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Sensory isolation tanks for relaxation and therapy

July 28, 2018

Sensory isolation tanks for relaxation and therapy


July 28, 2018


  1. Contents - How does it look like? - What is

    sensory isolation? - What’s the use of sensory deprivation? - Scientific proof - Extra: how a float centre is constructed (tech details)?
  2. Sensory deprivation - In salt, floating is effortless - 400kg

    MgSO4 salt + 600l water (fully saturated solution) - lowered gravity feel (relaxes the muscles and supports lumbar) - Air and water of exactly skin temp. 34.2C - touch is not felt - the boundary between me and around disappears - no need to keep body temperature equilibrium - Sound insulation - In complete darkness - Without any clothes
  3. Sensory deprivation vs Sensory enhancement - it’s an environment that

    relaxation/meditation just happens effortlessly 
 - inner senses felt stronger (sensory enhancement):
 - touch, hearing enhanced (often heartbeat, breathing felt)
 -> Breathing and heartbeat slows down (interoception -> heal)
 -> found out about a tumour thanks to increased sense of pain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interoception
  4. Effects - less non-interesting thoughts - more creativity - better

    sleep - Mg salt relax muscles - Decrease Anxiety - Depression - Good for Post-traumatic stress disorder - Lowers Stress Related Muscle Pain & Rheumatoid Arthritis
  5. Nerimas, Depresija, … randomized study on 2014 
 preventive study

    on healthy subjects: - decreased depression, anxiety - improved sleep, optimism
  6. Research on Anxiety, Depression and Stress Tyrimas parodęs plūduriavimo naudą

    esant stresui, nerimui, depresijai, raumenų įtampai, skausmui ir pan. Trumpuoju laikotarpiu, poveikis nerimui ir depresijai ne blogesnis nei vaistų, tik be šalutinių poveikių! Net trys ketvirtadaliai tyrimo dalyvių teigė giliau atsipalaidavę nei bet kokiu kitu būdu, įskaitant jogą, meditaciją, vaistus, sportą, masažą ir t.t. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0190292
  7. Ko reikia, kad įrengti rimtą float centrą? - Dušas

    Druskai atsparios vinilinės grindys
 - Float tank’as - Iš stiklo pluošto, arba DIY negraži vinilinė įmautė - Filtras + UV lempa + H2O2 - Pastovios vandens temp. palaikymo sistema 34.2C (su labai tiksliu termostatu)
 - Itin gera kambario Garso izoliacija >70 dB - Sienos + lubos: Knauf Silentboard + Knauf Blue + (Knauf Aquapanel) - Vibration isolation pads - Ausų kamštukai
  8. Vinilo grindys Neslidžios
 Atsparios druskai
 su į

    viršų užlenktais kraštais
 kad išsiliejus sulaikytų
 Forbo Safestep Aqua