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Water/air temperature [floatation tanks]

August 11, 2017

Water/air temperature [floatation tanks]

on controlling and/or predicting optimal per-customer water/air temperatures in float tanks


August 11, 2017

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  1. Contents - Issue Overview - Best practices on Water/air temp

    - Individual differences - Simple hacks (?) - What it depends on and can we predict in advance (?)
  2. Intro: float tanks & temperatur We aim for: Neutral feel

    = not cold nor warm No thermoregulation (no sweating, no shivering) ~100w produced at resting, which need to be removed high humidity impedes heat removal from body
  3. My experiences Bad: 36C water in Swiss, close to overheating,

    headache Bad: <25-30C air, salt crystallizes - hurts One of best centers in US - too hot for me, sweating: water+air was 35.0 C / 95F (I prefer 34.2C/93.5F) Float On – nice float they use 34.15C / 93.5F water, warm up only when needed
  4. Standard / best practices Water & air at 34.1-34.2C /

    ~93.5F (Lower optimum) & ask clients move less while floating some use <35C / 95F (too hot for me!) Humidity <= 80% Ventilated and heated air Try to match water temp to average skin temperature (?)
  5. Simple Hacks Ask to take a cold/hot shower: too hot

    -> take hot shower too cold -> cold shower ? Suboptimal: If can’t control air temp, change water temp: e.g. too cold air -> raise water temp to ~35C / 95F (example in Vilnius, Lithuania)
  6. Temperature perception Depends on: - Humidity - Starting skin temperature

    (?) Characteristics of the local cutaneous sensory thermoneutral zone http://jn.physiology.org/content/117/4/1797
  7. Air is easier to control Change air temp Sometimes just

    opening tank lid while taking a shower is enough! Samadhi had a “cold emergency” button to heat the air
  8. What it depends on & Can we predict it? Don’t

    know the answer yet, but some ideas: - Humidity - Skin temp ? - Did sports recently? - Stressed? - Cold hands / legs - Hot or cold shower? - Is it hot outside?
  9. Links http://www.floattanksolutions.com/finding-the-right-temperature-for-your-floaters/ Characteristics of the local cutaneous sensory thermoneutral zone

    http://jn.physiology.org/content/117/4/1797 http://blog.8float.lt/2017/06/11/eu-float-centers-review/ (that’s us)