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Anomaly Detection by Mean and Standard Deviation

Anomaly Detection by Mean and Standard Deviation

Yoshihiro Iwanaga

September 26, 2013

More Decks by Yoshihiro Iwanaga

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  1. Motivation for detecting anomaly Traditional system monitoring •  process existence

    •  ping, http, tcp response •  disk usage → “fixed” rule / threshold
  2. Motivation for detecting anomaly Notice something out of ordinary • 

    network traffic is heavier than usual •  number of login try is obviously larger •  a colleague is strangely gracious today → Unusual behaviors; Indications of fault. Such info helps preventing service degrading in advance!! but rule/threshold vary with service, host, client, time…
  3. Superimpose 24 hour plot Traffic at 15:00 on workday is

    about 1.2 Gbps traffic time Periodicity!!
  4. mean mean - 3σ mean + 3σ amount of dispersion

    from mean = 1 N v u u t N X i=1 (¯ x xi)2 Acceptable “range” → e.g. Acceptable range of traffic at 15:00 on workday is 1.01 to 1.38 Gbps
  5. downloading large files mass e-mail sending “Traffic spike” happens so

    frequently Frequent false-positive alerting will be “cry-wolf” system…
  6. heuristic filtering In usual, traffic gets cool down within 15

    minutes notify engineers if anomaly continues more than 15 minutes Engineers’ knowledge is gold mine for better algorithm J → one practical example: