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War of The Worlds
Yuri Pineda
January 01, 2020
War of The Worlds
Boards are based off a few pages from the book by the same name
Yuri Pineda
January 01, 2020
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Scene 1 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 1/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Fairy
01: Did you hear that? Fairy 02: Yeah what was it? [...] War Of the Worlds Page 2/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Fairy
01: Not yet, I think they're still investigation. Maybe it's a.... [...] War Of the Worlds Page 3/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what happened though. War Of the Worlds Page 4/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
But it sounded like something crashed over there. Eli: I can't see much from here. Hang on. Lets not go yet. War Of the Worlds Page 5/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Everyone else is already heading over to see. War Of the Worlds Page 6/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Then let's head over too! War Of the Worlds Page 7/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
I want to see what happened. I can't see anything from here. War Of the Worlds Page 8/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
(under his breath) Maybe she might've seen something. Caleb: What'd you say? War Of the Worlds Page 9/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Hey! Wait a sec! Fairy 03: (Sharp gasp) Let go me! [...] War Of the Worlds Page 10/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
We just want to know what's going on over there. What did you see? Caleb: Dude, get your hand off of her! War Of the Worlds Page 11/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog Fairy
03: (heavily breathing) What I, what I saw? War Of the Worlds Page 12/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog Fairy
03: -Ugh, I'm he- It's, I-I don't know. It's just... Don't go, stay away, get away [...] War Of the Worlds Page 13/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Dialog (Muffled
in BG) Caleb: Let go of her already! (Softly) Eli: What the heck.... War Of the Worlds Page 14/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Sorry Lady! My friend can be an asshole sometimes! What the hell man, boundaries... War Of the Worlds Page 15/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Let's not go over there. Caleb: Why? There's still alot of faires over there. if it was really bad, I'm sure they'd be [...] War Of the Worlds Page 16/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
I'll be there with you. War Of the Worlds Page 17/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Let's go. War Of the Worlds Page 18/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 19/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Hey! Excuse me! Just trying to get through! Eli: Sorry, sorry. Please excuse us, sorry again... War Of the Worlds Page 20/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 Dialog Fairy
04: We gotta get outta here, we can't stay, we can't... War Of the Worlds Page 21/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 21 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 22/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 23/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 24/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 25/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 25 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
What the hell is it? Eli: Ehhh. [...] War Of the Worlds Page 26/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 26 Duration 01:00 Dialog What's
that? It's huge! [...] War Of the Worlds Page 27/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 28/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 28 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 29/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 29 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 30/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 30 Duration 01:00 Dialog Ian!
Where are you! Ian! War Of the Worlds Page 31/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 31 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 32/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 32 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 33/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 33 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy:
-Huh! War Of the Worlds Page 34/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 34 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy:
Uhhhh! War Of the Worlds Page 35/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 35 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy:
A-Ahhh! War Of the Worlds Page 36/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 36 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
(Irritated) We've been walking foreverrr, how long is this? Eli: Wait, I thinkI can see the base, it's just over ther- War Of the Worlds Page 37/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 37 Duration 01:00 Dialog Crowd:
Someone do something! Help him! [...] War Of the Worlds Page 38/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 38 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eil:
Caleb! War Of the Worlds Page 39/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 39 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy:
Ahhh! Momma! Mommy! War Of the Worlds Page 40/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 40 Duration 01:00 Dialog Ell:
We gotta help! Caleb: Hey! Hold on a min- War Of the Worlds Page 41/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 41 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 42/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 42 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
I got you! War Of the Worlds Page 43/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 43 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Eli! War Of the Worlds Page 44/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 44 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 45/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 45 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 46/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 46 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 47/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 47 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 48/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 48 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 49/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 49 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 50/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 50 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 51/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 51 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 52/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 52 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 53/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 53 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 54/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 54 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
(Gasp) Eli! War Of the Worlds Page 55/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 55 Duration 01:00 Dialog Crowd
in Pit: Ahhh! Help! Get me outta here! War Of the Worlds Page 56/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 56 Duration 01:00 Dialog Crowd
in pit: Get me outta this stuff! War Of the Worlds Page 57/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 57 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
(In distant) Eli, wake up! War Of the Worlds Page 58/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 58 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 59/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 59 Duration 01:00 Dialog Fairy
05: Uh, ah, someone help me! War Of the Worlds Page 60/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 60 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 61/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 61 Duration 01:00 Dialog BG
Fairy 05: Ahhh! War Of the Worlds Page 62/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 62 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 63/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 63 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 64/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 64 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 65/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 65 Duration 01:00 Dialog (Bones
crunching) War Of the Worlds Page 66/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 66 Duration 01:00 Dialog (Scratchy,
high pitch scream) War Of the Worlds Page 67/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 67 Duration 01:00 Dialog (Scratchy,
high pitch scream) Fairies cryout in terror War Of the Worlds Page 68/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 68 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Kid! Kid! War Of the Worlds Page 69/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 69 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy:
(Wimpers) Help...Mommy, please help me... War Of the Worlds Page 70/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 70 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Kid! Hold on! Ahhh War Of the Worlds Page 71/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 71 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 72/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 72 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Ahhhh! War Of the Worlds Page 73/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 73 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 74/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 74 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 75/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 75 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 76/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 76 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 77/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 77 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 78/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 78 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 79/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 79 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 80/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 80 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 81/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 81 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 82/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 82 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 83/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 83 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
You dumbass. There, kid's safe. Now let's get outta here. War Of the Worlds Page 84/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 84 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
The kid! We can't just- Caleb: Look! I can't carry both of you so we- War Of the Worlds Page 85/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 85 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Then save the kid! War Of the Worlds Page 86/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 86 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
I didn't come for the kid. War Of the Worlds Page 87/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 87 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
We're not leaving without him! War Of the Worlds Page 88/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 88 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 89/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 89 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 90/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 90 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 91/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 91 Duration 01:00 Dialog Eli:
Grab on! War Of the Worlds Page 92/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 92 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 93/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 93 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 94/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 94 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 95/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 95 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 96/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 96 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 97/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 97 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 98/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 98 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Can't....Not.....Eli... War Of the Worlds Page 99/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 99 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 100/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 100 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 101/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 101 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 102/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 102 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 103/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 103 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy:
You....you didn't... War Of the Worlds Page 104/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 104 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 105/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 105 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 106/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 106 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 107/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 107 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 108/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 108 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 109/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 109 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 110/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 110 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 111/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 111 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 112/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 112 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 113/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 113 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 114/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 114 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 115/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 115 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 116/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 116 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 117/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 117 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 118/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 118 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy's
Mom: Please! Help! Have you seen my son! War Of the Worlds Page 119/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 119 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy's
Mom: Please, help me! Where's Ian!? Where's my son!? War Of the Worlds Page 120/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 120 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy's
Mom: Where's my son! War Of the Worlds Page 121/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 121 Duration 01:00 Dialog Boy's
Mom: My son, do you know where my boy's at? War Of the Worlds Page 122/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 122 Duration 01:00 Dialog Caleb:
Get away! Boy's Mom: Please! Help me find him! War Of the Worlds Page 123/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 123 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 124/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 124 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 125/126
Scene 2 Duration 02:05:00 Panel 125 Duration 01:00 War Of
the Worlds Page 126/126