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Du JavaScript propre

Du JavaScript propre

Compilation personnelle de quelques bonnes pratiques de codage en JavaScript.


June 13, 2013

More Decks by zenigata

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Inline <div style="width: 800px; margin: 1em auto; font: bold 1em/1.2

    Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <div style="float: left; width: 400px; padding: 1em 2em; font- size: 0.9em"> <span id="get-shit" onclick="callSomeFunction()">News</span> </div> </div>
  2. Point-virgule, où es-tu ? var foo = function() { }

    // parse error, semicolon expected test()
  3. Espace de nommage pollué // global scope var foo =

    42; function test() { // local scope foo = 21; } test(); foo; // 21
  4. Eval c'est le mal var foo = 1; function test()

    { var foo = 2; var bar = eval; bar('foo = 3'); return foo; } test(); // 2 foo; // 3
  5. QUnit test("prettydate.format", function() { function date(then, expected) { equal(prettyDate.format("2008/01/28 22:25:00",

    then), expected); } date("2008/01/28 22:24:30", "just now"); date("2008/01/28 22:23:30", "1 minute ago"); date("2008/01/28 21:23:30", "1 hour ago"); date("2008/01/27 22:23:30", "Yesterday"); date("2008/01/26 22:23:30", "2 days ago"); date("2007/01/26 22:23:30", undefined); });
  6. Mocha test('display received results', function () { var sr =

    new SearchResults(ul); sr.setResults(data); assert.equal(ul.find('.no-results').length, 0); assert.equal(ul.find('li.result').length, data.length); assert.equal( ul.find('li.result').first().attr('data-name'), data[0].name ); });
  7. Module var counter = (function() { var privateValue = 0;

    var publicMethod = function() { privateValue++; return privateValue; }; return { increment: publicMethod }; })(); // On passe à l'utilisation du compteur : counter.increment(); // 1 counter.privateValue; // undefined counter.privateValue = 0; counter.increment(); // 2
  8. Classe // A car "class" function Car( model ) {

    this.model = model; this.color = "silver"; this.year = "2012"; this.getInfo = function () { return this.model + " " + this.year; }; } var myCar = new Car("ford"); myCar.year = "2010"; console.log( myCar.getInfo() );
  9. Package var myapp = { subpackage: { counter: (function() {

    // ... })() } } // Et son utilisation : myapp.subpackage.counter.increment(); // 1