Evenly apply it on the seedling raising ground of Jatropha fordii. When applying fertilizer, we should master the characteristics of fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer has strong mobility in the soil. It penetrates into the root distribution layer with shallow application and is easy to be absorbed by fatung. In the future, it shall be watered according to the soil moisture. Each watering shall be thoroughly watered. After the topsoil is dry, it shall be ploughed in time. In addition to normal watering, the grass rope wrapped around the tree should also be sprayed with water frequently in the high temperature season in summer to keep it moist.
The next step is to clean the 1 gallon plant pots. If it is found that moss and other viscous substances are adhered to the inner wall of the container, it needs to be cleaned and used after sterilization and disinfection. The ramets of evergreen can usually be understood as pots. So, when will evergreen divide pots? How to divide the basin? The pot division of evergreen is generally carried out in spring, and can usually be carried out in combination with pot change.
In the process of basin division, we need to cut carefully to ensure that the incision is smooth and free of unnecessary damage, and then use plant ash or carbendazim for anti-virus, sterilization and anti-corrosion. Then use multiple flowerpots to plant them in the pots again. Because the temperature in spring is more appropriate, cutting is more beneficial to the rapid rooting and growth of plants. However, if the temperature in summer is relatively stable and appropriate, cutting can also be carried out.
In addition to the monthly Topdressing of appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer during the growth period to promote growth, the thin liquid fertilizer can be watered every two weeks from March to August, and the water and fertilizer should be strictly controlled after autumn. In particular, during the vigorous growth period, it should be fully watered and timely replenished to maintain the growth needs. Keep the 7 gallon nursery pots soil moist in spring, and keep watering every 2-3 days.
Mulching with straw can not only increase the air permeability of the soil, but also make the skin of potato blocks smooth and shiny, improve the marketability of potatoes, and increase the content of soil organic matter after decay. For the fields with excessive seedlings (too large population) formed years ago, chemical control shall be taken in time, or deep cultivation and root cutting shall be carried out before getting up, and the watering time after fertilization shall be postponed to the later stage of jointing or even when the flag leaves are exposed.
After entering the winter, because the growth is slow in winter, there is no need to pour a lot of water. If outdoor potted jasmine flowers are washed by rain in the peak growth season, we can also supplement ferrous sulfate diluent in time. We need to make a difference according to the types of roses, such as miniature roses and some Shrub Roses. Two gallon pots are basically enough. After all, the balcony space is limited, and we usually give some fertilizer.


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