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How SpringerLink Went Responsive

How SpringerLink Went Responsive

One of the Lighting Talks given during Springer IT's Event - Madrid, Spain - May 2013

**Links in the slide deck**
Continue Reading: http://bit.ly/10G8usQ
Connect with me: http://linkd.in/12LMVKs

Todd Carter

May 24, 2013

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  1. Whose face is that? Todd Carter Front End Developer @

    Springer London Kiwi living in London Working on SpringerLink
  2. Concepts: Mobile First Mobile First is about growing with the

    market Mobile First is about creating a more focused product Mobile First is about using device innovations to create unique user experiences
  3. Rather than tailoring disconnected designs to each of an ever-increasing

    number of web devices, we can treat them as facets of the same experience… In short, we need to practice responsive web design. Ethan Marcotte
  4. Retro fitted CSS/JS Unnecessary overwrites in CSS Code can be

    confusing to read Code bloat! How We Did It: What Worked Not So Well
  5. Doubled our e orts on the UX // Front End

    Mobile First is great as a guiding principle Get something on a device asap! (For science context) Use real content, not lipsum RWD isn’t necessary for every project How We Did It: Some considerations
  6. Better performance (CSS, JS, Actual Speed) Support for Hi-DPI media

    Ongoing refactoring/tweaking Device ranges and Content breakpoints Looking Towards The Future
  7. Thanks! Continue reading: bit.ly/10G8usQ Slides available here: bit.ly/16LurPR Questions //

    Comments: [email protected] Connect with me: linkd.in/12LMVKs Creative Commons Licensed Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike