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WebComponents LT at AQ

WebComponents LT at AQ

Yoshihiro Iwanaga

August 29, 2013

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  1. What is WebComponents? Provides mechanism for the declaration of markup

    prototype. (W3C Working Draft) Makes reusing and composing HTML components much easier J
  2. The component model for the WebComponents 1. Templates 2. Decorators

    3. Custom Elements 4. Shadow DOM 5. Imports
  3. insert template to DOM var t = document.getElementById('t'); var clone

    = t.content.cloneNode(true); clone.querySelector('h2').textContent = 'テキスト'; clone.querySelector('img').src = 'image.png'; clone.querySelector('figcaption').textContent = 'キャプション'; document.body.appendChild(clone); <template id="t"> <div> <h2>デフォルトテキスト</h2> <figure> <img alt="image"> <figcaption>キャプション</figcaption> <button>イイネ!</button> </figure> </div> </template>
  4. Shadow DOM <div id="target"></div> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ /* not supported

    */ //var shadow = document.getElementById("target”) .createShadowRoot(); /* deprecated. Webkit Only */ //var shadow = new WebKitShadowRoot( document.getElementById("target")); /* Webkit Only */ var shadow = document.getElementById("target") .webkitCreateShadowRoot(); shadow.innerHTML = '<h2>this is shadow tree</h2>' + '<img src="image.jpg">'; }, false); </script>
  5. <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ /* not supported */ //var shadow =

    document.getElementById("target”) .createShadowRoot(); /* Webkit Only */ var shadow = document.getElementById("target") .webkitCreateShadowRoot(); /* resetStyleInheritance */ shadow.resetStyleInheritance = true; shadow.innerHTML = '<h2>this is shadow tree</h2>' + '<img src="image.jpg">'; }, false); </script> Preventing the CSS inheritance