will provide unique insights into the military strategies on drug interdiction, including the smuggling of heroin and deadly fe- tanyl across our southern border,” Aronberg said. The objective of the JCOC public liaison program is to help bridge the growing military-civil- ian divide. PBC State Attorney Dave Aronberg Selected To Participate In Department Of Defense Program nature trails y features and biking es for fish- eing; and a The central nity life is n, which is e fall. ties is the ind Arden, hern Blvd. denfl.com. Break Free From Your Controlling Husband 33411 wards rs you rning rting the undation it! kup Non-invasive treatment for pain and inflammation associated with sports injuries, neuropathy, back, neck, knee pain and more. Visit our website for additional information. Tina Dochniak, DNP, ARNP A MINOR EMERGENCY WALK-IN CLINIC FOR KIDS & ADULTS Colds • Flu • Physicals - DOT, Work & School • Rashes • Minor Burns • Auto Accidents • UTI & More FAMILY PRACTICE MEDICINE • General Health & Annual Physicals • Prevention & Wellness • Chronic Disease Management • Women’s Health and Annual Exams • Flu & Pneumonia Immunizations 561-231-5200 13475 Southern Blvd. Suite 100, Loxahatchee www.idealfamilypractice.com Ideal Family Practice & Walk- In Express Care HOURS: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Wednesday Just west of Palms West Hospital on the NE corner of Southern & Big Blue Trace Stephanie Wise, ARNP Deep Tissue Laser Therapy Flu Shots Available No Appointment Necessary Buffet Lunch 7 Days/Week Mon.-Fri. 11:30am. - 2:30pm Sat. - Sun. 12 - 3pm Dinner 7 Days/Week Mon.-Sun. 5 - 10pm Catering For All Occasions Carry Out - Delivery 561.619.6437 731 Village Blvd. | Suite 110-111 | West Palm Beach FL 33409 myfood@chefrence.com | www.aromafl.com 10% OFF Dinner Menu with this coupon DINE IN OR TAKE OUT NOT VALID FOR LUNCH BUFFET & SPECIALS ONE COUPON PER TABLE Box Lunch Now Available Monday - Thursday 11am - 10pm Friday - Saturday 11am - 10:30pm Sunday 11am - 9pm We Proudly Serve 1/2 OFF 11328 Okeechobee Blvd., Suite 6 | Royal Palm Beach (Next to Little Caesars in Royal Plaza) (561) 268-2979 ANY SHAKE OR SUNDAE Offer Expires 05/31/18 SMALL ICE CREAM CONE OR CUP Offer Expires 05/31/18 P TO Visit our new website... www.TeamWinnersCircle.com Watch for our 2 New Stores+ 200,000 SQUARE FOOT MEGA STORE COMING YOUR WAY! COMING SOON! Winners Circle COLLECTORS MONTHLY MEGA MEMORABILIA COLLECTORS MAGAZINE Best in the market! OVER 400PAGES Do you have items to sell? EMAIL US: Buying@TeamWinnersCircle.com We are paying top dollar for: • Certified Autograph Memorabilia • Any Sport or Non-Sport or Gaming • Unopened Boxes & Cases • Comic Books • Gaming Cards • All Grades, Vintage and RC’s All Years – All Sports • Modern High End Singles @goteamwc facebook.com/goteamwc @goteamwc BUY SELL TRADE CALL US 866-444-9292 561-469-6287 Become a COMIC SUBSCRIBER or join our GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS AND DISCOUNTS COMING SOON: FANTASY LEAGUES going4two.com swingforthebleachers.com now open mention this ad for 15% off any purchase 12794 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 8A | Wellington, FL 33414 (In the Original Wellington Mall, Behind the Post Office) COME AND SEE OUR NEW STORE AT 6346 LANTANA RD STE 62 CORNER OF JOG AND LANTANA RD IN LAKE WORTH 561-249-2680 Delivery & Ca Availabl FR Who with pur Whole 2 Fount Not valid with any other delivery. Must pres
  13. The Design Strategies n Keep copy short. The longer the

    copy, the less likely it is to be read. Ads with more than four to five sentences or too many bullet points don’t engage the reader longer.
