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Ms. Sherlock

Waverly Wang
June 20, 2024

Ms. Sherlock

Sherlock Holmes wants to be the best and youngest unofficial detective in London. However, the only obstacle is Sherlock Holmes’s stupid brother threatening to tell their mother that she had her baby out of wedlock if Sherlock doesn’t find a partner. . Unbenkownst to Sherlock, the father is her archenemy and criminal mastermind James Moriarty. But Sherlock barely remembers how she conceived Henry during a drug-addled bender in the slums of Victorian London. Sherlock attempts to solve a mystery but finds herself facing her nemesis once again.

Waverly Wang

June 20, 2024


  1. Mycroft: “It’s not safe or for a young woman like

    you and Henry to be living alone. And not just you, but also for Henry too.”
  2. Mycroft: “Sherlock, I want to remind you that…as I’m providing

    you the very reason you hold this flat, you best heed my direction if you want to keep this arrangement”
  3. S: “It’s not that simple, Mycroft. The minute they realize

    that Henry doesn’t have a father. They’ll never want anything to do with me,”
  4. Mycroft: “I know you don’t care about that. And that

    won’t be an issue, I can compensate them for their rent as well.”
  5. Sherlock: “Of course you would say that. It makes more

    sense why you went into politics. It’s all coming together.” Mycroft: Sherlock, my worry is not just about you getting a flatmate. I was also thinking… You’re- You-”
  6. Sherlock:“So now you’re calling me old. Word of advice, Mycroft

    it’s rude to talk about a woman’s age. If 18 is old, you’re ancient. For that, I’m never going to marry.”
  7. Sherlock” “Yes. Blah Blah Blah, Sherlock you wouldn’t understand since

    you don’t care about politics… go back to you’re stupid desk job”
  8. Mycroft: That’s not my voice. And you must know the

    matters of the British government aren’t stupid. I can’t risk throwing my whole career in jeopardy for that.”
  9. Mycroft: “If you don’t try to find a partner… or

    at the very least a flatmate. I will tell Mummy that you dropped out of Oxford”
  10. Sherlock: “Go ahead. Tell her. She’ll just be mad at

    you for not stopping me. Also I’ll tell her about Ivan.”
  11. Lestrade: “Thank you. See you then? I have to rush

    back in the carriage to start the investigation”
  12. Mycroft: “But he was very fond of you, remember. He

    was there everyday. That time you were… indisposed”
  13. Mycroft: “I’m serious, Sherlock. If you don’t want to find

    a partner. You at least need to find a flatmate. Or… or else…,I’ll tell her about Henry.”
  14. Mycroft: “I’m not ruining your life. I-” Sherlock: Henry and

    I were perfectly happy without you interfering.
  15. Sherlock: Oh thank you my savior. You know I could

    get it together, if you would stop interfering. You’re the reason why I feel so useless. Why- Why I can’t move on from…”
  16. Mycroft: At some point, Sherlock you need to realize I’m

    not to blame for everything wrong in your life. When you’re ready to accept that, we can talk”