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Consul, Vault, and the 12 Factor App

Tim Hartmann
June 28, 2018

Consul, Vault, and the 12 Factor App

Introduction to Consul, Vault, and the Twelve Factor App

Tim Hartmann

June 28, 2018


  1. !2 • Cloud Native Application is the strategy • The

    Twelve-Factor App is the methodology • Tools! • Consul - Service Discovery, KV, and so much more • Vault - Secret Storage… and more! • sooo many tools….
  2. Why should anyone care about all this stuff? • Building

    Cloud Native Apps • Twelve-Factor Apps • DevOps • Continuous Delivery • Micro Services • Consul • Vault • Docker • envconsul • consul-template • Buzzword, Buzzword… • Wait, wait, wait… • Why do you care? • Why do I ? !3
  3. !4 • You are in control. • More Speed! (aka

    Disposability) • The desire to have application start / stop quickly to improve scalability, code, or config changes. • Deployments are easier (also Less pages at 4am!) • “Need to know” - I don’t need to know how it works. • Stability and scalability of the application • SRE is not in the critical path for changes! • Less pages at 4am! Why do you care ? Why do I?
  4. So, how can tools help? Lets talk about the 3rd

    factor, CONFIGS • The Third of the twelve-factors - Configs • Strictly separating configs from code, configs change across deploys, code does not. • What are some examples of configs that you know about? !5
  5. So, how can tools help? Lets talk about the 3rd

    factor, CONFIGS • The Third of the twelve-factors - Configs • Strictly separating configs from code, configs change across deploys, code does not. • What are some examples of configs that you know about? • Some example questions that you might want to answer • To which Database should I connect? • What credentials should I use to connect? !6
  6. !7 Using Consul to look up info!
 AKA - Stuff

    thats Not-So-Secret! • Consul provides a standard method to pass configs to the application environment. • GUI, DNS API, and REST API Interfaces • Helper tools, envconsul, and consul-template make this easier to wrap the application. • envconsul allows us to inject configs into the environment from a Consul or Vault lookup • consul-template allows uses a templating language to write configs and secrets, and supervise application startups and behavior. • We use these helpers as entry points when running applications out of Docker. • consul-template has some extra features • it allows us to keep *secrets* out of the environment, where they are more easily read
  7. !8

  8. !9 Vault - Where the secrets are! • Vault provides

    a standard method to pass *secrets* to the application environment. • Secure KV Store for storing static secrets. (1Password for infrastructure) • Dynamic Secrets!! • Why did I put a REAL PASSWORD in a SLIDE • Secrets can have a time to live (TTL) and be expired. (24h) • I was able to revoke quickly • Oh yeah, remember how I revoked that credential? We can do that in bulk operations.
  9. !10 Things to try at home!
 For ASICS UI’s you’ll

    log in with a GitHub personal access token! • https://asics-services.us-east-1.staging.asics.digital/ • https://vault.us-east-1.staging.asics.digital/ (You won’t see much) • Consul Demo : asicsdigital/docker-consul-vault-demo • Reference Health check app using envconsul 
 https://github.com/asicsdigital/healthcheck • How Kickstarter uses Vault : https://kickstarter.engineering/ecs-vault-shhhhh-i-have-a-secret-40e41af42c28 • The Twelve-factor App : https://12factor.net/

  10. Thank you! 
 What would you need to include

    these tools and methodologies in your next project?