  14. The Design Strategies n Keep copy short. Seminole Ridge High

    School will officially graduate the Class of 2017 on Monday, May 22 at noon when 515 seniors cross the stage at the South Florida Fairgrounds, representing four long years of hard work and dedication. Principal James Campbell is looking forward to seeing another set of students graduate. “It is always the culminating point of the year,” he said. “It’s always the biggest event we have during the school year, and this is the one I enjoy, personally, the most. There’s no experience like seeing the students’ faces when they come across the stage.” The school’s graduation rate has been increasing each year, he said, with the school’s highest being this year at 92 percent. He hopes to raise it to 94 percent next year. “It would be a tremendous, tre- mendous percentage for us, and it is a big source of pride when you look at a student,” Campbell said. “They started in ninth grade and they complete all four years with you, without all of the different things that can occur during that time frame, not getting in the way and not diverting from the path.” Another source of pride for the school is Valedictorian Rowan Pel- frey and Salutatorian Alyssa Pace. year process. “My sophomore year, I found out I was No. 2, so I took on as many classes as I could, and once I became No. 1 the summer after my sophomore year, I did everything I could to make sure I stayed at No. 1,” she said. The final news came early in 2017 that she had held the top spot through the final stretch. “I just wanted to be the best that I could,” she said. Pelfrey wanted to be in the top of her class, and when she saw the goal was obtainable, she worked hard to achieve it. Learn- ing that she was officially the first in the class took a weight off her shoulders. Her parents are proud of her accomplishment, including the 4.0 GPA that earned her the vale- dictorian title. Pelfrey, who is involved with choir and theater, will attend the University of North Florida for musical theater. She is collaborat- ing with band student Jake Krates, who wrote music to accompany Pelfrey’s lyrics that she will be singing during her graduation speech. Her fondest memory in high school, she said, is the shared times she had with her friends in theater the same events,” she said. At UNF, Pelfrey will be double- majoring in musical theater and history. “I’d love to be a profes- sional actor,” she said. Additionally, she is interested in dramaturgy, which involves the re- search behind a professional show to ensure it is properly put together. For anyone aspiring to reach the top ranks of their class, Pelfrey stresses the need to work hard. “Everybody wants time off, but you really have to put that first. Business first, and then you can have fun,” she said, noting that she was able to have fun as well. She suggests taking as many high-level college classes as pos- sible, and working to do a good job in those classes rather than taking them just to take them. “Really put the effort in, because that makes the difference,” Pelfrey said. Pace will join Pelfrey on stage as salutatorian. Pace was on a field trip the day the top 10 students in the class were called to the office. When she returned, she was told by one of the school’s guidance counselors. “I was excited,” she said. “I worked really, really hard, not only this year, but all of my years of high school to take rigorous this year, just to maintain my grade point average not only to be in the top 10, but for the possibility of being valedictorian or salutatorian. That was the moment that I knew that all of my work and all of my studying and efforts had really paid off.” Pace’s parents were extremely proud of her for reaching her goal, especially after watching her study and put forth such dedication. During graduation, Pace will present a speech, which she is still working on. “I’d like to talk to my high school experience as a whole,” she said. Speaking in front of her peers, the students she has spent the past four years with, is something Pace is looking forward to. “I’m really looking forward to telling everyone how much I ap- preciated the experience I had in high school and how much I en- joyed my teachers and my peers,” she said. “I’m looking forward to giving everyone a slice of what our high school experience was like.” Her fondest high school mem- ory was the first day of her AP calculus class. On the first day, her teacher had the students race down the halls in office chairs to calcu- late the speed and the distance. “That’s something that I’ll al- ways remember. I thought was extremely unique,” Pace said. “It caught my attention right away, and it ended up having a huge impact on me and leading me to pursue more math classes. Now I’m going to major in biomedical engineering.” Pace will be attending the Uni- versity of Florida. Eventually, she’d like to attend medical school and become a surgeon. For students looking to rank high in their class, Pace encour- ages them to set goals. “When you set a goal, let that be your motivation. Let that motivate you to do the work that is required to achieve your goal,” she said. There are sacrifices that she made along the way, such as pri- oritizing taking more classes over having more free time to spend with friends and family. “I had to miss out on some nights of fun, going out, to stay back and do some homework, but keeping my ultimate goal in mind, I let that motivate me through the hard times when maybe it was dif- ficult to see the goal,” Pace said. “Keep the big picture in mind, be- cause eventually, your hard work does pay off.” Valedictorian Rowan Pelfrey Salutatorian Alyssa Pace Over 70% Off Retail Custom Frame Pricing We Frame Anything and Everything – Sports Jerseys, Diplomas, Family Photos, Memorabilia, Fine and Decorative Art. Wholesale Framing to the Public. 514 North State Road 7 | Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 1/4 Mile North of Southern Blvd, on the East Side (561) 333-9472 w w w . c j r f i n e a r t s . c o m Over 30,000 Pieces Of Fine Art In Stock Take An Additional 10% Off All Diploma Framing Through June from Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Pablo Piscasso, Ferjo, Pino Peter Max, Charles Fazzino and Many More. We Do Custom Mirrors and Giclee Printing on Canvas and Paper. Wellington (East) 10620 W. Forest Hill Blvd. #50 Wellington, FL 33414 (561) 847-4919 Loxahatchee Groves 15731 S. Southern Blvd. #111 Loxahatchee, FL 33470 (561) 904-6081 Van Dell Since 1939 Jewelers - Designers Wellington (West) 13860 Wellington Trace #20 Wellington, FL 33414 (561) 753-7937 Royal Palm Beach 11051 Southern Blvd.w #120 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 (561) 784-5220 www.VanDell.com Facebook.com/TheVanDellCompany Join us at the Loxahatchee Groves location on Saturday, April 29th for a Farmers Market event in the parking lot. It will be going on all day. • Jewelry Repair of all kinds • Appraisals • Watch Batteries and Repair • Custom Made Jewelry • Enamel Repair • Ring Sizing • Class Rings • Engraving (Hand, Computer, and Laser) • Trophy Making • Sell us your gold or Turn it into a completely new piece. Now with Four locations for your shopping convenience Page 6 April 28 - May 4, 2017 www.gotowncrier.com The Town-Crier ‘Suessical Jr.’ At Elbridge Gale Elbridge Gale Elementary School’s after-school program will hold its spring production of Suessical Jr. on Friday, May 5 at 7 p.m. For more information, call Denise Halperin at (561) 422- 9313, ext. 59313. Volunteer Event At Barky Pines Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary will host a “Good Hands Gettin’ Dirty” event on Sat- urday, April 29. Grab your friends, gloves and tools and head to Barky Pines, located at 6521 Carol Street in Loxahatchee. At the event, volunteers will put their gardening and building skills to great use helping define and cre- ate a welcoming front entrance to the sanctuary, as well as help com- plete the interior of a new building. Plants, mulch, dirt and pavers will be on hand. Donations of building materials are always needed. Drinking water will be sup- plied free of charge. Lunch will be offered for a donation of $5. