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Dokku your way to Heroku

July 26, 2024

Dokku your way to Heroku

How I learned to use Dokku and found my peace


July 26, 2024


  1. Yang Chung Dokku your way to Heroku How I learned

    to use Dokku and found my peace
  2. About me • Network Engineer -> startup* —> PM ->

    startup* -> Software Engineer • Some Experiences
  3. Why Dokku? • No more nickle-and-diming • Total control •

    Multiple Rails apps on a single server* • Deploy to production with ease • git push [remote] main • Healthy and active open-source development
  4. But….. • You are responsible for EVERYTHING • Ine ff

    i cient resource requirements if multiple apps on a single server • Limited* plugins available
  5. Simple steps • Get yourself a server, e.g. VPS* •

    Install Dokku and plugins* • Con fi gure SSH* • Create an app (container) • Con fi gure Git • Set Proc fi le • git push dokku main