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Quality Control

Quality Control

There are something important things of code quality control I think during my past 10 years programming experience, sharing to you guys on 2020/12 @17Live .

Frank Huang

December 25, 2020

More Decks by Frank Huang

Other Decks in Programming


  1. – Edsger Dijkstra If debugging is the process of removing

    software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.
  2. 開發中 • 重構不等於打掉重練 • 持續且⼩的改進 • 好架構是不斷的演進⽽來 • 問題需求 ->

    現有架構 -> 想解決⽅案 -> 實作改進 -> 理想的品質 • Decoupling 解耦 Refactoring
  3. 開發中 • 單⼀職責 (Single-responsibility) • 開閉原則 (Open-closed) • ⾥⽒替換 (Liskov-substitution)

    • 介⾯隔離 (Interface-segregation) • 依賴反轉 (Dependency-inversion) SOLID Principles