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Docker Devops Cebu

Docker Devops Cebu

Presented how we can use docker for improving our workflow.


May 15, 2014

More Decks by zkanda

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  1. Traditional Virtual Machine: * Full emulation of OS * Memory

    and CPU intensive * Boots way too long….
  2. The new enlightment way Enter Containers: * Very lightweight *

    Boots in seconds * Portable * Isolation * Pushes you the idea of Decoupled Application * Ideal for shipping
  3. What is it? Docker - it’s an open source engine

    that automates the deployment of any application as a lightweight, portable, self- sufficient container that will run virtually anywhere.
  4. What is it trying to solve? Automation - What’s the

    issue here? We already have puppet/chief/ansible/salt for our automation? I don’t need any of that, do I? YES * Can you run your recipe everywhere, eg. You have one server that uses debian/ubuntu and somewhere who uses RedHat/Centos? * Scalable. Is it fast enough to boot in seconds? Really, even milliseconds… @_@
  5. Build Once - Run Anywhere. * Identical environment mean you

    can reproduce almost everything. * No worries on dependencies. * Automate testing, packaging, whatever script it is. * It’s isolated, mean you can run various version of libraries without worrying. It’s VM without the overhead of a VM. Developers.
  6. Devops. Configure once run everywhere. * Improves speed and reliability

    of continuous integration and delivery * Eliminates redundancy * Lightweight - for cost efficient and no to downtime. ** You can tailor your own PAAS environment.
  7. Docker Interesting project’s about docker: Orchestration http://orchardup.github.io/fig/ Fig https://github.com/toscanini/maestro Maestro

    https://github.com/mailgun/shipper Shipper Web Interface https://github.com/shipyard/shipyard Shipyard https://github.com/crosbymichael/dockerui DockerUI Service https://github.com/progrium/dokku Dokku (PaaS) https://github.com/deis/deis Deis (PaaS) https://github.com/drone/drone Drone (CI)
  8. So what now? Maybe you think I don’t know what

    I’m saying. Some would say “You’re just a newbie.. TVM is still a way to go” Questions?