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Anyone unable to attend can make a donation at www.barkyp- inesanimalrescue.com. Donations received by Barky Pines during the month of April will be matched 15 percent by the Allstate Insurance Company. For more information, call (561) 402-1451. Sign Language Show At WHS Wellington High School’s American Sign Language Club will present “Youth of a Nation,” a story told through signed songs with an important message of love, on Friday, April 28 at 6 p.m. at the WHS theater. Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for adults. The school is located at 2101 Green- view Shores Blvd. For more info., call (561) 795-4900. ‘Star Wars’ Movie Night At Commons Park The Village of Royal Palm Beach will host “Revenge of the Fifth,” a free “Star Wars” movie night featuring Rogue One: A Star Wars Story at Royal Palm Beach Commons Park on Friday, May 5. The movie will start at 8:15 p.m. The evening will also feature more than 15 food trucks. Come early for special character appear- ances. Guests are invited to come dressed as their favorite “Star Wars” character. Be sure to bring seating. For more info., visit www. royalpalmbeach.com. Christie’s Critters Golf Tourney May 13 The Christie’s Critters Spring Scramble golf tournament will take place Saturday, May 13 with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. at the Dunes Course at Palm Beach Polo & Country Club (11198 Polo Club Road, Wellington). The cost is $120 per golfer or $450 per foursome, and includes green fees, a cart, a lunch buffet and more. There will also be contests, including a $10,000 hole- in-one contest, a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. Sponsorships are available. For more information, visit www.christiescritters.org. Food Giveaway May 11 In Belle Glade Palm Beach County Commis- sioner Melissa McKinlay and other elected officials will host the Fantastic Food Giveaway on Thursday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hands Park (500 NW Fifth Street, Belle Glade). At the event, families will re- ceive a carton of food including fruits, vegetables, bread and other staples at no charge, while supplies last. Registration is not required. The event is sponsored by Farm Share, a nonprofit dedicated to re- covering, sorting and distributing nutritious food for people in need. For additional information, contact Kelley Burke at kburke@ pbcgov.org or (561) 355-2206. College Fair At WHS On May 3 Wellington High School will host a college fair for high school juniors and their parents on Wednesday, May 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. The free event is in collab- oration with Palm Beach Central, Royal Palm Beach and Seminole Ridge high schools. Parents and students from these area high schools will have an op- portunity to learn more about the college application and financial aid process. They will also be able to gather information from various colleges, universities, technical and career schools, tutors and higher education planners who will participate in the event. The fair, sponsored by the Wel- lington High School Guidance Department, will be held in the au- ditorium. The school is located at 2101 Greenview Shores Blvd. For more info., call (561) 795-4900. Genealogical Society Meeting The Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County will meet Saturday, May 13 at 1:30 p.m. at Palm Beach County Main Li- brary on Summit Blvd. featuring Dr. John Philip Colletta’s video lecture “Assembling an Account of Your Discoveries.” Colletta is one of America’s most popular genealogical lecturers. After the video, board members will answer questions. For more information, call (561) 616-3455 or e-mail an- cestry@gensocofpbc.org. Barbecue At RPB Chabad May 14 Chabad of Royal Palm Beach (129 Sparrow Drive) will host a community barbecue on Sunday, May 14 starting at 4 p.m. The bar- becue will be a family event where everyone is welcome. For more information, call (561) 225-1766. Amber’s Animal Outreach Golf Event June 3 Amber’s Animal Outreach will host its third annual golf tourna- ment, Paws & Putts on the Green, on Saturday, June 3 at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens. The 18-hole tour- nament