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Hitting the Turbo Button: Upgrading to PHP 7 at...

Will Gallego
September 17, 2016

Hitting the Turbo Button: Upgrading to PHP 7 at Etsy

PHP 7 offers fantastic resources to developers, trims memory consumption substantially, and can significantly reduce the CPU usage your software requires–often with few changes to your code. For those looking to migrate to PHP 7 or unsure of best practices to incorporate into your upgrade, you’ll learn about a battle tested design for deployment at scale. In this talk, I’ll discuss how Etsy designed a core upgrade to the site and how that might be applicable to companies of all sizes. Discussions will include how we chose between Hack/HHVM and PHP 7 and some of the tools built along the way, such as Phan, an open source static analyzer. This will also include an in depth review of how we deployed the upgrade, detailing some of the bumps in the process. Attendees should come away with a strong foundation of how the next phase of PHP can drastically improve performance and add powerful new features to aid in development.

Will Gallego

September 17, 2016

More Decks by Will Gallego

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 4  Roadmap •Brief history of PHP 5 point release

    upgrades at Etsy •Our use of HHVM •Deciding between Hack/HHVM vs. PHP 7 •Deployment of PHP 7 •Wins, pitfalls, and features in PHP 7 @wcgallego
  2. 6 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Prehistory 2012 2013 2014

    2015 … 2012 …to 5.3 PHP 5.2 2013 …to 5.4 2014 …to 5.5 2015 …5.6?
  3. 15 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Spring
 2015 Summer

 2015 January
 2016 February
 2016 Summer
 2016 Early PHP 7 Testing/Benchmarks
  4. 16 https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php6 “Version 6 is generally associated with failure in

    the world of dynamic language” @wcgallego Wait…what happened to PHP 6?
  5. 17 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Spring
 2015 Summer

 2015 January
 2016 February
 2016 Summer
 2016 Porting Etsy Extensions to PHP 7
  6. 21 Hack/HHVM @wcgallego Cons •More experiential knowledge with
 PHP/mod_php than

    Hack/HHVM/ fastcgi •Debugging multithreaded extensions •Different environment than Facebook: multi-curl in API at Etsy vs. async at Facebook •HHVM deploy shorter, but Hack everywhere a multiyear project Pros •Async (cooperative multitasking) •Generics •Collections (Vectors, Maps, Sets, Pairs) •Tuples, Enums, Shapes •compile time features like void return
  7. 22 PHP 7 @wcgallego Cons •Need to write our own

    static analyzer •Core not yet prod ready •Extensions hadn’t seen wide internal testing like core •Some type features Hack has not in PHP Pros •All of our editors supported PHP 7 - vim, emacs, sublime text, phpstorm, etc. •Unsure direction Facebook takes Hack •Maintain current understanding of how our site runs •Shorter migration •Rasmus
  8. 23 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Spring
 2015 Summer

 2015 January
 2016 February
 2016 Summer
 2016 Decision to deploy PHP 7
  9. 24 4 2 1 3 Staging Fix Tests 100% Dev

    Compatible with PHP 5 and PHP 7 code, still running PHP 5 Test PHP 7 running in safe environment Prevent introduction of PHP 7 code to PHP 5 boxes PHP 7 Deployment Plan Production Slow introduction to pools, careful eye on perf and errors @wcgallego
  10. 26 PHPUnit Tests: 17815 Assertions: 61346 Errors: 66 Failures: 120

    https://github.com/krakjoe/uopz @wcgallego
  11. 30 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Spring
 2015 Summer

 2015 January
 2016 February
 2016 Summer
 2016 Single web node running PHP 7
  12. 31 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Spring
 2015 Summer

