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3x Rails

3x Rails

Slides for RailsConf 2016 talk "3x Rails: Tuning the Framework Internals" http://railsconf.com/program#prop_2159

Akira Matsuda

May 04, 2016

More Decks by Akira Matsuda

Other Decks in Programming


  1. For Example If you want to very roughly benchmark the

    whole Rails app's request processing...
  2. A Horrible Way to Benchmark Rails’ Request Processing # This

    is not a very beautiful code, but it's just an example... # And it kinda works... require 'benchmark/ips' Rails.application.config.after_initialize do Rails.application.extend Module.new { def call(e) super Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report('Rails.application#call') do super end end super end } end
  3. Ruby Is Slow Because Ruby GC Is Slow Everyone knows

    this fact, right? I heard GC takes 30% of the whole Response time in Rails
  4. Adding GC.stat to the ips Code Rails.application.config.after_initialize do Rails.application.extend Module.new

    { def call(e) super + p before: GC.stat Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report('Rails.application#call') do super end end + p after: GC.stat super end } end
  5. {:before=>{:count=>53, ..., :minor_gc_count=>44, :major_gc_count=>9, …}} Warming up -------------------------------------- Rails.application#call 4.000

    i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- Rails.application#call 45.233 (± 4.4%) i/s - 228.000 in 5.052723s {:after=>{:count=>107, ..., :minor_gc_count=>95, :major_gc_count=>12, ...}} The GC.stat + ips Result 
 (scaffold index, 100 AR models)
  6. Result {:before=>{:count=>3, ..., :minor_gc_count=>1, :major_gc_count=>2, …}} Warming up -------------------------------------- Rails.application#call

    4.000 i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- Rails.application#call 50.449 (± 5.9%) i/s - 252.000 in 5.008789s {:after=>{:count=>5, ..., :minor_gc_count=>1, :major_gc_count=>4, ...}}
  7. History of Ruby GC Improvement 1.9.3: Lazy Sweep (nari3) 2.0

    : Bitmap Marking (nari3) 2.1 : RGen GC (ko1) 2.2 : Incremental GC (ko1),
 2 age RGenGC (ko1),
 Symbol GC (nari3)
  8. Hats Off to ko1! ko1 really keeps doing amazing amount

    & quality of Ruby internal improvements!
  9. Garbage Strings Used to Be a Big Concern There was

    a trend putting so many `.freeze` here and there in the code I thought that made our codebase super ugly. I did no more want to see PRs that adds `.freeze` to String literals in the framework So I proposed the magic comment
 (ruby 2.3): # frozen-string-literal: true Not mainly in order to improve the speed but in order to stop people's code pollution!
  10. # frozen-string-literal: true Have anyone tried this? Maybe Rails will

    become a little bit faster if you put this to all .rb files in Rails Then we could remove all explicit `.freeze` calls We need to add some `.dup` calls though
  11. Garbage Strings String garbages do no more affect your app's

    throughput Let's stop caring about that now!
  12. So,

  13. peek-rblineprof Shows how much time each line of your Rails

    application takes throughout a request https:/ /github.com/peek/ peek-rblineprof
  14. You Can Simply Count the Numbers of Method Calls Without

    Adding a Gem Use Ruby's built in TracePoint API (ko1)
  15. Counting Method Calls Using TracePoint class MethodCounter def initialize(app) @app

    = app end def call(env) calls = [] trace = TracePoint.new(:call, :c_call) do |tp| calls << [tp.defined_class, tp.method_id, tp.lineno] end trace.enable ret = @app.call env trace.disable pp calls.group_by(&:itself).map {|k, v| {k => v.length}}.sort_by {|h|
 -h.values.first} ret end end use MethodCounter
  16. Top 10 Method Calls on the Scaffold Index (100 AR

    models) {[ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer, :html_safe?, 212] => 1622}, {[Object, :html_safe?, 123] => 1213}, {[Set, :include?, 214] => 1137}, {[CGI::Escape, :escapeHTML, 39] => 913}, {[#<Class:ERB::Util>, :unwrapped_html_escape, 34] => 913}, {[ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode, :tidy_bytes, 245] => 913}, {[String, :scrub, 248] => 912}, {[ActiveRecord::AttributeSet, :[], 9] => 900}, {[ActiveRecord::LazyAttributeHash, :[], 39] => 900}, {[ActiveRecord::AttributeSet, :fetch_value, 41] => 900},
  17. However, These are well known theories that you might heard

    of before I’ll take a different approach today I’ll show you some known problems (to me) through my experience
  18. Rails Consists of
 M, V, and C Which one of

