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Handling Emergency Response with Logstash

Handling Emergency Response with Logstash

I shared a use-case of Logstash, using it to process logs and redirect to a destination based on a response status. Apache Logs were processed and the output sent to PageDuty for 5xx errors and Slack for 4xx errors.

Presented at Elastic Meetup Lagos https://www.meetup.com/Nigeria-Elastic-Fantastics/events/252393468/

Abubakar Siddiq Ango

August 18, 2018

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  1. About Me Social Entrepreneur, building the community in Bauchi, Nigeria.

    Support Engineer @ GitLab (We’re hiring!!!, visit https://about.gitlab.com/jobs) I do DevOps, CI/CD, Kubernetes & Cloud native You can find my at https://abuango.me & twitter.com/sarki247
  2. Using Logstash - Download or Install Logstash - Download Binary

    files - Install OS Packages - Create a config file - Setup plugins - Setup necessary services
  3. Config file # This is a comment. You should use

    comments to describe # parts of your configuration. input { ... } filter { ... } output { ... }
  4. Demo - Parse Apache Access Logs - Send slack notification

    for 4xx responses - Trigger PagerDuty for 5xx responses
  5. DEMO - FILTER filter { grok { match => {

    "message" => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}" } } }
  6. DEMO - OUTPUT output { stdout { codec => json

    } if [response] =~ /^5\d\d/ { pagerduty { event_type => "trigger" description => "%{host} - Internal Server Error - %{response}" details => { timestamp => "%{timestamp}" message => "%{message}" } service_key => "721f938726c64-xxxxxxxx" incident_key => "logstash/%{host}/%{type}" } } else if [response] =~ /^4\d\d/ { slack { url => "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T9A5C-xxxx/BC8TQ-xxxxx/M6ByQuyOwt-xxxxxxxxxx" username => "abuango" channel => "abuango" format => "400 - File not found Error ==> %{message}" } } }