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A tale of three web servers - Code & Coffee

Thijs Cadier
July 10, 2014

A tale of three web servers - Code & Coffee

Thijs Cadier

July 10, 2014


  1. Wikipedia Concurrency is a property of systems in which several

    computations are executing simultaneously, and potentially interacting with each other.
  2. Running multiple processes • When you start the server you

    only start a master process • The master process does not handle requests, but controls one or more child processes that do • It starts these processes by forking itself
  3. Fork is a Unix command that makes a copy of

    a process, with the exact state it has at the time of forking.
  4. Code Console output @winner = ‘The Netherlands’
 puts "#{Process.pid}:

    I'm the original process"
 if fork
 puts "#{Process.pid}: I’m the master"
 puts "#{Process.pid}: I'm the child” @winner = ‘Argentina’
 puts "#{Process.pid}: The winner is #{@winner}" 351: I'm the original process 351: I’m the master 351: The winner is The Netherlands 372: I'm the child 372: The winner is Argentina
  5. def spawn_missing_workers
 worker_nr = -1
 until all_workers_started
 worker = Worker.new(worker_nr)

    if pid = fork
 # Run in the master
 WORKERS[pid] = worker
 # Start the loop that handles incoming requests
  6. socket = Socket.new
 loop do
 # Wait for incoming connection

    socket, addr = socket.accept
 # Process incoming request with some backend
  7. Recap: Running multiple processes • Handle concurrency by running separate

    worker processes that handle requests • If you expect your workers to break it’s easy to kill them without affecting other workers • Concurrency is limited by the number of processes • Every process uses the full amount of memory.
  8. Threading • One process handles multiple requests by running multiple

    threads • Threads live in the same process and therefore share the same global state
  9. You have to take the shared global state into account

    when using threaded code, let’s look at some examples.
  10. Code Console output 5.times do |i|
 Thread.new do
 sleep rand(5)

    puts "I'm thread #{i}"
 sleep 10 I'm thread 1 I'm thread 3 I'm thread 4 I'm thread 0 I'm thread 2
  11. Code Console output @winner = ‘The Netherlands’
 5.times do

 Thread.new do
 sleep rand(5)
 puts "I'm thread #{i} and the winner is #{@winner}"
 sleep 2
 @winner = ‘Argentina’
 sleep 30 I'm thread 2 and the winner is The Netherlands I'm thread 4 and the winner is The Netherlands I'm thread 0 and the winner is The Netherlands I'm thread 1 and the winner is Argentina I'm thread 3 and the winner is Argentina
  12. Code Console output @total = 0
 100.times do |i|

    Thread.new do
 sleep rand(0.5)
 snapshot_of_total = @total
 sleep rand(0.5)
 @total = snapshot_of_total + 1
 sleep 5
 puts @total 6
  13. Code Console output @total = 0
 @lock = Mutex.new

    100.times do |i|
 Thread.new do
 sleep rand(0.5)
 @lock.synchronize do
 snapshot_of_total = @total
 sleep rand(0.5)
 @total = snapshot_of_total + 1
 sleep 60
 puts @total 100
  14. Code Console output @total = 0
 100.times do |i|

    snapshot_of_total = @total
 sleep rand(0.5)
 @total = snapshot_of_total + 1
 puts @total 100
  15. Threads can work well to achieve concurrency, but it can

    be really hard to make them independent of each other.
  16. class Server
 def start
 @cond = ConditionVariable.new
 @mutex = Mutex.new

    @workers = []
 @mutex.synchronize do
 @min_workers.times { spawn_thread }
  17. Recap: Threading • Server keeps a pool of worker threads

    • They wait for work to come in and process it outside of the server’s main lock • Concurrency is limited by size of the thread pool • Worker threads use little memory compared to processes
  18. Event driven • One process handles multiple requests by running

    an event loop that schedules work • All code that gets run in this loop has to split itself up in the smallest feasible units of work
  19. Code Console output require 'eventmachine'
 EM.run do
 5.times do

 EM.add_timer(rand(5)) do
 puts "I'm callback #{i}"
 end I'm callback 1 I'm callback 2 I'm callback 0 I'm callback 3 I'm callback 4
  20. Code Console output require 'eventmachine'
 @winner = ‘The Netherlands’

 EM.run do
 5.times do |i|
 EM.add_timer(rand(5)) do
 puts "I'm callback #{i} and” the winner is #{@winner}"
 EM.add_timer(2) do
 @winner = ‘Argentina’
 end I'm callback 1 and the winner is The Netherlands I'm callback 3 and the winner is The Netherlands I'm callback 0 and the winner is Argentina I'm callback 2 and the winner is Argentina I'm callback 4 and the winner is Argentina
  21. Code Console output require 'eventmachine'
 @total = 0

    EM.run do
 100.times do |i|
 EM.add_timer(rand(0.5)) do
 snapshot_of_total = @total
 EM.add_timer(rand(0.5)) do
 @total = snapshot_of_total + 1
 EM.add_timer(5) do
 puts @total
 end 4
  22. You can only use code that works in an event-driven

    way, or you’ll end up with a program that’s not concurrent
  23. module Thin
 module Connection
 def receive_data(data)
 process if @request.parse(data)

 def process
 def pre_process @app.call(@request.env)
 def post_process send_data(@response)
 end @port,
  24. Recap: Event-driven • Server runs a loop that schedules execution

    of operations and callbacks • Whenever an operation has to wait for something it stops, a callback gets called when the wait is over • Hardly any memory is used by the callbacks, they’re just Ruby blocks • Concurrency is an order of magnitude bigger than the other two models • All code running in the loop has to be event-driven
  25. • For most apps threading is a good tradeoff •

    If you run highly concurrent apps with long-running streams event-driven allows you to scale • If you don’t have a high-volume problem or you expect your processes to get out of control go for multi-process
  26. If you want to build the next Whatsapp • Actor

    model, used in Erlang • Coroutines, used in Go