    M, V, or C is working heavily?
  19. How about ActionPack? ActionPack sits on top of Rack Let's

    see if we could find a bottleneck in the middleware stack Or maybe we could compose a minimum Rack middleware stack for our app?
  20. Minimum Rack Middleware Stack This is what rails-api (which has

    been merged into Rails 5) does Let's see which Rack middleware takes time
  21. Measuring Each Rack Middleware # Again, very roughly implemented monkey-patch

    that kinda works... $RACK_BENCH_BEFORE_CALL = $RACK_BENCH_AFTER_CALL = nil module RackBench def call(*) p "#{self.class}: before call" => Time.now - $RACK_BENCH_BEFORE_CALL if $RACK_BENCH_BEFORE_CALL $RACK_BENCH_BEFORE_CALL = Time.now ret = super p "#{self.class}: after call" => Time.now - $RACK_BENCH_AFTER_CALL if $RACK_BENCH_AFTER_CALL $RACK_BENCH_AFTER_CALL = Time.now ret end end Rails.configuration.middleware.each do |m| if m.klass.respond_to? :prepend m.klass.prepend RackBench else m.klass.singleton_class.prepend RackBench end end
  22. Measuring Each Rack Middleware - Result {"ActionDispatch::Static: before call" =>

    8.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::Executor: before call" => 0.000107} {"AS::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware: before call" => 0.002279} {"Rack::Runtime: before call" => 1.9e-05} {"Rack::MethodOverride: before call" => 8.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::RequestId: before call" => 1.0e-05} {"Rails::Rack::Logger: before call" => 4.8e-05} {"ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions: before call" => 0.00023} {"ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions: before call" => 1.0e-05} {"ActionDispatch::RemoteIp: before call" => 1.0e-05} {"ActionDispatch::Callbacks: before call" => 1.5e-05} {"ActionDispatch::Cookies: before call" => 1.6e-05} {"ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore: before call" => 1.0e-05} {"Rack::Head: before call" => 3.1e-05} {"Rack::ConditionalGet: before call" => 5.0e-06} {"Rack::ETag: before call" => 6.0e-06}
  23. Measuring Each Rack Middleware - Result (2) {"Rack::ConditionalGet: after call"

    => 2.4e-05} {"Rack::Head: after call" => 5.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore: after call" => 0.000269} {"ActionDispatch::Cookies: after call" => 7.8e-05} {"ActionDispatch::Callbacks: after call" => 4.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::RemoteIp: after call" => 1.3e-05} {"ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions: after call" => 6.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions: after call" => 2.0e-06} {"Rails::Rack::Logger: after call" => 2.2e-05} {"ActionDispatch::RequestId: after call" => 1.0e-05} {"Rack::MethodOverride: after call" => 3.0e-06} {"Rack::Runtime: after call" => 1.4e-05} {"AS::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware: after call" => 7.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::Executor: after call" => 5.0e-06} {"ActionDispatch::Static: after call" => 2.0e-06} {"Rack::Sendfile: after call" => 7.0e-06}
  24. There's No Slow Middleware in the Default Stack It wouldn't

    be that effective if we could speed up or remove some Rack middleware
  25. Top 10 Method Calls on the Scaffold Index (100 AR

    models) {[ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer, :html_safe?, 212] => 1622}, {[Object, :html_safe?, 123] => 1213}, {[Set, :include?, 214] => 1137}, {[CGI::Escape, :escapeHTML, 39] => 913}, {[#<Class:ERB::Util>, :unwrapped_html_escape, 34] => 913}, {[ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode, :tidy_bytes, 245] => 913}, {[String, :scrub, 248] => 912}, {[ActiveRecord::AttributeSet, :[], 9] => 900}, {[ActiveRecord::LazyAttributeHash, :[], 39] => 900}, {[ActiveRecord::AttributeSet, :fetch_value, 41] => 900},
  26. Current Implementation of Template Lookup # AV/template/resolver.rb module ActionView class