will begin with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. The cost is $175 per player, $600 per foursome and $50 for the luncheon and awards ceremony only. To register online, visit www.aaodog.org/golf. NEWS BRIEFS Low Cost Vaccinations Sunday, May 7, 2017 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tina Dochniak, DNP, ARNP A MINOR EMERGENCY WALK-IN CLINIC FOR KIDS & ADULTS Colds • Flu • Physicals - DOT, Work & School • Rashes • Minor Burns • Auto Accidents • UTI & More FAMILY PRACTICE MEDICINE General Health & Annual Physicals • Prevention & Wellness • Chronic Disease Management • Women’s Health and Annual Exams • Flu & Pneumonia Immunizations DEEP TISSUE LASER THERAPY relieves pain and inflammation associated with: Neck • Knee • Low Back Pain • Sciatica • Arthritis • Neuropathy • Fibromyalgia • Toe Nail Fungus & More! 561-231-5200 13475 Southern Blvd. Suite 100, Loxahatchee www.idealfamilypractice.com Ideal Family Practice & Walk- In Express Care HOURS: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 a.m. - Noon Wednesday Complimentary Evaluation & Laser Treatment Coupon ($175 Value) Please bring coupon with you. Offers ends May 31, 2017 Just west of Palms West Hospital on the NE corner of Southern & Big Blue Trace Stephanie Wise, ARNP We are pleased to welcome to our practice Susan Solomon-Grimes, ARNP Kristin Beauchesne, ARNP High Quality Dentistry Doesn’t Have To Cost A Fortune Open Saturdays • Early & Late Hours Available • Dental Emergencies Welcomed LEARN TO DANCE! We’re Wellington’s ONLY Ballroom and Latin dance studio offering private lessons, group lessons, and dance parties. No Partner Necessary Located in the Wellington Marketplace 13889 Wellington Trace #A-23 • Wellington, FL 33414 561-753-7386 DANCEALLNIGHTBALLROOM.COM $50 Intro Course 3 - 30 Minute Private Lessons $10 Group Classes BACHATA GROUP CLASS For the Month of April Only $10 Thursdays at 8 p.m. Dog Pack 1 Rabies 5 in 1 Bordetella Lyme Heartworm Test $93.00 Dog Pack 2 Rabies 5 in 1 Bordetella Heartworm Test $80.00 Dog Pack 3 Rabies 5 in 1 Bordetella $59.00 Puppy Pack 5 in 1 Bordetella Deworming $59.00 Cat Pack 1 Rabies 4 in 1 Leukemia FeLV test $75.00 Cat Pack 2 Rabies 4 in 1 Leukemia $55.00 Kitten Pack 2 4 in 1 Leukemia Deworming FeLV test $75.00 Kitten Pack 1 4 in 1 Leukemia Deworming $55.00 Low Cost Vaccinations Sunday, May 7, 2017 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Red Barn Feed & Supply 12948 Okeechobee Blvd. • Loxahatchee DOG STUFF CAT STUFF Flea Products and Heartworm preventive available for sale. Please have all dogs on leashes and cats in carriers Services Provided by: 561-236-7365 email:petwellnessstation@comcast.net Attending Veterianian: Virginia Sayre, D.V.M. Open S KA De Of S With A • Implants & Cosm • Implant Support • Laser Treatmen • Oral Sedation • Dentures • Braces / Invisali • Kid’s Dentistry • Root Canals • Wisdom Teeth • Same Day Cosm • Digital Impressi Services: 9810 Hi Palm B P Dr. Krunal Patel
  15. The Design Strategies n Readers recognize full-color ads 26% more

    than black-and-white. There is a psychological aspect to colors.
  16. The Design Strategies n Readers recognize full-color ads 26% more

    than black-and-white. There is a psychological aspect to colors. DESIGN BASIC TRAINING DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS Elements of design Color Colors imply emotion...
  17. The Design Strategies n Readers recognize full-color ads 26% more

    than black-and-white. There is a psychological aspect to colors.
  18. The Design Strategies n Readers recognize full-color ads 26% more

    than black-and-white. There is a psychological aspect to colors.
  19. The Design Strategies n Readers recognize full-color ads 26% more

    than black-and-white. There is a psychological aspect to colors.
  20. The Design Strategies n A main visual placed at the

    top or left side of the ad engages readers and leads them from one component to the next. Readers zero in on the part of the ad—image or text—that most supports their goals, and then they either scan the picture or read the text. From there, readers scan downward and to the right.
