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I see WordCamps everywhere - Takis Bouyouris, N...

I see WordCamps everywhere - Takis Bouyouris, Nevma - WordPress Athens meetup 9

WordPress Greek Community

November 02, 2016

More Decks by WordPress Greek Community

Other Decks in Technology


  1. WordCamps are about WordPress, themes, plugins, web design, web development,

    content, blogging, startups, social media, technology, the web
  2. WordCamps are inclusive events, regardless one's age, race, sex, sexual

    orientation, religion, depth of knowledge, whatever
  3. Day1 - Track 01 Growing together: Thoughts on the Global

    WordPress community Petya Raykovska UX tips for theme / plugin developers Γεράσιμος Τσιάμαλος Είναι πολυτέλεια η τυπογραφική τέχνη στη διαδικτυακή επικοινωνία; Γιώργος Ματθιόπουλος High Performance WordPress Installation Επαμεινώνδας Γάσπαρης Getting Started With Website Maintenance Nemanja Aleksic
  4. Day 1 - Track 01 WordPress Security: Doing it wrong,

    Top 10 Παναγιώτης Βαγενάς An Introduction to the REST API Jack Lenox Scaling WooCommerce to thousands of products – Challenges, solutions, bottlenecks Αντώνης Ζαχόπουλος Lets Talk About Workflows Ευάγγελος Δημητριάδης WordPress Database: What’s behind those 12 tables? Mauricio Gelves
  5. Day 2 - Track 02 Digital Strategy 101 Ivana Ćirković

    Blogging και παραγωγή content για επαγγελματική αναπτυξη Στέλλα Κάσδαγλη Increase your Visibility | SEM – SEO Best Practices-Monitoring-Analysis Ηλίας Τσαλδάρης Marketing για WordPress Publishers & Theme Designers Αποστόλης Αϊβαλής Designing themes: Marketplaces vs Clients Χρήστος Πανταζής
  6. Day 1 - Track 02 Buyer Centered Design for Premium

    WordPress Themes Λεωνίδας Τουρούτογλου Αυτόματα τεστ με το CodeCeption Δημήτρης Μήτσης Getting started with WP-CLI Yoav Farhi WordPress for Offline Phonegap Hybrid Mobile Application with Geo Sniffing Νικόλαος Γιαννόπουλος Ανοικτότητα και Διαφάνεια στην Ελλάδα Φώτης Ρούτσης
  7. Volunteer work all the way Speakers speak for free Volunteers

    work for free Organisers work for free