    PathResolver < Resolver #:nodoc: def find_template_paths(query) Dir[query].uniq.reject do |filename| File.directory?(filename) || # deals with case-insensitive file systems. !File.fnmatch(query, filename, File::FNM_EXTGLOB) ennnnd
  27. Current Implementation The Resolver queries to the filesystem per each

    template rendering Queries with a Bash-like globbing format
  28. Couldn't We Speed This Up? By default, AV uses a

    Resolver called “OptimizedResolver” Maybe we can create “MoreOptimizedResolver”?
  29. MoreOptimizedResolver - Concept Why don't we cache all filenames, and

    perform the template search in memory?
 (in production env)
  30. Benchmark require 'benchmark/ips' view = Class.new(ActionView::Base).new('.') path, _prefix, *args =

 :args_for_lookup, 'foo', [], false, [], {}) resolver = ::ActionView::OptimizedFileSystemResolver.new '.' Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report('default') { resolver.find_all(path, '', *args) } end
  31. Benchmark Result # The original Resolver (OptimizedResolver) Warming up --------------------------------------

    default 17.000 i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- default 179.250 (± 3.3%) i/s - 901.000 in 5.031392s # MoreOptimizedResolver Warming up -------------------------------------- default 320.000 i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- default 3.266k (± 2.8%) i/s - 16.640k in 5.099793s
  32. Inline render partial - Concept render_partial is basically slow Because

    it looks up the template And creates another buffer, runs another template compilation & rendering per each partial We don't always need a new context for a partial Simply concatenating templates (just like PHP's include) would be enough in some cases e.g. `<%= render 'footer' %>`
  33. Another Idea `render` method does too much assumptions Maybe we

    can give more hints to `render` to make template resolution faster?
  34. render :path - Concept Maybe `render` can accept full_path template

    name so that it doesn't have to scan through all PathSets?
  35. Parallelized render partial - Concept `render_collection` could be parallelized Partials

    are basically individual We could render all of them at once using Threads
  36. Parellelize render partial - Result I tried, But with this

    patch, ActiveRecord connections very easily bloats up And that very often causes "Too many connections" error
  37. Remote Render Partial - Concept We sometimes want heavy partials

    to be rendered lazily Would be nice if we could render via Ajax (or ActiveJob, maybe)
  38. Current Implementation # template/handlers/erb.rb module ActionView class Template module Handlers

    class ERB def call(template) # First, convert to BINARY, so in case the encoding is # wrong, we can still find an encoding tag # (<%# encoding %>) inside the String using a regular # expression template_source = template.source.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) erb = template_source.gsub(ENCODING_TAG, '') encoding = $2 erb.force_encoding valid_encoding(template.source.dup, encoding) # Always make sure we return a String in the default_internal erb.encode! self.class.erb_implementation.new( erb, :escape => (self.class.escape_whitelist.include? template.type), :trim => (self.class.erb_trim_mode == "-") ).src ennnnnd
  39. What We Do for the
 Multi Encoding Support `.dup` the

    given template source .`force_encoding` the source to Binary Extract the magic encoding comment from the template source `.dup` the given template source again `.force_enconding` the template source if a magic comment was found `.force_enconding` the ERB template `.encode!` the ERB template
  40. Who Needs This Encoding Support? Who actually writes a non-UTF8

    view file? Who actually puts an encoding magic comment in the view files? We see some test cases concerning Shift JIS encoded templates, but I'm sure nobody does this in Japan
  41. Current Status 99.9% of Rails apps in the world do

    not require this feature But this default behavior puts the brakes on everyone’s apps [citation needed]
  42. My Suggestion No Encoding conversion! Let’s assume that everybody writes

    their template in UTF-8 If that’s too aggressive, maybe we could extract this feature to a gem
  43. def call(template) - # 4 lines of comments - template_source

