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Frankie Vargas
August 29, 2023


Frankie Vargas

August 29, 2023


  1. Growing up I was exposed to a lot of second

    hand nostalgia… Watching stuff on Boomerang, Cartoon Network, etc. This content made me pine for the early 2000’s.
  2. Part of me wanted to return to that time period,

    because it seemed cooler than the present day. I wanted to make something that comments on overly attaching yourself to the past.
  3. Logline A college student from the present day visits the

    city of San Pedro and teams up with an unlikely sidekick to uncover why the city is stuck in the year 2010.
  4. Medium A 4 minute animated pilot featuring 2D characters interacting

    with a 3D environment. Blender: Grease Pencil Tool.
  5. Stef Character Inspiration • Visual Language: ◦ Thin outlines, rounded

    edges. • Personality: ◦ Bubbly, optimistic, and outgoing. ◦ Depressed about how the future is going.
  6. Kim • Visual Language: ◦ Bold, thick outlines with sharp,

    tapered corners. • Personality: ◦ Jaded, sarcastic, and introverted. ◦ Secretly hopes for a better future. Character Inspiration
  7. • Panty and Stocking. (Bold outlines) • Teen Titans. (Action

    shots) • Amazing World of Gumball. (3D BG’s) Animation Influences
  8. Mood & Tone • Balance of fighting sequences and slice

    of life moments. • Fighting off smaller threats while a major villain looms in the background. • Vague aura of mystery in the air…
  9. San Pedro Mall • Inspiration: Eastridge Mall. • White expanses;

    Hexagonal architecture. • Stores take inspiration from real life chains.
  10. Why should you work on this? • Deconstruct Nostalgia ◦

    Cartoon Network styled cartoon. ◦ Commentary on rehashing nostalgia. • Mixed Media Short ◦ Kind of rare in BFA; this is your chance to work on something unique! • Action-Oriented ◦ Weapon designs; fight scenes and choreography, chase scenes.
  11. Post-Production • Sound and Dialogue: ◦ Voice Actors: (2 or

    3) • Music: ◦ Originally composed songs OR use of stock music. ◦ Techno, EDM: ▪ (Jet Set Radio, Lethal League) • Compositing: ◦ Blender Grease Paint Tool.