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Don't blame yoy tools

Don't blame yoy tools

Palestra apresentada no 6º encontro do https://valleyofdevelopers.github.io/

Falaremos sobre como a volatilidade da atenção da comunidade front-end afeta a indústria, dieta forçada para trolls e como escrever código razoável* com tooling de primeira (webpack, nesse caso) e ferramentas que não tem mais espaço no buzz mas que sabemos que continuarão presentes no nosso dia-a-dia**.

* não se precipite, definiremos isso durante a conversa
** vai ter jQuery sim

Vinícius Almeida

October 26, 2017

More Decks by Vinícius Almeida

Other Decks in Programming



    NEW IN ORDER TO GET A REASONABLE CODE A: YES. IT IS Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  2. CORE CONCEPTS > Entry > Loaders > Plugins > Output

    Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  3. CORE CONCEPTS > Entry > Loaders > Plugins > Output

    Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  4. module.exports = { entry: './index.js', output: { path: __dirname +

    '/public', filename: './bundle.js' } }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  5. module.exports = { entry: './index.js', output: { path: __dirname +

    '/public', filename: './bundle.js' } }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  6. CORE CONCEPTS > Entry > Loaders > Plugins > Output

    Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  7. module.exports = { // input and output definition module: {

    loaders: [{ test: /.html$/, loader: 'underscore-template-loader' }] } // plugin definition }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  8. module.exports = { // input and output definition module: {

    loaders: [{ test: /.html$/, loader: 'underscore-template-loader' }] } // plugin definition }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  9. module.exports = { // input and output definition module: {

    loaders: [{ test: /.html$/, loader: 'underscore-template-loader' }] } // plugin definition }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  10. CORE CONCEPTS > Entry > Loaders > Plugins > Output

    Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  11. module.exports = { // input and output definition module: {

    loaders: [{ test: /.css$/, use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ use: "css-loader" }) }] }, plugins: [ new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css') ] }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  12. module.exports = { // input and output definition module: {

    loaders: [{ test: /.css$/, use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ use: "css-loader" }) }] }, plugins: [ new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css') ] }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  13. module.exports = { // input and output definition module: {

    loaders: [{ test: /.css$/, use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ use: "css-loader" }) }] }, plugins: [ new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css') ] }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  14. > Minification > sprites > code extraction > upload to

    S3 > ... ARE ALL FUNCTIONALITIES PROVIDED BY PLUGINS Don't blame your tools - @vimoding
  15. WEBPACK-DEV-SERVER module.exports = { //.. devServer: { port: 4000, contentBase:

    './public' }, // ... }; Don't blame your tools - @vimoding