    = template.source.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) - - erb = template_source.gsub(ENCODING_TAG, '') - encoding = $2 - - erb.force_encoding valid_encoding(template.source.dup, encoding) - - # Always make sure we return a String in the default_internal - erb.encode! + erb = template.source self.class.erb_implementation.new( erb, :escape => (self.class.escape_whitelist.include? template.type), :trim => (self.class.erb_trim_mode == "-") ).src end UTF-8 Only ERBHandler - The Patch
  44. UTF-8 Only ERBHandler - Benchmark (200 lines ERB) require 'benchmark/ips'

    view = Class.new(ActionView::Base).new('.') template = view.lookup_context.find_template('foo') erb = ::ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB.new Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report('default or patched') { erb.call template } end
  45. UTF-8 Only ERBHandler - Benchmark Result # The Original ERBHandler

    Warming up -------------------------------------- default 836.000 i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- default 8.582k (± 4.9%) i/s - 43.472k in 5.077812s # Patched ERBHandler Warming up -------------------------------------- default 1.281k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- default 13.229k (± 6.9%) i/s - 66.612k in 5.058864s
  46. Only 1.5x? This process includes erb template => ruby compilation

    One more thing.
 Memory consumption has to be reduced
  47. Profiling the Memory Usage of the ERB Handler require 'benchmark/ips'

    view = Class.new(ActionView::Base).new('.') template = view.lookup_context.find_template('foo') erb = ::ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB.new report = MemoryProfiler.report do erb.call template end report.pretty_print
  48. Memory Usage Result # The Original ERBHandler allocated memory by

    class ----------------------------------- 1989 String 640 MatchData 232 Hash 160 Array 144 ActionView::Template::Handlers::Erubis 80 Symbol 40 Range # Patched ERBHandler allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 1660 String 640 MatchData 232 Hash 160 Array 144 ActionView::Template::Handlers::Erubis 80 Symbol 40 Range
  49. Memory Usage Memory usage is also very important If we

    could reduce this, we would be able to put more workers in a webapp container
  50. If You're Using Haml There are faster alternative implementations Faml:

    https:/ /github.com/ eagletmt/faml Hamlit: https:/ /github.com/ k0kubun/hamlit
  51. Just Bundle Either of These Gems, Then You’ll Get the

    Speed! (Taken from Hamlit’s README)
  52. AS::SafeBuffer Very adhoc implementation Every String has a flag inside

    Every template String concatenation is performed here
  53. Faster AS::SafeBuffer I tried to use Object#tainted flag... but this

    didn't work Maybe we could make a faster SafeBuffer in C?
  54. I18n Alternative I18n is unnecessarily complex (e.g. who uses a

    non-Yaml backend?) What if we make a simple I18n alternative that does nothing but just a simple Hash lookup?
  55. Reducing Arel Objects Current AR query creates so many Arel

    Node objects Since AR 4, AR caches Arel Nodes in memory (AdequateRecord)
  56. Reducing Arel Objects - Concept If the query is simple

    enough, directly compose an SQL statement, just like we were doing in AR1 and 2 If the query is not simple enough, fallback to `super` (AR default behavior) No caching! (because building the whole query is as cheap as computing a cache key)
  57. Reducing Arel Objects - Implementation WIP Almost working on Rails

    4, not working on Rails 5 The product is called Arenai Arelɹɹ=> ΞϨΔ
 No Arel => ΞϨͳ͍
  58. Arenai find - Implementation # The code is a little

    bit shortened for the presentation slide module Arenai module Base def find(*ids) return super unless ids.length == 1 return super if block_given? || primary_key.nil? || default_scopes.any? || columns_hash.include?(inheritance_column) || ids.first.kind_of?(Array) id = ids.first return super if !((Fixnum === id) || (String === id)) # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 [["id", 1]] find_by_sql("SELECT #{quoted_table_name}.* FROM #{quoted_table_name} WHERE #{quoted_table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name primary_key} = $1", [[columns_hash[primary_key], id]]).first ennnd
  59. AR Object creation AR 5 creates an Object per each

    attribute in a model instance This brings a flexibility But it's sometimes too much For example, think of a batch system that selects 100,000 records that has 20 columns. That would create 2,000,000 "attribute" Objects I'm thinking of a plugin that can reduce this Object creation somehow
  60. Method Calls That Happen When You Hit @user.present? Object#present? Object#blank?

    ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods#respond_to? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods#respond_to? Kernel#respond_to? Kernel#respond_to_missing? Kernel#respond_to? Kernel#respond_to_missing? Symbol#to_s ActiveModel::AttributeMethods#matched_attribute_method Kernel#class ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods#attribute_method_matchers_matching ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods#attribute_method_matchers_cache Concurrent::Collection::MriMapBackend#compute_if_absent Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend#[] Mutex#synchronize Concurrent::Collection::NonConcurrentMapBackend#compute_if_absent Hash#fetch #<Class:ActiveRecord::Base>#attribute_method_matchers Symbol#to_proc Enumerable#partition Array#each ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#plain? Array#reverse Array#flatten Array#map ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ #<Class:ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher::At tributeMethodMatch>#new Struct#initialize ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher#match Regexp#=~ #<Class:ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher::At tributeMethodMatch>#new Struct#initialize Array#compact Enumerable#detect Array#each ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher::AttributeM ethodMatch#attr_name ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::PrimaryKey#attribute_method? ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods#attribute_method? ActiveRecord::AttributeSet#key? ActiveRecord::LazyAttributeHash#key? Hash#key? Hash#key? Hash#key? ActiveModel::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods::AttributeMethodMatcher::AttributeM ethodMatch#attr_name ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::PrimaryKey#attribute_method? ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods#attribute_method? ActiveRecord::AttributeSet#key? ActiveRecord::LazyAttributeHash#key? Hash#key? Hash#key? Hash#key? NilClass#nil?
  61. https://github.com/rails/ rails/pull/23394 I suggested a patch to fix this situation,

    but the proposal was turned down Because Rails is expecting you all to be careful enough never to walk into this trap
  62. A Rails App Booting Process Bundles the gems Requires the

    libraries Loads the app Runs the "Initializers"
  63. Maybe There's an Initializer Taking Too Much Time # railties/lib/rails/initializable.rb

    module Rails module Initializable def run_initializers(group=:default, *args) return if instance_variable_defined?(:@ran) initializers.tsort_each do |initializer| + now = Time.now initializer.run(*args) if initializer.belongs_to?(group) + p initializer.name => Time.now - now if Time.now - now > 0.1 end @ran = true end
  64. Which Gem Takes Time When Being required? # bundler/lib/bundler/runtime.rb module

    Bundler class Runtime < Environment def require(*groups) groups.map!(&:to_sym) groups = [:default] if groups.empty? @definition.dependencies.each do |dep| # Skip the dependency if it is not in any of the requested # groups next unless (dep.groups & groups).any? && dep.current_platform? + now = Time.now required_file = nil ... end + p dep.name => Time.now - now ennnnd
  65. This Way, I Found Dozens of Gems That Slows Down