 2015 January
 2016 February
 2016 Summer
  13. 34 PHP @ Etsy Timeline @wcgallego Spring
 2015 Summer

 2015 January
 2016 February
 2016 Summer
 2016 Deployed to Dev VMs PHP 7 everywhere!
  14. $PEFQJUGBMMT6OJGPSN7BS1BSTJOH 43 @wcgallego $class->$foo['bar'](); In PHP 5 that is interpreted

    as: $class->($foo['bar'])() while in PHP 7 it is: ($class->$foo)['bar']() It is easy enough to fix by adding curlies: $class->{$foo[‘bar']}()
  15. $PEFQJUGBMMT6OJGPSN7BS1BSTJOH 44 @wcgallego $class->$foo['bar'](); In PHP 5 that is interpreted

    as: $class->($foo['bar'])() while in PHP 7 it is: ($class->$foo)['bar']() It is easy enough to fix by adding curlies: $class->{$foo[‘bar']}()
  16. $PEFQJUGBMMT6OJGPSN7BS1BSTJOH 45 @wcgallego $class->$foo['bar'](); In PHP 5 that is interpreted

    as: $class->($foo['bar'])() while in PHP 7 it is: ($class->$foo)['bar']() It is easy enough to fix by adding curlies: $class->{$foo[‘bar']}()
  17. $PEFQJUGBMMT6OJGPSN7BS1BSTJOH 46 @wcgallego $class->$foo['bar'](); In PHP 5 that is interpreted

    as: $class->($foo['bar'])() while in PHP 7 it is: ($class->$foo)['bar']() It is easy enough to fix by adding curlies: $class->{$foo[‘bar']}()
  18. $PEFQJUGBMMT"TTPDJBUJWF"SSBZ4PSUJOH <?php $foo = [ "a" => 1, "b" =>

    1 ]; asort($foo); print_r($foo); 47 @wcgallego PHP 5: Array ( [b] => 1 [a] => 1 ) PHP 7: Array ( [a] => 1 [b] => 1 )
  19. $PEFQJUGBMMT"TTPDJBUJWF"SSBZ4PSUJOH <?php $foo = [ "a" => 1, "b" =>

    1 ]; asort($foo); print_r($foo); 48 @wcgallego PHP 5: Array ( [b] => 1 [a] => 1 ) PHP 7: Array ( [a] => 1 [b] => 1 )
  20. $PEFQJUGBMMT"TTPDJBUJWF"SSBZ4PSUJOH <?php $foo = [ "a" => 1, "b" =>

    1 ]; asort($foo); print_r($foo); 49 @wcgallego PHP 5: Array ( [b] => 1 [a] => 1 ) PHP 7: Array ( [a] => 1 [b] => 1 )
  21. $PEFQJUGBMMT$BUDIBCMF&SSPST 50 @wcgallego <?php // PHP 5 era code that

    will break. function handler(Exception $e) { ... } set_exception_handler('handler'); // PHP 5 and 7 compatible. function handler($e) { ... } // PHP 7 only. function handler(Throwable $e) { ... }
  22. $PEFQJUGBMMT3FNPWFE%FQSFDBUFE'VODUJPOT 51 @wcgallego mysql_* -> mysqli_* For example:
 mysql_connect() should

    now be mysqli_connect() or used PDO class Legacy extension: https://github.com/php/pecl-database-mysql
  23. 53 &YUFOTJPOT @wcgallego • gearman • msgpack • oauth •

    memcached • gmagick •…a dozen more!
  24. 55 SOAP ’n Certs 1. Disable WSDL cache
 (http://lornajane.net/posts/2015/soapfault-when-switching-php-versions) 2.

    Update your certs! 3. use FQDN instead of IPs 4.* Could also turn off peer verification (but probably not advisable) @wcgallego
  25. /FXGFBUVSFTUPDIFDLPVU • Scalar Type Declarations • Return Type Declarations •

    NULL coalescing operator • phpdbg • spaceship operator • const arrays 59 @wcgallego
  26. 'VUVSFUXFBLTBU&UTZ • File backed opcache - cli speed up, avoid

    thundering herd on graceful restarts • Better compilation! Latest GCC, ICC, etc. • FDO (Feedback Directed Optimization) as part of GCC > 5 • Tuning to avoid filling up opcache as often 61 @wcgallego
  27. 1BSUJOHUIPVHIUT • Plan first, be ready to be flexible •

    Static analyzers/Tests/Teeing are wonderful • Have a back up plan • Don’t be afraid to contribute back to PHP • Get ready for a huge bucket of win 62 @wcgallego