  21. The Design Strategies n Eye tracking studies show that messages—even

    headlines— located above or to the left of the main visual are often missed. Page 8 April 20 - April 26, 2018 www.gotowncrier.com The Town-Crier Searching for a Medical Home? PREMIER FAMILY HEALTH offers a unique healthcare model providing quality, comprehensive services at one convenient location, including: PRIMARY CARE | URGENT CARE | LAB SERVICES | DIAGNOSTICS PHYSICAL THERAPY | WELLNESS PROGRAMS/SUPPLEMENT STORE AESTHETIC SERVICES | DENTAL CARE All Your Medical Needs... All In One Place Quality & Efficient Medical Care  Personalized Attention All Board Certified Medical Providers Caring & Compassionate Staff  After Hours Primary Care and Urgent Care OPEN SUNDAYS 9AM to 1PM OCTOBER 15, 2017 THRU APRIL 29, 2018 Page 10 April 20 - April 26, 2018 www.gotowncrier.com The Town-Crier Opening in 2018, HarborChase offers a seamless combination of innovative services, modern conveniences and timeless elegance. Come by the Sales Gallery today SALES GALLERY NOW OPEN! Wellington’s Newest Senior Living Community! Boynton Financial Group, Inc. is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. CFP Board owns the CFP® marks in the United States. Investment Advisory Services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. It’s not simply about portfolio holdings and account balances. It’s about your complete life. You should have a wealth management partner who understands that. Who cares about your personal goals for your family, your business, your future. Who can give you comfort in making decisions that not only support your financial objectives, but that help ensure you have time to do things you enjoy with those you love. Tuesday 10% OFF FOR SENIORS DOGS ARE BEGGING TO GET INTO THE SHAGGY DOG! All Breed Grooming Experts We also do CATS, FERRETS & RABBITS We Use Natural Shampoo & Conditioner Specializing in Scissor Cuts WE ACCEPT BIT COIN $500 OFF NEW CLIENTS ONLY Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. Expires 06/30/18 At the SHAGGY DOG your pampered friend will be treated to: Massage Bath Ear Plucking Nail Trim or Dremel Blow Dry Custom Haircut AND LOTS OF TLC for a happy experience. CALL today for an appointment 561-432-8004 www.myshaggydog.com SHOPPES OF LAKE WORTH 6685A Lake Worth Rd. (Just west of Jog Rd. Behind the Fifth Third Bank) Follow us at FACEBOOK www.Facebook/MyShaggyDog Opening in 2018, HarborChase offers a seamless combination of innovative services, modern conveniences and timeless elegance. Come by the Sales Gallery today and learn more about our exceptional retirement lifestyle! HarborChase of Wellington features: • Exciting Life Enrichment program • Menus created by award-winning Chef • Stimulating activities and social events daily Join our Charter Club today! (561) 320-4500 www.HarborChase.com 8785 Lake Worth Road Wellington, FL 33467 NOW OPEN! Wellington’s Newest Senior Living Community! ALF# Pending Boynton Financial Group, Inc. is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. CFP Board owns the CFP® marks in the United States. Investment Advisory Services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. It’s not simply about portfolio holdings and account balances. It’s about your complete life. You should have a wealth management partner who understands that. Who cares about your personal goals for your family, your business, your future. Who can give you comfort in making decisions that not only support your financial objectives, but that help ensure you have time to do things you enjoy with those you love. WELLINGT WHOLE F A SO Mar ARTIS Frid 6:3 Solo Exh W.A.S And Whole Foods Wellington Feature MULTI-MEDIA ARTIST marie lentine The Wellington Art Society in conjunction with Whole Foods Market Wellington features local and national multi-media award winning artist, Marie Lentine. The public is invited to attend a Meet The Artist Reception on Friday, May 11. Whole Foods Market Wellington will provide delicious samplings of their appetizers, and wines and provide the live music. In addition, there will be special door prizes. The Wellington Art Society requests a $5 donation per person at the event to support the Scholarship Fund. Whole F 2635 SR 56 • Music • A Livel Mu For further wellin The Wellington Art Society i year. It is open to artists of both local and regional arti interact with other artists an Tuesday 10% OFF FOR SENIORS At the SHAGGY DOG your pampered friend will be treated to: Massage Bath Ear Plucking Nail Trim or Dremel Blow Dry Custom Haircut AND LOTS OF TLC for a happy experience. CALL toda 561-4 www.myshaggydog.com SHOPPES 6685A (Just west of Jog R
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    or Active. List contact information including the website and any social media. Give the reader a directive to drop by, clip out the coupon, call or visit the client’s website.
