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ZooCon 2013 Talk

ZooCon 2013 Talk

Summary of the current Zooniverse projects, with some usage stats and a peek at upcoming projects. A public talk given at the 2013 ZooCon gathering of Zooniverse volunteers in Oxford.

Robert Simpson

July 04, 2013

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  1. 225

  2. Whale FM NfN Bat Detective Cyclone Center Ancient Lives Moon

    Zoo Solar Stormwatch Old Weather Andromeda SETI Live Cell Slider Space Warps Seafloor 8.3% MWP 7.5% Serengeti 7.9% Planet Four 10% Galaxy Zoo 17% Planet Hunters 27% Distribution of 52 years worth of human attention across the Zooniverse, June 2012 to June 2013 zooniverse.org
  3. The Milky Way Project: measure and map our galaxy in

    infrared 40,000 volunteers milkywayproject.org drawings 3,000,000
  4. The Andromeda Project: Explore high-resolution Hubble data to find star

    clusters in M31, and galaxies beyond it. 22 days andromedaproject.org classifications 1,000,000+
  5. Whale FM: Listen to whale calls to decode their language

    15,000 volunteers whale.fm classifications 200,000
  6. Bat Detective: classify bat sounds to help us understand them

    better 15,000 volunteers batdetective.org classifications 250,000
  7. Snapshot Serengeti: identify and describe animals in Serengeti National Park

    20,000 volunteers snapshotserengeti.org classifications 7,000,000
  8. A new sunspot project to measure the complexity of active

    regions on the Sun New Sunspot Project