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February 06, 2024


An old man gets burglarized by his mechanic


February 06, 2024


  1. Scene 6 Panel 8 / 9 Dialog BUD: I can

    help the next customer
  2. Scene 10 Panel 1 / 5 Dialog David Not too

    bad! How about yourself Bud?
  3. Scene 10 Panel 2 / 5 Dialog David Not too

    bad! How about yourself Bud?
  4. Scene 10 Panel 3 / 5 Dialog David Not too

    bad! How about yourself Bud?
  5. Scene 10 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog David Not too

    bad! How about yourself Bud?
  6. Scene 10 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog David Not too

    bad! How about yourself Bud?
  7. Scene 11 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog BUD Got a

    lot of work but I'll always have time for you my friend. What can I do for you?
  8. Scene 11 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog BUD Got a

    lot of work but I'll always have time for you my friend. What can I do for you?
  9. Scene 12 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog DAVID The olʼ

    Corrola needs service. You taking walk-in ?
  10. Scene 12 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog DAVID The olʼ

    Corrola needs service. You taking walk-in ?
  11. Scene 13 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog BUD It's kinda

    full today but for you my friend I will make an exception
  12. Scene 13 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog BUD It's kinda

    full today but for you my friend I will make an exception
  13. Scene 14 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog DAVID Thanks, Bud.

    I got to go to this conference this weekend and I was wondering if I could leave the car here till I get back
  14. Scene 14 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog DAVID Thanks, Bud.

    I got to go to this conference this weekend and I was wondering if I could leave the car here till I get back
  15. Scene 19 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog DAVID Itʼs all

    good. Iʼll be out of town anyway. Donʼt want to separate the keys
  16. Scene 19 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog DAVID Itʼs all

    good. Iʼll be out of town anyway. Donʼt want to separate the keys
  17. Scene 19 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog DAVID Itʼs all

    good. Iʼll be out of town anyway. Donʼt want to separate the keys
  18. Scene 19 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog DAVID DAVID Looks

    like my ride is here. See you on Monday, Bud.
  19. Scene 62 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  20. Scene 62 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  21. Scene 62_A_0 Panel 1 / 1 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  22. Scene 62_A_999 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  23. Scene 62_A_999 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  24. Scene 62_A_999 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  25. Scene 62_A_0_A Panel 1 / 1 Dialog DAVIDʼS WIFE (V.O.)

    Hey David. Iʼve been thinking it through. Youʼre an addict and youʼre sick in the head. Your infatuation with ankles has to stop or this marriage wonʼt be able to work. I know I said I will be gone for a couple of days but I will be staying with my parents from here on out. Good bye David.
  26. Scene 63_I Panel 3 / 4 Dialog BUD Oh no.

    did they know who did it?
  27. Scene 63_I Panel 4 / 4 Dialog DAVID They did

    captured them in the security camera.
  28. Scene 63_L Panel 1 / 3 Dialog DAVID They took

    some valuables, which is unfortunate.
  29. Scene 63_L Panel 2 / 3 Dialog DAVID Iʼm just

    glad my wife is out on her business trip. Man she couldʼve gotten hurt. Like they couldʼve tripped her and break her ankles. Can you imagine?
  30. Scene 63_L Panel 3 / 3 Dialog DAVID Iʼm just

    glad my wife is out on her business trip. Man she couldʼve gotten hurt. Like they couldʼve tripped her and break her ankles. Can you imagine?