  23. The Design Strategies n A clear call to action. RESIDENTIAL

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Marrero, D.O. 11327 Okeechobee Blvd, Ste 2 & 3 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 (561) 340-1615 www.BellaVidaFamilyPractice.com • Music and Art • Prayer-based curriculum to develop fluency • For Students from Kindergarten through • Post Bar/Bat Mitzva Classes are held weekly for grades K-2, and twice weekly for grades 3-7. Call the synagogue office at 561-793-4347 for more information or to come visit! 12794 W. FOREST HILL BLVD. SUITE 6, WELLINGTON, FL 33414 WWW. TEMPLEBNAIJACOB.COM Now Serving LUNCH & DINNER Family-owned and operated right here in Royal Palm Beach / Wellington BUY 2 LUNCHES GET 1 FREE with purchase of 2 beverages must present coupon (@ Village Shoppes) 110 Justified April 28th Buck Oh Five May 5th FRIDAY Live Entertainment MONDAY Texas Hold’em 7:30-9:30pm with no limit poker SATURDAY Steak Night $1.50oz - PICK YOUR OZ Happy Hour 7 DAYS A WEEK 6:30am - 8pm Eat In or Take Out... Catering Services Available 14555 Southern Blvd., Loxahatchee (561) 753-9991 Tequila TUESDAY $3 MARGARITAS $5 QUE SHOT $3 Chips-N-Salsa THURSDAY Happy Hour All Day & Night SUNDAY FREE Pool Starting at 4pm $3 Margaritas $5 Que Shot $3 Chips-N-Salsa Bring in this ad & receive 10% OFF (excludes specials, retail, not on coupons) WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT KAROKE 8:00 - Midnight Open for Breakfast 7 Days a Week at 6:30am www.gotowncrier.com The Town-Crier eticulously maintained and updated. s, 3.5 baths, oversized 3 car garage. ool and decks. Triple zoned high nces, landscaping. One of the few rom the power lines. Contact Vince Stark, Bowen Realty 561-598-2665 | RQTect@YMail.com www.DarellBowenRealty.com om Estate Home in Prestigious Paddock Park 428 Squire Drive Wellington, FL 33414 Totally Private Setting One block from Binks Forest Elementary Just reduced to $750,000 APRIL 29 ∙ 9–4 & SUNDAY, APRIL 30 ∙ 9–3 Motion U C I N G a’s New City prohibited by state statutes. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced, copied, altered, distributed, stored or transferred in any form or by any means without express written permission. Artist’s renderings, dimensions, specifications, prices and features are approximate and subject ake and the Westlake logo are trademarks of Minto Communities, LLC and/or its affiliates. CGC 1519880. 4/2017 tion and further details about our award-winning communities throughout Florida, visit mintofla.com. oducing a Vibrant New City in the Heart of Palm Beach County BE AMONG THE FIRST TO REGISTER WestlakeFL.com (844) 861-5833 Florida Turnpike Northlake Blvd. 1 Royal Palm Beach City Place Wellington Southern Blvd. Palm Beach International Airport Palm Beach Gardens Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd. Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd. Okeechobee Blvd. West Palm Beach Palm Beach Palm Beach Outlets COMING SOON! Welcome to a community with a rhythm all its own. Where walkable neighborhoods and paved pathways lead to endless adventures. Where resort-style amenities, spirited Town Center and a lively calendar of community events make every day a celebration. And innovative new Minto homes are designed for every budget and every stage of life. If home is where the heart is, Westlake is the new hometown that beats with everything your heart desires. 33 Years of creating environments where all children can learn while having FUN! PreSchool camp Ages 2-4 Years super camp Ages 5-12 Years Combines fun and learning in our uniquely designed early childhood education center. Includes hands-on, “in-house” field trips... the field trips come to us! Offers fun-filled days with field trips and the “Coolest Playground in Town!” register today! Summer Camp Runs June 5th thru August 11 2 Convenient Locations Loxahatchee 9267 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, FL 33470 561-784-5619 West Palm Beach 4330 Summit Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33406 561-964-2800 6:30 am - 6:15 pm 6:15 am - 6:15 pm A. Ju C. Ju E. Ju G. Ju 561.9 The A childr 9 a.m jewelr in 3D maste for you 832-1 Camp Schoo fun re as de matte and re outdo kickba as dan visit w Caspe With f little t individ and d Circus each locate caspe For ne and fa appro curric STEAM one-o