    Our App Boot (And so I sent dozens of patches) Most of them just didn't use `AS.on_load` properly e.g.) https:/ /github.com/zdennis/ activerecord-import/pull/136
  66. There Are Some Gems That Shouldn't Be required via Bundler

    e.g.) pry-doc
 Actually, pry-* Just add `require: false` to each of them in your Gemfile
  67. Prying out the Mechanism pry-doc takes 0.2sec to load on

    my MBP(SSD) When booting pry, it scans through all the installed gems and tries to require every gem that matches pry-* (see lib/pry/plugins.rb) You do not at all have to require pry-* via Bundler. You might not need them until you boot pry
  68. Squashing All Gems Into One Directory Every RubyGem has its

    own path, and its own namespace inside Can’t all these gems be merged into one directory so we could make $LOAD_PATH shorter, then make require faster?
  69. Kernel#require vs Kernel#require_relative ko1 once told me that require_relative must

    be faster Can we speed up Rails boot by replacing `require` => `require_relative`?
  70. autoload in production We should better avoid autoloading in production,

    especially on a forked process Let’s make sure that we’re not autoloading anything
  71. Detecting autoload TracePoint.new(:call, :c_call) do |tp| if tp.method_id == :autoload

    b = tp.binding case tp.event when :call p [tp.lineno, tp.defined_class, b.local_variable_get(:const_name)] when :c_call if b.local_variable_defined?(:const_name) p [tp.lineno, tp.defined_class, b.local_variable_get(:const_name), b.local_variable_get(:full), b.local_variable_get(:path)] else p [tp.lineno, tp.defined_class, b.local_variables] puts caller puts end end end end.enable
  72. I Found 2 Occurrences When posting a form: rack-2.0.0.alpha/lib/rack/ multipart.rb:8

    rack-2.0.0.alpha/lib/rack/ multipart.rb:9 There’ll probably be more?
  73. INSERT INTO schema_migrations We noticed that our app with 600

    tables took 1 minute to create all tables in CircleCI
  74. What Was Happening "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20160504000000');" "INSERT

    INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20160504000001');" "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('20160504000002');" … (600 SQLs)
  75. This Commit Is Included in Rails 5 https:/ /github.com/rails/ rails/commit/42dd233

    This patch was provided by MoneyForward (@ppworks and me)
  76. If You Feel Like Your Database Cleaning Is Slow database_cleaner’s

    delete and truncate strategy deletes (truncates) all tables That is unbearably slow if you have hundreds of tables ✕ thousands of test cases
  77. database_rewinder - Concept It memorizes the inserted table names per

    each test And deletes only from those tables
  78. AS::Multibyte Consists of Multibyte::Chars and Multibyte::Unicode Loads the whole Unicode

    database file (AS/ values/unicode_tables.dat), which consumes time and memory I’m not sure if we still need this (doesn’t ruby have this?) I suppose we Japanese don’t use most of the features provided here
  79. Time vs AS::TimeWithZone Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report('Time') { Time.now }

    x.report('Time.zone.now') { Time.zone.now } x.compare! end
  80. AS::TimeWithZone is 25x Slower Than Time! Warming up -------------------------------------- Time

    145.872k i/100ms Time.zone.now 8.557k i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- Time 2.209M (± 7.6%) i/s - 11.086M in 5.048168s Time.zone.now 88.469k (± 4.3%) i/s - 444.964k in 5.039123s Comparison: Time: 2209154.5 i/s Time.zone.now: 88468.8 i/s - 24.97x slower
  81. If You’re 100% Sure What You Are Doing Maybe you

    could speed up your app by using Time instead of AS::TimeWithZone
  82. Boosting with C Extensions CGI.escapeHTML (ruby 2.3) CGI.escape (ruby 2.4)

    fast_blank (SamSaffron’s gem) hwia (HashWithIndifferentAccess in C for Rails 2)
  83. Use Newest Ruby If you’re still using ruby < 2.3

    You’ll get the performance for free just by updating ruby
  84. YMMV There will be no one single bottleneck for every

    app Some apps might have 1000 models, some apps might have 3000 lines of routes.rb If you feel your Rails app is slow, you need to find your solution
  85. Rails is Omakase It’s a really good thing for newbies

    that we don’t need no special configuration But in some cases we need some special customization on certain parts
  86. Maybe What We Need Is More Flexibility and Modularity I

    know a software designed that way It used to be called “Merb”!
  87. Everybody Let’s Hack! There remains so many problems So many

    possibilities of improvements Everyone, do reveal your hacks! Let there be more alternatives That would bring the missing “Merbism” back to the community
  88. end