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Location-aware Marketing Carousel

Location-aware Marketing Carousel

How Go, DynamoDB and geohashing allow us to do location checks millions of times per second (with 0.8 cpu core and 600mb memory).

Ben Adrian Sarmiento

June 08, 2020

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  1. Ben Adrian Sarmiento Delivery Hero engineering manager / full stack

    developer self-learned programmer Carmudi (acquired), Cloud Sherpas (acquired), Bright (acquired)
  2. PRESENT DAY! Presence in 11 Countries! May 2012 foodpanda was

    founded! Acquired by Delivery Hero One of Europe’s biggest start-ups! Dec 2016 Dec 2016 Introduced 24/7 delivery islandwide in Singapore! Nov 2017 foodpanda rebranded from orange to Pink Our History Singapore Bangladesh Hong Kong Taiwan Thailand Myanmar Philippines Pakistan Malaysia Cambodia Laos Jan 2020 We launched pandamart!
  3. PRESENT DAY! Presence in 11 Countries! May 2012 foodpanda was

    founded! Acquired by Delivery Hero One of Europe’s biggest start-ups! Dec 2016 Dec 2016 Introduced 24/7 delivery islandwide in Singapore! Nov 2017 foodpanda rebranded from orange to Pink Our History Singapore Bangladesh Hong Kong Taiwan Thailand Myanmar Philippines Pakistan Malaysia Cambodia Laos Jan 2020 We launched pandamart! Launched in PH 6 years ago...
  4. foodpanda clients (Web, Android, iOS) Campaigns API open the app

    request the list of campaigns send the list of campaigns back • Kubernetes • Go • DynamoDB
  5. UX Problem We have to make sure there is at

    least one restaurant delivering to the user before we show the campaign tile
  6. Check One by One if User Location is Inside Restaurant

    Delivery Areas campaign1 restaurant1 restaurant2 restaurant3 delivery_area1a x delivery_area1b x delivery_area1c x delivery_area2a x delivery_area2b x delivery_area2c x delivery_area3a x delivery_area3b x delivery_area3c ✓ Is user location inside delivery area? found
  7. • ~10 active campaigns per country • ~10,000 restaurants per

    campaign • ~10 delivery areas per restaurant We need to do ~1,000,000 location checks per location
  8. Parallelize all location checks WaitGroup and channels and goroutines var

    wg sync.WaitGroup visible := make(chan string, 1000000) for i := 0; i <= len(campaigns); i++ { ... go checkIfVendorsDeliver( campaigns[i].Vendors, customerLocation, campaigns[i].ID, visible, &wg, ) } wg.Wait() close(status) ...
  9. Parallelize all location checks WaitGroup and channels and goroutines func

    checkIfVendorsDeliver(...) { for i := 0; i <= len(vendors); i++ { ... // skip some vendors? go checkIfInsideDeliveryAreas( vendor[i].DeliveryAreas, customerLocation, campaignID, visible, &wg, ) } }
  10. Parallelize all location checks WaitGroup and channels and goroutines func

    checkIfInsideDeliveryAreas(...) { for i := 0; i <=len(deliveryAreas); i++ { ... // merge delivery areas? wg.Add(1) defer wg.Done() visible <- checkIfInsideDeliveryArea( deliveryArea, customerLocation, campaignID, visible, ) }
  11. Parallelize all location checks WaitGroup and channels and goroutines import

    "github.com/paulsmith/gogeos/geos" func checkIfInsideDeliveryArea(...) { polygon := geos.NewPolygon(deliveryArea.coordinates) if polygon.Contains(customerLocation) { return campaignID } }
  12. Geohash Dimensions Length width x height 1 5,009.4km x 4,992.6km

    2 1,252.3km x 624.1km 3 156.5km x 156km 4 39.1km x 19.5km 5 4.9km x 4.9km 6 1.2km x 609.4m 7 152.9m x 152.4m 8 38.2m x 19m http://geohash.gofreerange.com/
  13. Example Use Case campaign1 restaurant1 restaurant2 restaurant3 delivery_area1a delivery_area1b delivery_area1c

    delivery_area2a delivery_area2b delivery_area2c delivery_area3a delivery_area3b delivery_area3c campaign1 campaign2 campaign3 campaign4
  14. Generate Geohashes (Precision 5) Inside Delivery Area { Type: "Polygon",

    Coordinates: [][][]float64{{ { 103.87813568115234, 1.331457449380893, }, { 103.88328552246094, 1.306744762128643, }, { 103.90997886657715, 1.3105203274201689, }, { 103.90379905700684, 1.335833628726838, }, { 103.8812255859375, 1.3370349314986247, }, { 103.87813568115234, 1.331457449380893, }, }}, } Geohashes: w21z7, w21ze, w21zk, w21zs Compromise in accuracy
  15. Location Check 1. Customer opens the foodpanda client 2. Client

    sends a request (with customer’s geo coordinates) to get the list of campaigns from Campaign API. 3. In Campaign API: a. Convert the customer’s geo coordinates to geohash with precision=5 to match the encoded geohashes of the delivery areas b. Get the list of campaigns c. For each campaign, query the database to check if the campaignID:customerGeohash exists. If yes, we can show the campaign to the user. d. Send back the list of visible campaigns to the frontend. 4. Customer sees the carousel Only 1 query to database per campaign campaignID:customerGeohash == campaignID:restaurantGeohash customerGeohash and restaurantGeohash should have the same precision
  16. Convert User Lat Long to Geohash (Precision = 5) Latitude:

    1.3203024473401612 Longitude: 103.89461517333984 Geohash: w21zs
  17. Check if campaignID:customerGeohash exists campaign1:w21z7 campaign1:w21ze campaign1:w21zk campaign1:w21zs campaign2:abcde campaign3:bcdef

    campaign4:cdefg campaign1:w21zs ✓ campaign1 campaign2 campaign3 campaign4 + :w21zs = campaign2:w21zs X campaign3:w21zs X campaign4:w21zs X Result: Show campaign1 to the user Key begins_with Query DynamoDB Sort Key index Parallelize Cache the list Do not unmarshal results.Items result.Count >= 1 https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto
  18. DynamoDB SDK in Go https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/ Pitfall: Be careful if you

    are fetching List of Maps, unmarshaling consumers significant amount of memory Campaign.Vendors with type []Vendor Vendor.DeliveryAreas with type []DeliveryArea DeliveryArea.Coordinates with type []Coordinate Solution: exclude the field by projection if you don’t need it If you need, consider optimising the encoding by using a comma-separated string type instead of a list type Final pointers
  19. Single Table Design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaEPXoXVf2k Provisioning is simpler, only one table

    and you’re good for the rest of the application. Planning your access patterns is essential Final pointers