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Realtime and general purpose open APIs at Digit...

Realtime and general purpose open APIs at Digitransit

Presentation and workshop at API Days Nordic 2016, Tampere, Finland

Tuukka Hastrup

May 19, 2016

More Decks by Tuukka Hastrup

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  1. Helsinki Region and Finland • Helsinki regional transport authority (HSL.fi)

    • Finnish Transport Agency (FTA.fi) • Helsinki region: – 1.3 million inhabitants – 1 million boardings per day • Current HSL Journey Planner reittiopas.fi/en/ – 0.2 million users per day – Customers very satisfied: 50% NPS
  2. Enabler role of government • Plan the public transport network

    • Provide open data and open APIs • Support app developers • Support MaaS (Mobility as a Service) startups
  3. Use of HSL data Developer accounts 2009-2012 Sep 09 Data

    opens Sep 10 Apps4Finland Automated sign-up form Feb 11 HSL Mobile Competition 480 30 670 (789) < 5 apps +30 apps Sep 11 Apps4Finland Sep 12 Apps4Finland
  4. HSL APIs dev.hsl.fi Journey planning Realtime departures Schedules Line map

    Disruption info Vehicle locations Biking and walking Open Data dev.hsl.fi +30 mobile apps
  5. Routes Schedules Analyses Basic service Applications and services Quality monitoring

    Traffic planning APIs and examples Transport data: production, APIs and utilisation Open Data Novel services Responsibility of the authorities Third parties Disruptions Forecasts Vehicle locations
  6. 7.6.2012 Digitransit: The Concept • Integrated real-time passenger services for

    multi-modal trips • Open APIs first: This is not a single app, this is an application and a foundation for more: next generation, third parties, etc. • Mobile first: Small screens set the design constraints • HTML5 first: Can wrap HTML5 into native app later • Regular customers first − A commuter shouldn't need to re-choose the destination every morning and evening.
  7. HTML5 mobile app • Open Data, Open API, Open Source

    • Leaflet • React, Relay, Fluxible • Webpack, CoffeeScript
  8. Tools for GraphQL • GraphiQL • graphql-java, graphql-js, graphql-python, PostGraphQL

    • React & Relay, Apollo Client • A hack in Haskell: dropbox/datagraph
  9. MQTT Example message payload (JSON): {"tsi":1431417982,"spd":5,"lat":60.17052,"long":24.94359,"dl":52 ..} MQTT topic structure:

    /hfp/journey/type/id/line/direction/headsign/start_time/ next_stop/geohash_level/geohash Example message topic: /hfp/journey/bus/67bf46c0/1055/1/Koskela/1105/ 1020169/4/60;24/19/74/03 Example subscriptions: /hfp/journey/# (all messages) /hfp/journey/+/+/1055/1/# (line 1055 outbound) /hfp/journey/+/+/+/+/+/+/+/60;24/19/# (geohash map rectangle)
  10. MQTT in JavaScript var mqtt = require('mqtt'); var client =

    mqtt.connect('mqtt://mqtt.hsl.fi'); client.on('connect', function () { client.subscribe('/hfp/journey/#'); // client.publish('presence', 'Hello mqtt'); }); client.on('message', function (topic, message) { var data = JSON.parse(message); });
  11. Conclusions 1. Consider how general purpose your API is 2.

    Consider ”Post-REST” such as GraphQL 3. Consider MQTT and topic structure for realtime